年人教版高中英语选修六训练:Unit 3 A healthy lifeUnit 3Section Ⅱ 语言点二

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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料.选词填空1 the extreme cold, we were unable to plant the trees.答案:Due to2OK, I have buying the jacket.How much is it?答案:decided on3My son is computer games he hardly ever comes out of his room.答案:addicted to4It is so hot that I eating an ice cream.答案:feel like5Tom noise, because he lives r

2、ight in the center of the city.答案:is accustomed to.单项填空1Lydia doesnt feel like _ abroad.Her parents are old.Astudy BstudyingCstudied Dto study解析:选B。句意:莉迪亚不想去国外学习,她的父母年纪都很大了。feel like doing“想做某事”,是固定搭配,故选B。2She was a person who was _ having eight hourssleep a night.Aequal to Baccustomed toCnecessary

3、to Dfamiliar to来源:解析:选B。be accustomed to为固定搭配,意思是“习惯于”。be equal to“相等;胜任”;necessary“必要的”,常用于“It is necessary to do sth.”句型中;be familiar to“为所熟悉”。句意:她是个习惯每晚睡八个小时的人。3We must _ a topic before we start to write.Adecide between Bdecide toCdecide on Ddecide against来源:解析:选C。考查短语辨析。句意:在开始写作之前我们必须先选定一个主题。dec

4、ide on“确定;选定”,符合语境。decide between“在之间作出选择”;decide to“决定做”;decide against“决定不用(做)”。故选C。4I like to _ my own fashion style whatever others may say.Adepend on Binsist on来源:Ccarry on Ddecide on解析:选D。decide on为固定搭配,意思是“对作出决定”;depend on “依靠”;insist on“坚持”;carry on“继续;进行”。句意:我喜欢确定自己的时装样式,不管别人说什么。5Some areas

5、, _ their severe weather conditions, are hardly populated.Adue to Bbut forCin spite of Dwith relation to解析:选A。句意:有些地区由于恶劣的天气状况,几乎没有人居住。due to“由于;因为”,符合句意。6Tom _ to computer games all day is often mentioned as a negative example on different occasions, so he is not a guy _ worth learning from.Ais addicted; who Baddicted; /Cwho is addicted; who Dis addicted; /来源:学科网解析:选B。第一空作定语,可用addicted或who is addicted;第二空也作定语,可不填或用who is .作定语从句。来源:数理化网


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