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1、Brief sleep symptoms and characteristics of epilepsy(简述睡眠癫痫的症状表现及特征)With the popularization of health knowledge, people have a certain understanding of epilepsy. Mention sleep epilepsy or some confused, epilepsy should not attack in the awake What? Why is there sleep epilepsy do?随着健康知识的普及,人们对癫痫症有了一定

2、的了解。但提及睡眠癫痫,人们还是有些糊涂, 癫痫不应该是在清醒的时候发作么?为什么会有睡眠癫痫呢?Sleep epilepsy name suggests, epileptic seizures during sleep. Sleep is the clinical onset of epilepsy and abnormal discharge activation factors. Clinical seizures can occur during sleep. The study showed that about 25% to 30% of the seizures occurred

3、 mainly in the sleep period, type of epilepsy is generally referred to as sleep epilepsy.睡眠癫痫故名思意,睡眠过程中发作的癫痫。睡眠是癫痫临床发作和异常放电的重要激活 因素。临床上任何癫痫发作均可发生于睡眠中。研究表明,大约25%30%的癫痫发作主要 出现于睡眠期,这类癫痫被普遍称为睡眠癫痫。The symptoms and characteristics of sleep epilepsy睡眠癫痫的症状及特征The general symptoms of seizures, associated wit

4、h lack of energy or abnormal behavior. The common sleep epilepsy symptoms include suddenly open eyes in sleep, wake up, or panic performance, and more with dystonia or other movement disorders, a small number of cases of sleep-related aggressive behavior.一般症状表现为发作性,伴发精神不振或行为异常等。常见的眠型癫痫症候包括睡眠中突 然睁眼、唤

5、醒,或有惊恐表现,多伴肌张力不全或其他运动障碍,少数病例出现睡眠相关性 攻击性行为。Sleep-related epilepsy and sleep disorder narcolepsy disease, night terrors, nightmares, OSAS has a lot in common: they all occurred in the sleep period, performance is mostly episodic, may be associated with lack of energy or abnormal behavior. However, the

6、 principle of treatment is different prognosis are quite different. Once the diagnosis of sleep-related epilepsy, which normally takes regular antiepileptic therapy, or recurrent episodes may affect neuropsychiatric function. And other sleep disorders such as night terrors, nightmares, general Needl

7、ess to special treatment, mostly self-limiting characteristics. Some sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy disease with OSAS (obstructive sleep apnea syndrome), are needed to give a drug or device interventions, the prognosis is mostly good. Therefore, the understanding of the sleep-related epilepsy i

8、s the differential diagnosis with other common sleep disorders, in order to avoid the wrong treatment.睡眠相关性癫痫和发作性睡病、夜惊、梦魇、OSAS等睡眠障碍具有诸多共同点:它们均 发生于睡眠期,表现也多为发作性,可伴发精神不振或行为异常等。但治疗原则迥异,预后 也有很大差异。睡眠相关性癫痫一旦确诊,一般需进行正规抗癫痫治疗,否则反复发作有可 能影响神经精神功能。而其他睡眠障碍,如夜惊、梦魇等,则一般勿需特殊治疗,大多具有 自限性特征。有些睡眠障碍如发作性睡病、OSAS (阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停

9、综合征),虽需要 给予药物或器械干预,预后也大多良好。因此对睡眠相关癫痫的认识主要在于与其他常见睡 眠障碍的鉴别诊断,以避免错误的治疗。Published in 1989 by the International League Against Epilepsy classification of epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, some epilepsy syndrome or all of the episodes in the sleep period. For example, children with benign epilepsy with ce

10、ntrotemporal spikes (BECT) waking generalized tonic-clonic seizures, epilepsy with continuous spike wave of slow-wave sleep (CSWS). In recent years, studies have shown that frontal lobe epilepsy are more episodes during sleep, the The typical examples usual autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe

11、epilepsy (ADNFLE), the onset of almost all occurred in the nighttime sleep. Some special the epileptiform discharges style also more common in sleep, such as sleep epilepsy power to grant continued state (ESES). The ESES visible on multiple epilepsy syndrome, such as epilepsy with continuous spike w

12、ave of slow-wave sleep, BECT (central temporal spikes pediatric benign epilepsy), Landau-Kleffner syndrome (acquired epileptic aphasia).国际抗癫痫联盟1989年发表的癫痫和癫痫综合征分类中,有些癫痫综合征主要或全部发作 于睡眠期。例如,儿童良性癫痫伴中央颞区棘波(BECT)、觉醒期全身性强直阵挛癫痫、癫 痫伴慢波睡眠期持续棘波(CSWS)等。近年研究证明,额叶癫痫也更多地在睡眠期发作,典 型的例子如常染色体显性夜间额叶癫痫(ADNFLE),其发作几乎均发生于夜

13、间睡眠中。某些 特殊的痫样放电式样也多见于睡眠期,例如睡眠期癫痫电发放持续状态(ESES)。ESES可见 于多个癫痫综合征,例如癫痫伴慢波睡眠期持续棘波、BECT (中央颞区棘波的小儿良性癫 痫)、Landau-Kleffner综合征(获得性癫痫性失语)等。Repeated episodes of epilepsy great nerve, brain dysfunction, sleep epilepsy due to the onset of sleep, easily misunderstood or ignored, and therefore should attract attention. Such as found the abnormal performance described in the text should seek immediate medical attention, in order to avoid greater harm.癫痫的反复发作对人的神经、大脑功能损害极大,而睡眠癫痫由于其发作于睡眠中,容易 被人误解或忽视,因此应引起人们的重视。如发现文中所述的异常表现应及时就医,以避免 造成更大的伤害。文章来源 http:/



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