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1、辩论赛主席稿请各位保持安静,我们的比赛马上就要开始了,在比赛开始前,请将您的手机调整为震动或静音状态,以免干扰到场上比赛。Please keep silent. Our competition is going to start.在比赛过程中,请您配合我们保持赛场的安静与清洁,请文明鼓掌,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请大家将掌声留到每一环节的最后,谢谢您的合作。In order to ensure the competition gonging smoothly, please applaud at the end of every turn. Thanks for your cooperatio

2、n. 欢迎大家来到兰州交通大学疯狂英语俱乐部首届“你来我往飙口语”口语赛复赛的比赛现场。我们的比赛即将开始,在比赛开始前,请允许我为大家介绍今天担任评委的各位嘉宾。Before our competition start, let me introduce the judges for todays competition. 今天,我们很荣幸的邀请来了让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。下面由我来为大家介绍今天的对阵双方,他们是:正方:所持观点为:The affirmative side: The team of-The view they support is反方:所持观点为:The op

3、position side: The team of -The view they support is- 坐在我右手边的是正方The 4 debaters on my right representing the affirmativeside-一辩:二辩:三辩:四辩:感谢正方的四位辩手,Welcome the four debaters.下面,坐在我左手边的是反方Likewise, wed like to welcome the 4 debaters representing the oppositionside:一辩:二辩:三辩:四辩:The competition is divided

4、 into five rounds,before each round beginnings, I will briefly introduce the competition rules.So our debaters need to listen carefully. After the debate, well select two members as the “Excellent Debater” and the“Best Debater”.首先进行的是 一辩陈词。本环节将在双方一辩之间展开,双方一辩应针对辩题提出己方观点,并作出详细立论,但是不得对对方观点进行攻击,时间三分钟,首先

5、有请正方一辩。I now declare open the Debate. Well begin with the first round-presenting of arguments. In this round, both teams can send one debater to establish its arguments. Each group will be given 3 minuets. Well start with the Theaffirmativeside please.同样的三分钟,交给反方一辩,Thank you. Lets listen to how the

6、The opposition side make their argument.有请。感谢双方一辩的精彩陈词,下面将要进行的是择辩环节。Now that weve listened to the exciting opening arguments from both sides, well move into the cross-examination round首先进行的是二辩择辩,本环节将由一方二辩针对对方立论提出问题,被攻方任意一位辩手回答问题。需要提醒双方辩手的是,攻方只能提问,不做陈述,被攻方只能回答且回答完毕后其他队员不得补充,回答时间不能超过一分钟,重复提问和逃避问题均会适当扣

7、分,时间三分钟。Need to remind both sides debater is that the attacking side can ask questions, not to statements the answering side can only answer and the answer shall not be added from the other team members, responding time is limited in one minute, Three minutes for debaters.首先有请正方二辩感谢正方二辩 ,下面有请反方二辩。下面

8、进行择辩环节,The following links to choose debate双方三辩可任意挑选对方 二 三 四 辩中的一位进行为时三分钟的攻辩,需要提醒的是,在攻辩过程中,攻方只能提问,被攻方只能回答不能提问,双方角色不能互换,need to be reminded that, during the debate, the asking side can ask questions, the answering side can only answer questions, both roles are not interchangeable,首先有请正方三辩。感谢正方三辩,下面有请

9、反方三辩。感谢双方辩手的精彩表现,择辩环节到此告一段落,下面有请双方一辩针对刚刚进行的比赛进行一辩小结,时间一分三十秒,有请正方一辩。感谢正方一辩,下面有请反方一辩。好的,比赛到这里已经进行过半,下面进入的是所有人期待已久的自由辩论环节,最精彩的思维与语言的碰撞即将展开,本环节将在正反双方的八位辩手之间轮流展开Well, the competition has finished half. Next turn which all of us expect is the free debate session. Various thoughts and sharp words will be s

10、hown. In this session every team will have 4minutes to make a statement one by one. In turn.双方各四分钟,双方轮流起立发言,当一方落座,即为另一方计时开始,直到时间用尽。When a debater of one team sits down, we will begin to count time for another team until time is up.首先有请正方辩手。精彩纷呈的自由辩论环节到这里就结束了,双方辩手真的是兵来将挡水来土掩,给我们奉献了一场精彩的视听盛宴。下面即将进行的是四

11、辩总结环节,本环节将在双方四辩之间展开,双方四辩将针对本场比赛的总体态势作出总结,指出对方漏洞,并进一步阐述巩固本方观点。Thats the end of the exciting fierce and awesome free debate session. Every debater tries his best and give us a feast of seeing and hearing. And the next session is the fourth debater summing up. The fourth debater of each team make a sum

12、mary based on the general circumstances in this competition, point out opponents loopholes and strengthen own view.双方四辩究竟是力挽狂澜,还是一锤定音,让我们大家拭目以待。Whether they can turn the situation back or end the competition perfectly? Let us see!时间四分钟,首先有请反方四辩。Only 4 minutes, the fourth debater in cons is first.感谢反

13、方四辩, Thank you. Lets now hear the fourth debater in pros conclusion.下面有请正方四辩。好的,再次感谢双方辩手的精彩发言,看完了比赛,相信场下的观众也一定有自己的见解或是疑问,下面就有请场下观众向我们的辩手提问,首先想向正方提问的观众请举手示意我。(各三个问题,叫人时尽量叫衣服的颜色)感谢各位观众朋友的热情参与,Our judges have made their decisions.Before we announce that,Id like to invite -to critique the teams performa

14、nce today.下面让我们掌声欢迎 为我们点评本场比赛,有请 感谢 精彩点评。看起来大家对宣布结果已经是迫不及待了。在宣布比赛结果之前,请允许我为大家预告下场比赛的时间和地点,Before we announce result of competition, let me announce the time and place of the next competition in advance. 下场比赛将于好了,激动人心的时刻到了,Now its time for the result. Which contestants will win this wonderful debate?

15、 And who will be the best debater today? I am sure it is going to be very close. 获得本场比赛胜利的是本场比赛的优秀辩手是 本场比赛的最佳辩手是本场比赛到此结束,再次感谢大家的积极合作,请同学们有序退场。The School of Automatization & Electric Engineering自动化与电气工程学院 The School of Civil Engineering The School of Automatization & Electric Engineering The School of Electronics & Information Engineering The School of Mechatronic Engineering The School of Environmental & Municipal Engineering The School of Economics & Management The School of Traffic and Transportation


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