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1、定语从句(关系代词)定语从句( 1)一、 1.什么是定语?This is a red apple.He is a handsome tall man.This is the factory near our school.This is a basket full of fruits.因此定语是 _ 一般 _ 在前_ 在后 .2.什么是从句?I said that I would go there the next dayDo you know where the bus station is?那么从句一定有_ + _3.这就是那个妇女_.那个妇女昨天帮了我。_.这就是 昨天帮我的 那个妇女。

2、 _.1、 定语从句的定义:在复合句中,修饰某一个名词或代词的陈说句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。指引定语从句的词叫做关系词 。 构造:先行词+ 关系词 + 定语从句The man who is sitting thereis a doctor.先行词关系词关系词作用:1、连结先行词和定语从句;2、意义与先行词一致,即取代先行词在从句中充任句子成分。限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句1、限制性定语从句:从句与主句关系亲密,去掉从句,主句意义不完好,甚至不合逻辑。e.g. I was the only person in our office who was invited.

3、(去掉定语从句,意思就不完好)2、非限制性定语从句:从句对先行词关系不亲密,去掉定从句,意思仍旧完好。形式上用逗号分开,不可以 that 用指引。e.g. Tom s father,who is over sixty, still works hard day and night. ( who 指引非限制性定语从句,整个句子可分红两句来翻译)如何判断是 限制性定语从句 仍是非限制性定语从句 ?答:非限制性定语从句的 先行词和关系词中间有 逗号。 指引定语从句的关系词关系代词先行词从句成分who人主语宾语whom人宾语that人;物主语例句1. The man who I met today t

4、old me to come back.2. The reporter who is talking to the worker is famous The girl whom I met looks like Lily.1. She is the person that I want to see.宾语主语which物宾语whose人;物定语2. The boy that has just left here is my brother.1. This is a book which was written by Hemingway.2. The pen which you lent me

5、is lost.The room whose window is red is mine.This is the scientist whose name is John Nash. 如何判断用什么关系词?1. 看先行词是人仍是物;2. 看关系词(也就是先行词)在定语从句中做什么句子成分。 特别状况一、只用 that 的状况1. 先行词为 all, much, little, everything, anything, nothing, none, few, the one等不定代词时 :This is the one that I bought yesterday.这是我昨天买的那个。2.

6、先行词被形容词最高等或 only, any, few, little, no, all, one of等修饰时:It is the most important thing that we should finish soon.3. 先行词为数词或被序数词(含 last)修饰时:Look at the flowers. You can see the two that you gave me.4. 先行词既有人又有物时:I will never forget the people and places I visited this summer.5. 先行词在主句中作表语或关系词在从句中作表语

7、。It is a book that will help you a lot.二、不用 that 的状况1. 关系代词前有介词时This is the room in which he lived.2. 非限制性定语从句中He has a daughter, who works in a hospital.3. 先行词自己是 thatThe clock is that which tells the time.将以下两个简单句归并成一个含有定语从句的复合句。I will never forget the day.I spent the day with your family.I live i

8、n Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China.The boy bought a bike. The bike was stolen from his neighbour.Here is the pen. You lost the pen the day before yesterday.A clock is a machine. The machine tells us time.The book is on the table. The book is mine.The boy is good at english. His father is a t

9、eacher.The film is very interesting. They are talking about the film.You English teacher is a lady. She comes from Beijing.This is the museum. We visited the museum yesterday.I have a friend. He likes listening to pop music.Yesterday Lily was wearing the new clothes. I gave it to her.Betty is studying English well. She has never been abroad.My grandma lives in a old house. The house is more than 100 years old.


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