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1、Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it Section B(3a-4) 【重难点预测】1.写一封感谢信给你需要感谢的人或曾经帮助过你的人。2.根据所给的有关时间,地点,事件的信息如何与人进行一个成功的闲聊。【新知导学】1Do you like thrillers? Yes, I do. And I also like comedies.2This is a great party, isnt it ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.【自主预习】1.请同学们先认真阅读学习目标,然后仔细研读课本P79,看完后将所学到的东西进行归,画出重要知识点,用红笔

2、做好疑难标记。2.试着读一读单词表中本课时的新单词(或词组),将不会的单词圈出来,然后通过听磁带或求助于其他等方式将单词读准、读熟。3.你能翻译下列单词和短语吗?note_ thank-you note_traffic_ be happy to do_have a hard time doing _ come along _get on / along (with) _ make it a lot easier_4. 翻译下列句子或短语,你能行!1) Thank you so much for inviting me. _2)I was having a hard time finding i

3、t until you came along._3)My grandfather was having his 90th birthday party. _5. 根据汉语意思补全下列句子。1)有时,做学校的新生并不容易。_, it isnt _ _ the new kid at school.2)有些女孩我并不认识。I didnt know _ _ the girls.3)我觉得我已经融入到这个集体。I _ _ part of the group now.4)在你来之前,我费了好大的劲找它。I was having a _ _ _ it _you _ _.5)有像你们一样的朋友使我更容易适应一

4、个新环境。Friends_ you _ it a lot _ to _ _ in a new place.6)当我们看到“黑袜队”赢得比赛时, 我会想起你的。Ill _ _ you _ we watch the Black Socks _the game.【合作探究】任务1: 认真阅读课本上3a的三封感谢信,Maria, Bill, John分别是因为什么事而写感谢信的呢?请填充下面的空格。Note 1: Thank you so much for_Note 2: Thanks for _Note 3: Thank you for _任务2:读完了课本上的3a,你能回答下面的问题么?并请试着结

5、合这些问题,把3a的三篇感谢信,用第三人称的身份讲述一遍。加油,你能行的!1. Does Maria think its easy being the new kid at school? 2. Who is good at math? 3. What did Maria think of the girls? 4. Which group does John want to win?_任务3:完成课本上的3b。现在我们已经了解了如何写一封感谢信,在我们的学习生活中,我们经常也会接受到同学们和老师的帮忙,不管是在学习上,还是在生活上。那么我们就来感谢那些帮助我们的人吧,行动起来,也写一封感谢信

6、吧!_考点聚焦thanks for = thank you for “因为某事而感谢你”,期中的for是介词,后跟名词,代词或动词的 -ing形式。练一练 :用单词的形式填空1. Thank you for _ (invite) me to your birthday party.2. Thanks for _ (help) my son to deal with the problem.Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place. 这句话中的make it a lot easier是“make + 宾语+宾语补足语”的结构。这里的宾语补足语也可以由名词,形容词或动词的过去分词来充当。另外还有make + sb. + do的结构,“让某人做某事”,相当于“let / have sb. do sh.”。练一练 :用make的适当形式填空1. The bad news_ him sad. 2. All of us _ him the monitor.3. The teachers should _ the students understood.【学案整理】_Section B (3a 4)练一练 :1.inviting 2.helping 练一练 :1.made 2.made 3.make


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