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1、牛津小学英语6A期中测试时间:60分钟学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 得分_听力20%一、 根据所听内容,按所听顺序给下列图标出序号,听两遍。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、 判断所听内容是否与图意相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”,听两遍。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 根据你所听到的内容,选择单词、词组、句子,听两遍。(5分)( )1.A.meansB.meanC.meetD.man( )2.A.keep offB.turn offC.take offD.keep of( )3.A.pick upB.give upC.get upD.stand up( )

2、4.A.her cameraB.she cinemaC.her cousinD.his camera( )5.A.These are their.B.These are theirs.C. They are there.D. They are theirs.四、 根据所听内容选择正确答句,听两遍。(5分)( )1.A. No,it isnt.B. Sorry,I dont know.C. Yes, its a public sign.( )2.A.Yes,you should go to bed now.B. No,it isnt.C. Sorry, you cant.Its time to

3、go to bed.( )3. A. Right. B. Yes,please. C. All right.( )4.A. Yes, I cant. B. No, I can. C. No, I cant.( )5.A.Its a diary.B. Id like a diary.C. I like a diary.笔试 80%一、 找出与例词画线部分含有相同读音的单词。(5分)( )1.homeA. notB. orangeC. wrongD. hello( )2.headA. readB. pleaseC. breakD. seat( )3.playA. planeB. toyC. app

4、leD. what( )4.bearA. earlyB. earC. whereD. near( )5.cageA. whatB. nameC. bagD. class二、 英汉互译。(10分)1一件生日礼物_2his cousin _3在星期六上午_4look around _5刚才_6ask a question _7禁止乱丢杂物_8take a walk _9四月十日_10wait and see _三、 选择下列方框中的适当词语填空。(10分)like their cinema picture on about green day date goes1. Whatre _ jobs?

5、They are cooks.2. Whats the time? Its _ eight.3. Which one do you like? I like the _ car.4. How old are you in the _? Eleven.5. Do you _ watching TV? No,I dont.6. Wheres LiuTao? Hes in the _ now.7. What _ is it today? Its the 16th of October.8. What _ is it today? Its Monday.9. GaoShan _ to school a

6、t seven in the morning.10. Whens your birthday? Its _ the first of May.四、根据情景,选择合适的句子。(10分)( )1.在禁止吸烟的地方,你看见有人吸烟,你会说: A.No smoking. B. No littering. C. No parking.( )2.你想问吉姆什么时候过生日,你会说:A. Whens your birthday, Jim?B. Whats your birthday present,Jim?C. Today is your birthday,Jim.( )3.你想要支新钢笔作为生日礼物,你会说

7、:A. Id like new pens.B. What would you like as a birthday present?C. Id like a new pen as my birthday present.( )4.你的照相机不见了,你会问:A. Wheres my mobile phone?B. Wheres your camera?C. Wheres my camera?( )5.苏海的眼镜找不到了,她会干什么呢?A. She is watching TV.B. She is looking for her glasses.C. She is reading an Engli

8、sh book.( )6.你想问对方这件外套是谁的,可以说:A. Whose sweater is this?B. Whose coat is this?C. Who like this coat?( )7.感谢对方送给你生日礼物,可以说:A. Is this present for me?B. Thank you for your help.C. Thank you for your present.( )8.你打电话给刘涛时说:A. Hello.This is speaking.Is that LiuTao?B. Are you LiuTao?C. This is LiuTao speak

9、ing.( )9.南希找不到胶卷了,她说:A. I cant look my film.B. I cant find my film.C. Its over there.( )10.请对方过来坐在你旁边,可以说:A. Go and sit next to me.B. Come and sit next to me.C. Come and stand next to me.五、 从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的句子,将其序号填入题前括号内。(5分)AB( )1.Wheres your mobile phone?A. No, they arent.( )2.Whats the sixth month o

10、f the year?B. OK.( )3.Lets take some photos.C. Its on the desk.( )4.Are they in the bedroom?D. Its June.( )5.Where are my glasses?E. They are in your bag.六、 单项选择。(10分)( )1. There _ a lot of signs here.A is B are C isnt D arent( )2. _ not touch.A do B Do C Does D Did( )3. -Can I _ them, please?- Sure

11、.A has B having C have D to have( )4. Would you like _ to my birthday party?A come B coming C to coming D to come( )5. All the students are very _.A Exciting B excited C excite D good( )6. Ive got two presents _ Mum and Dad.A of B with C in D from( )7. _ do you want , the big one or the small one?A Which B When C How D How many( )8. Can you pick _ for me ,please?A. it up B. up it C. its up D. it to( )9. Where are SuHai and SuYang?They _ a running race in the playground.A. watching B. watch C. are watching D. watched( )10. Lets go to the _ office. A. teachers B. teachers C. teacher D. a teache


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