2022高考英语 题型拆分组合练5 知识运用精准练

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《2022高考英语 题型拆分组合练5 知识运用精准练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022高考英语 题型拆分组合练5 知识运用精准练(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022高考英语 题型拆分组合练5 知识运用精准练.完形填空My wife and I recently had a two-week trip to Vietnam and Thailand.It was exciting! The best part was that we made different peoples 1 there.I also learned some lessons from the trip,and Id like to 2 the biggest lesson that I learned with you: to live your life to the f

2、ullest,you need to learn new 3 .I spend most of my time in my home country,Indonesia. 4 ,I can understand what everybody is saying there. I also spent some time overseas in an English-speaking country.I could also 5 what everybody there is saying.This trip is quite different.Here I spent my time in

3、two countries where most people dont speak English. 6 ,I couldnt understand what they were saying! I remember my 7 that what sounded like random voices to me actually 8 meaning.I also remember the 9 feeling after ing back home of suddenly understanding again what everyone around is saying,which left

4、 me puzzled and 10 . This gave me realization:I have been living in a 11 environment.Being at a place with a 12 language is one of the great pleasures in life.Its good to understand what everyone around you is saying 13 having to learn anything new.But 14 ? Doing that means 15 yourself to just a sma

5、ll part of the world.Its like being in a small box.The 16 is that there is so much more out there.There are so many 17 cultures to experience in other countries,You need to 18 them if you want to live your life to the fullest.But that 19 you to learn new languages after you 20 your box.1A.dayBpeaceC


7、iousCuneasyDstrange10A.in a hurryBat a lossCat a disadvantageDin a dilemma11A.visibleBrecognizableCfortableDchangeable12A.specialBfamiliarCbeautifulDnatural13A.withoutBbyCexceptDbeyond14A.what forBso what Chow eDguess what15A.devotingBpreventingClimitingDmitting16A.reasonBfactCchallengeDtrick17A.tra

8、ditionalBmemorialCnobleDdiverse18A.wait forBplay withCgo throughDrelate to19A.intendsBrequiresCmandsDencourages20A.get rid ofBjump out ofCmake use ofDtake charge of.语法填空(2018河南省八市测评)Media is known to be the most 1. (power) means of munication.Print media,electronic media and the Internet all belong

9、to mass media.Newspapers,newsletters,magazines and brochures 2. (include) in print media,while the electronic media consists of the television,radio and other modes of munication.Internet is without doubt the fastest known way of municating 3. millions of people across the globe.Effects of mass medi

10、a can be positive as well as negative.The best thing about the mass media is that it immediately provides us with the latest information about the things 4. (happen) around us.Because of the keen efforts and devotion of the people working in the media and the entertainment sector,our knowledge 5. (r

11、emain) fresh.With this knowledge,we bee more smart and outgoing.Media is 6. gift for youngsters in many ways.They get useful information related to their career and higher 7. (educate) mostly through the mass media,Though mass media has many positive effects,there are some 8. (harm)associated with i

12、t as well.The news 9. is published without checking whether it is a fact or not can create unnecessary confusion and extreme feelings among the mon masses.It bees the duty of media 10. (provide) only relevant and precise information to the masses.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过讲述自己旅游的经历,总结出学习新的语言能使得你的生活丰富多彩。1A.

13、dayBpeaceCacquaintanceDassistanceC在上文中作者提到越南、泰国之旅令人激动,在下文中作者也提到这次旅行不同寻常,因为他们遇到了语言不通的外国人,这次经历给作者带来了很多的思考。由此可推知,作者在这里想要表达的是结识不同的人是这次旅行中最有意义的内容,故选C。make sb.s acquaintance“结识某人”。2A.shareBprovideCteachDattendA根据下文可知,此处指作者想要分享(share)此次旅行的收获。3A.languagesBcustomsCmannersDskillsA要想活得最充实,你需要学习新的语言。根据下文作者的经历可知

14、,选A。4A.SurprisinglyBPracticallyCHardlyDObviouslyD前一句表明作者来自印度尼西亚,在印度尼西亚他自然能听懂人的交谈,故选D。obviously“明显地”;surprisingly“令人吃惊地”;practically“实际上”。5A.copyBpredictCfollowDidentifyC根据“I also spent some time overseas in an English-speaking country”可知,作者也在讲英语的国家待过,因此他也能听懂那里的人们所说的话。故答案为C。follow表示“听懂,理解”。6A.OtherwiseBThereforeCHoweverDBesidesB在这里大部分人都不说英语。所以作者也听不懂他们在说什么。前后句存在因果关系,故选B。otherwise“否则”;therefore“因此”;besides“此外”。7A.amazementBsatisfactionCdisappointmentDargumentA作者记得他很吃惊(amazement):那些对他来说听起来很随意的声音实际上具有(p



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