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1、股权质押合同EQUITY INTEREST PLEDGE AGREEMENT本股权质押合同 (下称“本合同”)由下列各方于2015 年8 月31 日在中华人民 共和国(下称“中国”)深圳市签订:This Equity Interest Pledge Agreement (this Agreement) has been executed by and among the following parties on 31 August 2015 in Shenzhen, the Peoples Republic of China (“China” or the “PRC”):甲方:深圳市指游 XX

2、 网络科技有限公司 (下称“质权人”)Party A: Shenzhen Finger Fun Network Technology Co.,Ltd (hereinafter Pledgee) 地址: XXXAddress:乙方: XXX (下称“出质人”)Party B: Cao Aiguo (hereinafter Pledgor)身份证号码: XX丙方: 深圳市 XXX 文化传播有限公司Party C: Shenzhen Yunhai Qingtian Cultural Broadcasting Co.,Ltd地址: XXXAddress: Room 2401, A8 Music Bui

3、lding, NO.1002 Ke Yuan Road ,Hi-Tech Park,Nanshan District, Shenzhen在本合同中,质权人、出质人和丙方以下各称“一方”,合称“各方”。In this Agreement, Pledgee, Pledgor and Party C shall be referred to individuallyas a Party, and collectively as the Parties.鉴于:WHEREAS:1出质人是中国公民,其拥有丙方 100%的股权。丙方是一家在中国注册成立的, 从事网络技术的研发,计算机软件的研发、设计等业务的

4、有限责任公司。丙 方在此确认出质人和质权人在本合同下的权利和义务并提供必要的协助以登 记该质权;Pledgor is a Chinese citizen, and holds 100% of the equity interest in Party C.1Party C is a limited liability company registered in China, engaging in internet technology research and development, computer software research, development and design and

5、 other businesses. Party C acknowledges the respective rights and obligations of Pledgor and Pledgee under this Agreement, and intends to provide all necessary assistance in registering the Pledge;2质权人是一家在中国注册的外商独资企业。质权人与出质人所拥有的丙方签 订了独家业务合作及服务协议等一系列旨在形成质权人控制丙方的协议(“控 制协议”);Pledgee is a wholly foreign

6、-owned enterprise registered in China. Pledgee and Party C owned by Pledgor have executed an Exclusive Business Cooperation and Service Agreement and a series of other control agreements (the “Control Agreements”) the purpose of which is to control Party C;3为了保证丙方履行控制协议,按照约定向质权人支付咨询和服务费等到期款 项,出质人以其在

7、丙方中拥有的全部股权向质权人做出质押担保。To ensure that Party C will fully perform its obligations under the Control Agreements and pay the consulting and service fees thereunder to the Pledgee when the same becomes due, Pledgor hereby pledges to the Pledgee all of the equity interest he holds in Party C as security fo

8、r payment of the consulting and service fees by Party C under the Control Agreements.为此,各方商定按照以下条款签订本合同。The Parties have mutually agreed to execute this Agreement upon the following terms.1. 定义DEFINITIONS除非本合同另有规定,下列词语含义为:Unless otherwise provided herein, the terms below shall have the following mea

9、nings:1.1 质权:指出质人根据本合同第 2 条给予质权人的担保物权,即指质权人 所享有的,以出质人质押给质权人的股权折价或拍卖、变卖该股权的价 款优先受偿的权利。Pledge: shall refer to the security interest granted by Pledgor to Pledgee pursuant to Section 2 of this Agreement, i.e., the right of Pledgee to be compensated on a preferential basis with the conversion, auction o

10、r sales2price of the Equity Interest.1.2 股权:指出质人现在和将来合法持有的其在丙方的全部股权权益。 Equity Interest: shall refer to all of the equity interest lawfully now held and hereafter acquired by Pledgor in Party C.1.3 质押期限:指本合同第 3 条规定的期间。Term of Pledge: shall refer to the term set forth in Section 3 of this Agreement.1.

11、4 控制协议:指丙方与质权人于本合同签署日签订的独家业务合作及服务 协议等一系列控制性协议。Control Agreements: shall refer to the Exclusive Business Cooperation and Service Agreements and other relevant control agreements executed by and between Party C and Pledgee as of the date hereof.1.5 违约事件:指本合同第 7 条所列任何情况。Event of Default: shall refer to

12、 any of the circumstances set forth in Section 7 of this Agreement.1.6 违约通知:指质权人根据本合同发出的宣布违约事件的通知。Notice of Default: shall refer to the notice issued by Pledgee in accordance with this Agreement declaring an Event of Default.2. 质权THE PLEDGE作为丙方按时和全额支付控制协议项下质权人应得的任何或全部的款项包 括但不限于控制协议中规定的咨询和服务费(无论该等费用的

13、到期应付是由 于到期日的到来、提前收款的要求或其它原因)的担保,出质人特此将其现 有或将拥有的丙方的全部股权权益质押给质权人。As collateral security for the timely and complete payment and performance when due (whether at stated maturity, by acceleration or otherwise) of any or all of the payments due by Party C including without limitation the consulting and s

14、ervices fees payable to the Pledgee under the Control Agreements, Pledgor hereby pledges to Pledgee a first security interest in all of Pledgors right, title and interest, whether now owned or hereafter acquired by Pledgor, in the Equity Interest of Party C.3在质权人事先书面同意的情况下,出质人方可对丙方增资。出质人因对公司 增资而在公司注

15、册资本中增加的出资额亦属于股权。Pledgor may subscribe for capital increase in Party C only with prior written consent of Pledgee. Any equity interest obtained by Pledgor as a result of Pledgors subscription of the increased registered capital of the Company shall also be deemed as Equity Interest.3. 质押期限TERM OF PLE

16、DGE3.1 本质权自本合同项下的股权出质在相应的工商行政管理机关登记之日 起生效,质权有效期持续到出质人不再担任丙方的股东为止。各方同意, 自本合同签署之日起 3 个工作日内,出质人和丙方应将本合同的质权登 记在丙方股东名册上,并自本合同签署之日起 30 个工作日内向相应的 工商行政管理机关申请登记本合同项下的质权。各方共同确认,为办理 股权质押工商登记手续,各方及丙方其他股东应将本合同或者一份按照 丙方所在地工商行政管理部门要求的形式签署的、真实反映本合同项下 质权信息的股权质押合同(“工商登记质押合同”)提交给工商行政 管理机关,工商登记质押合同中未约定事项,仍以本合同约定为准。出 质人和丙方应当按照中国法律法规和有关工商行政管理机关的各项要 求,提交所有必要的文件并办理所有必要手续,保证质权在递交申请后 尽快获得登记。Th



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