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1、Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 4 Subjects.一.教学目标: 知识目标:1.让学生能听、说、读、写单词:Chinese,Maths,English,Science,PE,Music,Art. 2.掌握“What lessons do we have today? We have”这个句型。能力目标:1.帮助学生学习Look and learn中的生词。2.通过句型What lessons do we have today? We have帮助学生操练所学单词。3.通过Think and write的活动,培养学生写语段时的结构意识。了解如何介绍自己一天

2、的课程安排。情感目标:利用多种游戏或活动形式培养学生对英语学习的浓厚兴趣。二.教学重难点: 教学重点:1、词汇:Subject, lesson, Chinese, Maths, English, Science, PE, Music, Art.2、句型:What lessons do we have today? We have教学难点:What +名词 问句及其答句的迁移使用。三.教具准备: 自制课件.四.教学过程: Step1:Pre-task preparationT: Who are they?S: They are Alice, Peter and Joe.T: Look at Al

3、ice, Peter and Joe.S: What are they talking about?T: They are talking about the timetable.板书“timetable”课程表,请学生跟着老师拼读“timetable”.T: timetable. T-I-M-E-T-A-B-L-E.S: timetable. T-I-M-E-T-A-B-L-E. Step2:While-task procedures1.请学生看多媒体上的课程表,圈出“英语”并板书English,问问学生是否知道怎样读。然后告诉学生他们要学习习更多科目的英语表达。T: Who can rea

4、d this? (point to “English”)S: English.T: Do you like English?S: Yes.T: English is a subject . We will learn more names of subjects today.请学生看多媒体上的课程表,指着第一个单词问:T: Look at the timetable. What is the first lesson?S: Its Chinese.T: Chinese. C-H-I-N-E-S-E.S: Chinese. C-H-I-N-E-S-E.T: Maths. M-A-T-H-S.S:

5、 Maths. M-A-T-H-S.依次把课程表上的单词让学生跟着老师一起拼读出来。2. 通过Think and write的操练,掌握句型 What lessons do we have today? we have .Read the sentences : What lessons do we have ?Chain game: one student ask, one student answer;Step3:Post-task activities让学生看多媒体Read and Complete,让学生独立完成,把所学的单词巩固一下。 Step 4:Think and answerT

6、:This is Kittys timetable.Read the timetable and answer the questions.出示多媒体Kittys timetable,先让学生看一看课表,读一读单词,进行一个单词的复习,然后让学生回答问题。T: What is this?S: Its a timetable.T: How many lessons does Kitty have?S: She has six lessons.T: What does she have in the morning?S: She has Chinese, Music, Maths and Engl

7、ish.T: What does she have in the afternoon?S: She has Art and Music.让学生联系实际介绍一下自己的课程表,将所学内容做一个小结与回顾。Step 5: Consolidation小结本节课所学内容。 Step 6:Homework1.Read and copy the words in “Look and learn” on page 19.2.Write your timetable in English. Step 7: Blackboard designUnit 4 Subjects词汇:Subject, lesson, Chinese, Maths, English, Science, PE, Music, Art.句型:What lessons do we have today? We have课后反思: 义唐小学李红飞



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