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1、C mixedC very in terest ingC an attractiveD blacke nedD very touch ingD a pleasa ntD assessedD soldD murmuri ngD racedD comeD suffer fromD orderD explosiveD meetD un dersta nd【频率6次第一部分 词汇选项综合类2003年综合A1、The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather .A jumpsB risesC fallsD changes2、Did y

2、ou do that to irritate her?A teaseB attractC annoyD protect3、Mary looked pale and weary .【频率 4 次A illB tiredC worriedD peaceful4、The water in this part of the river has been contaminated by sewage( 污水).A pollutedB dow ngraded5、Her treatment of the subject is exhaustive .A very bori ngB very thorough

3、6、Alice is a fascinating girl .A a beautifulB a pretty7、Her mood can be gauged by her react ion to the most trivial of in cide nts.A displayedB show nC proved8、The old lady let_her flat to an English couple.A offeredB ren tedC provided9、She stood there crying and trembling with fear .A shak ingB sta

4、ggeri ngC struggli ng10、They strolled around the lake for an hour or so .A ranB rolledC walked11、The conclusion can be deduced from the premises . 【频率 2 次A arguedB derivedC permitted12、lean no Ion ger tolerate his actio ns.【频率 3 次A put up withB acceptC take13、Our plan is to allocate one member of st

5、aff to handle appointments.A askB persuadeC assig n14、She has been the subject of massive media coverage.A exte nsiveB n egativeC resp on sive15、I expect that she will be able to cater for your particular needs .A supplyB reachC provide2003年综合B1、The high-speed trains can have a major impact on trave

6、l preferences. 【频率 6 次A forceBin flue neeC surpriseD power2、Can you follow the plot? 【频率 6 次A cha ngeB in vestigateC write3、Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed.A physicalB men talC n aturalD hard4、In the latter case the outcome can be serious in deed.【频率 6 次AresultB judg

7、me ntCdecisi onDevent5、 Norman Blamey is an artist of deep convictions频率 6 次Astateme nts B beliefsCsuggestio nsDclaims6、Upto now, thework has been easy.【频率3 次新东方在线 2010职称英语网络课堂电子教材系列基础班A SoB So longC So thatD So far7、The report advocated setting up day training colleges.【频率3次】A supposedB excitedC su

8、ggestedD discussed8、Accordingly, a number of other methods have been employed.【频率3次】A ThereforeB AfterwardsC HoweverFurthermore9、The outlook from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.【频率3次】A viewB sight10、Our lives are intimately bound up with theirs.C lookpoi nt【频率5次】A ten selyBn earlyC carefull

9、yclosely11、The union representative put across her argument very effectively.【频率5次】A expla inedB inven tedC con sideredaccepted12、He talks tough but has a tender heart.【频率5次】A heavyB strongC kindwild13、It is no use debating the relative merits of this policy.【频率5次】A mak ingB tak ingC discuss ing14、

10、Our statistics show that we consume all that we are capable of producing.expect ing【频率5次】A wasteB buyC usesell15、The fuel tanks had a capacity of 140 liters.【频率5次】Afun ctio nB abilityC powervolume2003 年综合C1、I am n ot certain whether he will come.A determ inedB sure【频率3次】C sorryglad2、Ano ticedB heard

11、C realizedgotPlease do not hesitate to call me if I can be of further assistanee.【频率3次】A con tactB seeC helpD touchIn short, I am going to live there myself.【频率3次】A In other words B That is to sayC In a wordD To be frankShe seemed to have detected some an ger in his voice.【频率 3 次】职称英语通过率居全国第一全国统一客服专

12、线:010-51667668#【频率3次】A styleB behaviorC modeattitudeI had some difficulty in carrying out the pla n.【频率3次】A mak ingB keep ingC cha ngingimpleme ntingMr.Joh nson evidently regarded this as a great joke.【频率3次】A readilyB casuallyC obviouslysimply8、We all thi nk that Marys husba nd isoaingrperson.【频率3次】

13、A shyB stupiddullselfishThe workers in that factory manufacture furniture.【频率3次】A promoteB paintproducepolish10、They only have a limited amount of time to get their points across.A largeB totalC smallD【频率3次】similar11、The high-speed trains can have a major impact on travel preferences. 【频率 6 次】A forc

14、eBin flue neeC surpriseD powerHe has trouble un dersta nding that other people judge him by his social skills and conduct12、Can you follow_the plot? 【频率 6 次】Acha ngeB in vestigateC writeD un dersta nd13、Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed. 【频率 6 次B men talCn aturalA physical14、In the latter case the outcome can be serious in deed.【频率 6 次hardA resultB judgme nt15、Norman Blamey is an artist of deep convictions.A stateme ntsB beliefsCdecisi onevent【频率6次suggesti ons Dclaims1、2004年综合AMary h



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