Unit 13People--Lesson1 EQ_IQ(北师大版必修5).docx

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1、高二英语:Unit13People Lesson1 EQ:IQ课时练习 (北师大版必修5)一、 短语检测1. 查明,弄清楚情况 _2. 轮流做 _3. 想出计划、主意等 _4. 承诺去做 _5. 集中精力于 _6. 说服某人做 _7. 陷入,习惯于 _8. 休息一下 _9. 整理一下思路 _10. 问题的解决办法 _11. 起草 _12. 鼓励某人做 _13. 突然想起 _14. 值得,应得 _15. 以告终/结束 _16. 在方面有问题 _17. 在上有困难 _18. 由.决定 _19. 跟有很大关系 _20. 就而言,在方面 _21. 更好地理解 _22. 参与,参加 _23. 领先; 获

2、得成功 _24. 过上幸福成功的生活 _25. 意味着 _26. 与相处 _27. 越高越好 _28. 毫无疑问 _29. 某人被指控某事 _30. 假装去做 _31. 对开放 _32. 按照, 依据 _33. 愿意做,乐意做 _二.根据提示完成句子1. He is a _ (gift) athlete.2. This girl gave a vivid(生动的) _ (describe) of the event.3. It is impossible to _(预言) who will win.4. You are _(mistake) about him.5. I benefited a

3、 lot from my _(associate) with him.6. I _(entire) agree with you.7. The _(express) on his face told us that he was angry.8. Janes pale face suggested that she _(be) ill, and her parents suggested that she _ (have) a medical examination.9. They win no ones trust and will end up _(have) no friends at

4、all.10. You and your childrens future will _ (determine) by choices you make today, not tomorrow.三、单项选择1. He hasnt got enough _ to get out of bed.A. strength B.force C.power D.energy2. An _ of surprise appeared on his face.A.impression B.appearance C.expression D.express3. The fire is going out. Wil

5、l you _ some wood?A.add to B.add C.add up D.add up to4. If you compare _ work with _, youll find _ is much better.A.her;his;hers B.her;his;her C.her;him;her D.her;him;hers5. _ money, he is very rich.A.In a term of B.In the term of C. In term of D.In terms of6. If you do wrong,you deserve _. A. punis

6、hment B.to be punished C.punishing D.all the above7. She s keen to _ in her career.A. get ahead B.go ahead C. come ahead D. put ahead8._ the earth, the moon is so small.A.compare to B.compared with C.comparing with D.comparing to9._ is no doubt _ the sun will rise tomorrow.A.It;/ B.It;that C.There;/

7、 D.There;that10. You can never imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm.A.walked B.walk C.walking D.to walk11. It was ten oclock _ he came back.A. that B. when C. so D. which12. It was after ten oclock _ he came back.A. that B. when C. so D. which13. It was just in the room _ he was bo

8、rn _ he died.A. where, which B. that, that C. where, that D. which, that14. When was _ that the general manager left for Japan?A. he B. it C. that D. since15. It was_he said_disappointed me.A. what; that B. that; that C. what; what D. that; what四、用方框内所给动词短语的适当形式填空。come up with come up come on come o

9、ut come about come across come to mind come to1. When I _ a new word, I put it down in my notebook.2. _, or well be late for the movie.3. The name just doesnt _.4. Its getting colder: winter is_.5. He could not _ a proper answer.6. Some magazines _ monthly.7. She _ to me and said, Glad to meet you.8. Bats(蝙蝠) sleep in the daytime and _ to hunt for food a



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