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1、2020年12月英语六级真题及参考答案完整版2020年12月英语六级真题及参考答案完整版四六级试卷采用多题多卷形式,大家核对答案时,请找具体选项内容,忽略套数。【网络综合版】听力Conversation 1M: Good morning, safe house insurance. My name is Paul. How can I help you today? W: Morning. I wouldnt say that its good from where I am standing. This is Miss Wilson, and this is the third time I

2、ve called this week since receiving your letter about our insurance claim. (1)Im getting a little fed up with my calls about my claim being completely disregarded. M: Miss Wilson, thank you for calling back. Can I take some details to help me look at your claim? W: Its Miss May Wilson, a 15 south se

3、a road in Cornwall.And the details are that our village was extensively flooded 2 months ago. (2)The entire ground floor of our cottage was submerged in water. And five of us have been living in a caravan ever since.You people are still withholding the money we are entitled to over a bizarre, techni

4、cal detail. And its not acceptable, Paul. M: Miss Wilson, according to the notes on your account, (3)the bizarre, technical detail that you mentioned refers to the fact that you hadnt paid house insurance the month before the incident. W: That money left our account and wow that you should be paying

5、 out. You are suddenly saying that you didnt receive it on time. Im really skeptical about this claim. M: The contract does say that any miss payment in a year will affect the terms and conditions of the insurance contract and may affect claims. Of course, I can pass you on to my manager to talk to

6、you more about this. W: Ive already spoken to him and you can tell him Im furious now. And that your company has a lawsuit on its hands.(4) You will be hearing from my lawyer, good bye. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Question 1: What is the woman complaining abou

7、t? 1. B) Her claim has been completely disregarded.Question 2: What is the problem the womans family encountered?2. B) The ground floor of their cottage was flooded.Question 3: What has caused the so called bizarre, technical detail according to the man?3. A) The womans failure to pay her house insu

8、rance in time.Question 4: What does the woman say she will do at the end of the conversation? 4. D) File a lawsuit against the insurance company.Conversation 2W: (5) How do you feel about the future of artificial intelligence? Personally, I feel quite optimistic about it.M: (5) AI? Im not so optimis

9、tic actually. In fact its, something we should be concerned about.W: Well, it will help us humans understand ourselves better and when we have a better understanding of ourselves, we can improve the world. M: Well, one thing is for sure, technology is evolving faster than our ability to understand i

10、t, and in the future AI will make jobs kind of pointless. W: (6) I think artificial intelligence will actually help create new kinds of jobs, which would require less of our time and allow us to be centered on creative tasks.M: I doubt that very much. Probably the last job that will be writing AI so

11、ftware and then eventually AI will just write his own software. W: At that time, we are going to have a lot of jobs which nobody will want to do. So we wont need artificial intelligence for the robots to take care of the old guys like us. M: I dont know. (7) Theres a risk that human civilization cou

12、ld be replaced by a superior type of digital life. AI will be able to completely simulate a person in every way possible. In fact, some people think were in a simulation right now.W: Thats impossible. Humans cant even make a mosquito. Computers only have chips, people have brains, and thats where th

13、e wisdom comes from. M: (8) Once its fully developed, AI will become tired of trying to communicate with humans as we would be much slower thinkers in comparison.W: Im not so sure. A computer is a computer and a computer is just a toy. M: Computers can easily communicate incredibly fast, so the comp

14、uter will just get impatient talking to humans. Itllbe barely getting any information out. W: Well, I believe theres a benevolent future with AI. I also think you watch too many science fiction films. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Q5 What do we learn about the s

15、peakers from the conversation? 5. C) They disagree about the future of AI technology.Q6 What will new kinds of jobs be like according to the woman? 6. D) Less time-consuming and focusing on creation.Q7 What is the risk the man anticipates? 7. C) Digital life could replace human civilization.Q8 What

16、is the mans concern about AI technology? 8. A) It will be smarter than human beings.Passage OneTo achieve financial security. How much you save is always more important. Then the amount you earn or how shrewdly you invest.(9) If youre under 30 years old, your goal should be to save 20% of your monthly income after tax deductions. This is irrespective of how mu



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