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1、Unit5 Whataretheshirtsmad eof.单项填空(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)( )1.Thatismysister spetcat.It sverylovely. Ialsothinkso.Iknow nameisJenny. A.my B.your C.its D.his( )2.What do you plan to give your sister as her birthday present? A .Shecanputhermobilephoneinit. A.handbagB.textbook C.blouseD.balloon( )3.

2、Whydidyoustayuplatelastnight?BecauseIwasaskedto myworkyesterday.A.admire B.complete C.punishD.suggest( )4.Nomatter youdo,youshouldtryyourbesttodoit well.A.that B.what C.when D.where ( )5. Jimmy,Id ontlikemyclassmateBob.Heissonoisy.Oh, so he is. But you cannot avoid him. He sits next to you.A.meet B.

3、tomeet C.meeting D.tomeeting( )6.Paper is made wood, so we should try to use less paperinourlife.A.of B.with C.from D.into( )7.Shecoul dspeak verywellandshefoundagoodjobin .A.German;German B.Germany;GermanC.Germans;Germany D.German;Germany( )8. Ihatesweepingthefloor. Whynotbuyasweepingrobot?It widel

4、ynowadays.A.use B.isused C.wasused D.used( )9.Wang Li is a young woman.She always takes an activepartinallkindsofactivities. A.dangerous B.polite C.livelyD.lonely( )10.Teaisquitenice.Ilikeitverymuch.Thatsright.It s drunkallovertheworld. A.widely B.wisely C.clearlyD.cheaply.完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20

5、 分)Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some peoplespeakingChineseal oud.Turningtotheright,youseeaSichuan-stylerestaurant. After walking into a store, you see that Huaweismartphonesare 11 .Butyou renotinChina youreinManchesterinBritain.Infact,youmightsee 12 thingsinmanyothercities.Chinesepr

6、oducts havebeen 13 worldwide.Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a longtime.To 14 localpeople stastes,Chineserestaurantshavemadesomechangestothe 15 .UnlikeChinese,Australianpeopledon tliketoeatmeatwiththebone 16 .SoChineserestaurantsthereprovidebigpiecesofmeatwithoutbones, 17 forf

7、ish. SomeChinesebrands( 品牌)arealsobecomingmore 18 .Inmany cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges andLenovocomputers.AndmorethanhalfofUS-owneddrones(无人机)are Chinese models. They re not simply made in China,but designedanddevelopedinthe 19 .Inthepast,mostWesternpeoplethoughtChine

8、seproductswere cheap and not dependable. But now, things have changed greatly.“Made in China” becomes cool. More and more people 20 Chinesebrands. ( )11.A.forfunB.atwork C.onsaleD.inuse( )12.A.similar B.different C.commonD.unusual ( )13.A.storedB.collected C.receivedD.accepted ( )14.A.meet B.copy C.

9、spreadD.answer( )15.A.kitchens B.drinks C.dishesD.services( )16.A.upB.out C.onD.in( )17.A.just B.even C.yetD.still( )18.A.traditional B.expensive C.practicalD.popular( )19.A.country B.circle C.fieldD.town( )20.A.sell B.trust C.improveD.question .阅读理解(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)WeeksbeforeTomb-SweepingDa

10、yonApril4thisyear,hundredsof qingtuan were sold each day.The snack was still a must-have for manypeople.InthesouthernpartofChina,eating qingtuanatthebeginningof springisakindoftradition.Chinesepeoplestartedtoeatitmorethan2,000yearsago.Itismadeofstickyrice(糯米)andredbeanpaste(红豆沙), and is famous for i

11、ts softness, freshness and sweetness.Thesecret behind its mouth-watering taste is one of its materialsmugwortleaves( 艾蒿叶).TheplantismainlyfoundintheYangtze River Delta(长江三角洲) where it has perfect conditions to grow.People in this area usually put qingtuan on the tombs(坟墓) oftheir dead family members

12、 to cherish the past memory.Makingqingtuan is also a chance for family members to get together at home.Itreallytakestimeandefforttomakethesnack.Now, qingtuanhasalreadyspreaditsspecialtastetothenorthernpartofChina.LiYuan,a30-year-ol dengineerwhogrewupinZhejiangProvince,brought qingtuanbacktoBeijingwh

13、ereheworks. “Ittastesdifferentin and out of myhometown, ” he said.“Theres noplace like home.”Qingtuan has many different tastes inside it, such as apples andbeanmilk,tomeetcustomers tastes.Thedifferenceofthetasteshowsthatit sgettingmoreandmorepopularacrossthewholecountry. Eventhoughthereiswarmweathe

14、randgreenleavesinspring, theseasonwoul dntbecompl etewithoutatasteof qingtuan.( )21.Tomb-SweepingDayisin .A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter ( )22.Your mouth waters when seeing qingtuan because of the .A.stickyrice B.greencolorC.redbeanpaste D.mugwortleaves( )23.The underlined word “cherish” in the third paragraph probablymeans .A.遗忘B. 怀念C.祈求D.清除( )24.WecanknowfromthepassagethatLiYuan .A.lovesnoplace B.sells qingtuanC.worksinBeijing D.worksasacook( )25.Whichisthebesttitleforthispassage?A.GrowingupinBeijing B.PlantingRiceinZhejiangC.Meetin


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