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1、Book7Unit 1-5期中练习一、根据汉语提示写出完整的单词:1. A place is a_ (可靠近的)if it is possible to reach it.2. When you organize an activity or a task and carry on it, you c_ (指挥)it.3. One of his _ (志向) is to become a world-wide famous pop singer.4.Fresh air is _(有益的) to our health.5.My father has_(辞职)as a Minister of Ed

2、ucation.6.Martin decided that he had no _(足够的)proof7.His mother was _(颇为生气的) with him for being so rude to their neighbors8. She insisted on _ (陪伴)the professor to the airport 9. He has a _(渴望)for knowledge10. The young actress has a _(天赋)for singing as well as acting11. The government passed a law

3、that _ (宣布)it illegal to catch and kill this kind of animals.12. He gave the poor children some money out of _ (同情心)13.Those present were in _ of (支持)the change.14.Soldiers are expected to_(遵守) their orders without question.15. They got _(离婚)two years ago.16. Though I can speak English, Chinese is m

4、y mothers t_(目标).17. Penguins(企鹅) mainly live in the A_(南极洲).18. The cruel man _ (遗弃) his wife and children.19. He looked at his face _ (反射)in the mirror.20. I _(目睹it with my own eyes many times.21. It was a _(可怕的)thunderstorm.22. I _(催促) my students to look through their lessons ahead of my explana

5、tion.23.A heavy truck was being _(拖) to the garage after the accident.24. He was _(抛弃) by his cruel parents when born because of his disability25.A baby is too young to be _(意识到)of the dangers around it.26. His colour isnt _(有关的) to whether hes a good lawyer.27. They prefer to be _ ( 志愿者 ) to teach

6、in the poor area. 28. My mother soon _(适应) herself to the city life.29. A _ (购买)for laptops was not made until last month for lack of money.30.The Red Cross is in charge of the _(分配) of food and clothing to the flood victims.31. He _ (捐赠 ) his collection of pictures to the museum.32. Youd better go

7、now, _(否则) youll miss the train.33. Everyone in the class is expected to _(参与) in these discussions.34. The leading singer couldnt appear, and her _ (替代者)clearly didnt know the role very well. 35. Can you _(推荐) me a good hotel? 36. In Britain the Queen is the formal head of states, but it is the pri

8、me minister and cabinet who _(统治). 37. I tried to _ (安慰)Jean after her grandmothers death. 38. Is that seat already _? (占用)39.I _(承认) that her criticism is just.40Your actions _(违背,反驳) your declared moral principles.二、根据中文意思完成句子1. 爬上山顶后,他上气不接下气。 He_ after climbing to the top of the mountain. 2. 虽然他看

9、起来有点笨拙,但决不能取笑他。Although he looks a little _, he cant _at all.3. 张婷在竞赛中获得了第一名,她的所有同学都祝贺她的成功。Zhang Ting got the first prize in the competition and all her classmates_ her _ her success.4.Youd better _ _ (留出,储存)some money in case of future use. 5. Jane _ _ _ _(帮他摆脱了)his financial difficulties.6. It too

10、k several seconds for his eyes to _ ( 习惯)the dark. . 7.The young man is _(渴望得到) wealth and good reputation.8. To our surprise, the river beside our school _ ( 已经干涸了).9. 我想你不知道这对我多么重要. I dont think you _ _ _how much this means to me. 10. 你突然在黑暗中出现,把我吓死了。You _ _ _ _ ,appearing suddenly in the dark.11.

11、 _(就我而言), the most important thing is that she has got to understand what I mean.12. Its high time he _(安顿下来) the city and started a new life.13. The waiters in the restaurant are often told to be friendly so as to make every guest _( 舒服自在).14. Some animals _(适应) themselves _ their environment by in

12、stinct.15. I never _(习惯于) going to bed so late.16. Ill try to _ my holidays _(相融和) with yours.17. If only she could _(坚持不懈), she could break the world record.三、课文内容填空(A)Marty has a muscle disease, _1_ makes him too weak to run or climb stairs as quickly as other people, but he has learned to adapt _

13、2_ it. This disease started when he was about ten years old. He stayed at the hospital for tests for nearly three months. _3_ (fortunate), no one could give his disease a name after all the tests. Sometimes kids laugh at him. Sometimes he is too weak to go to school and he feels stupid because of being behind the others after a long _4_ (absent) from school. His life becomes much easier at high school. Now he has a busy and good life. He likes writing and computer programming. His ambition is to work in the computer indust


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