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1、基础商务英语第七集Unit9Part2(步入商界-解释工作)(2007-03-19 17:46:02)Unit9 Part2 Explaining how something works2一、New words and expression_rs生词和短语clockwork 钟表机械ingenious 灵巧的management committee 管理委员会feasability study 可行性的研究freelance 自由职业者(she works freelance)key indicator 重要信号one hundred percent certain 完全肯定二、Dialogu

2、e(一)MS WONG: Tell me, do these toys work?黄女士:告诉我,这些玩具还可以工作吗?CLIVE HARRIS: These? Yes.克莱夫哈里斯:这些?可以。MS WONG: How old are they?CLIVE HARRIS: Some of them areVictorian.克莱夫哈里斯:有些是维多利亚女王时代的。No microchips in these.这些没有微芯片。All clockwork, but some of them are quite ingenious.全部是依靠机械力,但有些是很有创意的。Look at this o

3、ne for instance.比如这个。A young violin player.一位年轻的小提琴手。MS WONG: It s very beautiful.黄女士:很漂亮。How does it work?它是怎样用的?CLIVE HARRIS:Well, you just wind it up克莱夫哈里斯:只要给它上紧发条,.and of he goes .他就会动了。grandmother played with some of these when she was a girl.我祖母年轻的时候玩过一些。And my father collected clockwork toys

4、.我父亲收集了这些机械玩具。MS WONG: They are very clever.黄女士:都很精巧。CLIVE HARRIS: But not very safe .Look at the sharp edges on this one.克莱夫哈里斯:但却不怎么安全看这个,边上很锋利。Very dangerous and it s covered with lead paint.很危险,并且是用铅喷漆的。MS WONG: Tell me, how does this work?黄女士:告诉我,这个怎么用?GERALDINE: I ve pressed return and nothing

5、 happens.杰拉尔丁:我按了返回,但没什么反应。I ve tried that.我这样试过了。How can I get out of the programme?我怎么才能推出这个程序呢?Just a second. Could you speak more slowly, please?请稍等。能说的再慢些吗?Right. Let me try.好了。让我试试。F1 and then return.Yes,先按F1,再按返回键。对了,then press escape.再按“退出”。Oh that s it. Thanks.啊,对了。谢谢。EDWARD GREEN: .Let me

6、show you how products are market researched.爱德华格林:我来给你演示一下,怎样对产品进行市场调查EDWARD GREEN: You see all products go through the same, basic process.爱德华格林:所有的产品都要履行一样的基本程序。They start as an idea.开始时只是个想法。Every month, a management committee looks at all the new ideas and they put development money into some of

7、 them.管理层委员会每个月都对所有的新想法进行筛选,对其中的一些想法注入研发资金。Let me show you an example.我给你看个例子。Take this product: Friendly Fish.比如这个产品: “Friendly Fish”。The idea came from a freelance designer.这个想法来自一名自由设计师。A Management Committee looked at the designs and they liked them.管理层委员会看了设计,很喜欢。Follow me.请随我来。They asked the d

8、evelopment team how much it would cost to manufacture the product,于是他们询问队伍,制作这种产品要花多少钱。and they asked the Marketing Department two questions:他们对市场营销部提出了两个问题:1. Who is the target market for Friendly Fish?1、Friendly Fish的目标市场是哪人?2. How big is that market?2、市场有多大?We then know if the idea is worth takin

9、g on to the next stage which is the feasibility study.这样我们就会知道这个想法是否值得进行到下一步,也就是可行性研究。PHIL WATSON: So what happened with the Friendly Fish?菲尔沃森:那么Friendly Fish最后怎样了呢?EDWARD GREEN: We learned at this stage that it was a low cost high volume mass market product.爱德华格林:我们在这个阶段了解到这是一种量大价廉的大众产品。The feasib

10、ility study indicated that Friendly Fish would sell all over Europe.可行性研究显示Friendly Fish将行销整个欧洲。We then invested in more market research.之后,我们投资进行了更多的市场研究。We asked a large group of eight year olds from Different backgrounds about Friendly Fish.我们对来自不同阶层的8岁一大批儿童进行了询问。We asked them questions like:问题有:

11、Which material shall we use?我们应该使用何种材料?Which colours do you like? etc.你喜欢什么颜色?等等。A few of the kids wanted it green and blue.少数孩子希望是蓝绿相间。17.5% other children wanted it red.17.5% 的希望是红色。But all of them wanted Friendly Fish.但他们都想要Friendly Fish。All of them. They loved Friendly Fish.全部。他们喜爱Friendly Fish。

12、We checked each key indicator.我们核对了每个关键指标。Every one of them was positive.每个都是积极的 。We made half a million.于是我们制造了50万件。PHIL WATSON: And what are sales like?菲尔沃森:那么销售如何呢?EDWARD GREEN: Terrible.爱德华格林:很糟。Sometimes it happens.世事难料。Even with all the market research, you can never be one hundred per cent ce

13、rtain.就算有市场研究,也不可能有百分百的把握啊。Dialogue(二)MS WONG: Tell me, do these toys work?CLIVE HARRIS: These? Yes.MS WONG: How old are they?CLIVE HARRIS: Some of them are Victorian.No microchips in these.All clockwork, but some of them are quite ingenious.Look at this one for instance.A young violin player.MS WON

14、G: It s very beautiful.How does it work?CLIVE HARRIS:Well, you just wind it up.and of he goes .grandmother played with some of these when she was a girl.And my father collected clockwork toys.MS WONG: They are very clever.CLIVE HARRIS: But not very safe .Look at the sharp edges on this one.Very dang

15、erous and it s covered with lead paint.MS WONG: Tell me, how does this work?三、answer the questionHow can I get out of the programme?Dialogue(三)GERALDINE: I ve pressed return and nothing happens.I ve tried that.How can I get out of the programme?Just a second. Could you speak more slowly, please?Right. Let me try.F1 and then return.Yes, then press escape.Oh that s it. Thanks.


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