高中英语讲练人教新课标:Unit 2 Reading Tasks Word版含答案

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Book 4 Unit 2 A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE Pre-reading activitiesTask I. Do you think people have enough food to eat in the world?Task II. When you eat rice, what do you think of?Task III. Say something about Yuan Longping. While-reading activitiesTask I. Read the text and fill in the bla

2、nks in the chart. Task II. Read the text and match the time with the events.Time Events1. 1930 A. Only fifty million tons of rice could be produced in China.2. 1950 B. Yuan Longping became the first person to grow super hybrid rice. 3. 1953 C. Yuan Longping was born.4. 1973 D. Yuan Longping graduate

3、d from college. Task III. Read the text and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).( ) 1. Yuan Longping was a farmer when he was young. ( ) 2. The super hybrid rice can produce 20% more of the crop without expanding the field.( ) 3. Yuan Longping was determined to find way

4、s to grow more rice as a young man. ( ) 4. Yuan Longping is now teaching his knowledge in many countries to get more honours. ( ) 5. The UN is more confident about getting rid of hunger in the world now. ( ) 6. Yuan Longping is trying to live a comfortable life. ( ) 7. Yuan Longping is now seeking t

5、o realize his dream of growing his rice around the world. Post-reading activitiesTask I. Write a summary of the text._Task II. Introduce Yuan Longping to your partners. Task III. What will the super hybrid rice be like in the future?Task IV. Discussion. What would you like to improve to make peoples

6、 lives better?参考答案:Pre-reading activitiesTask I. 略Task II略Task III略While-reading activitiesTask I. 1. strong2. 503. super hybrid4. output5. knowledge 6. hobbies 7. mah-jong8. trouble 9. corn10. exportTask II. 1-C2-A3-D4-BTask III. 1-5 FTTFT6-7 FTPost-reading activitiesTask I. Yuan Longping is a famo

7、us scientist who considers himself a farmer. Born into a poor farmers family in 1930, he graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. When he was young he saw hunger in the countryside and dreamed of huge rice plants that could feed more people. In 1974 he grew a super hybrid type of rice

8、that could produce a third more rice than other types, which meant harvests could increase without making fields larger. In 1950 farmers in China could produce 50 million tons of rice now with his rice they can produce 200 million tons. He is not interested in money though and gives money to other researchers as he believes people with less money have fewer problems and dreams cost nothing. One of his dreams is to export his rice and feed people all over the world. (By Ray Cama)Task II. 略Task III略Task IV略


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