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1、2014高考英语一轮复习难点系列讲解篇难点1 并非只表抽象的抽象名词 抽象名词一般看作不可数名词,但有时也可与冠词连用,表示具体化。 沙场点兵 1.Jumping out of airplane at ten thousand feet is quite_exciting experience. A.不填;the B.不填;an C.an;an D.the;the 2.Many people agree that_knowledge of English is_must in international trade today. A.a;a B.the;an C.the;the D.不填;th

2、e 3.One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain_good knowledge of basic word information. A./ B.the C.a D.one 4.I hear that as many as 150 people were killed in the earthquake. Yes,_news came as_shock to us. A.the;the B.the;a C.不填;不填 D.不填;a 5.He has_great interest in history,especially i

3、n_history of Tang Dynasty. A.a;the B.a;/ C./;the D./;a 案例探究 1.For many Beijingers,dreams of living in_green area are becoming_reality. A.a;a B.the;the C.不填;不填 D.the;不填 命题意图:表面看本题考查学生对冠词的用法,其实也考查了学生对抽象名词具体化的掌握,属于五星级题目。 知识依托:抽象名词并非都作不可数名词。 错解分析:D选项迷惑性较大,许多同学会认为reality为抽象名词,不能用a。 解题方法与技巧:抽象名词或物质名词前或后加上

4、表示性质类别的修饰词,指概念的“一种”“一类”“一次”等时,可用不定冠词,例如:Physics is a science. 答案:A 2.The police have_power to arrest bad people by_law. A.the;the B.a;a C.the;不填 D.不填;the 命题意图:考查学生对抽象名词具体化的理解,属于四星级题目。 知识依托:定冠词与抽象名词连用,特指双方都了解的人或事。 错解分析:许多学生会认为D正确,认为power是抽象名词,故不能用冠词。 解题方法与技巧:to arrest bad people是power的定语,故此处用the表示特指。

5、 答案:C 锦囊妙计 1.不定冠词与抽象名词连用表示: 一种、一场或某个动作的一次、一番。例如:It was a war,have a look,have a try。 某一品质的具体行动。例如:Thank you,Tim.You have done me a kindness. 引起某种情绪的事。例如:Its a pleasure to work with you. Its a pity that you cant swim. 2.定冠词与抽象名词连用,特指某一时、某一次的行动或情绪,或说话的双方都了解的人或事。 3.注意:有些词组中,有没有冠词含义是不同的。试比较: 歼灭难点训练 1.He

6、 is_(help)to me. 2.Nowadays many young people get into_habit of smoking in_public and cant kick it. A.the;the B./;/ C./;the D.the;/ 3.The news is spreading from mouth to mouth. Yes,its become_talk of_town. A.a;a B.the;/ C.the;the D.a;/ 4.In face of_failure,it is the most important to keep up_good st

7、ate of mind. A./;a B.a;/ C.the;/ D./;the 5.Having received_training of the Ms.Company,he was offered_important position in management. A.the;an B.不填;an C.the;不填 D.a;a 6.In_Sahara Desert,_rain was scarce,but in my hometown there is_heavy rain now and then,and the river around the town rises a lot aft

8、er_. A.the;the;a;a heavy rain B.the;/;a;heavy rains C./;/;/;a heavy rain D.the;the;a;heavy rains 7.The building was completed in_September of 1956 not in_October,1955.A./;the B.the;the C./;/ D.the;/难点2 冠词的非前位用法难点限定语与所修饰的中心名词的关系一般顺序是:冠词+表示大小尺寸的限定词+表示颜色的限定词+表示原材料的限定词+中心名词。但在某些固定结构中,冠词放在了形容词之后。沙场点兵1.Wh

9、at about_book?Its too difficult_book.A.a;a B.a;the C.the;the D.the;a2._Beijing you see today is quite_different city from what it used to be.A.The;不填 B.The;a C.不填;the D.A;a案例探究1.Peter wont drive us to the station.He has_to take us all.A.a very small car B.too small a carC.a too small car D.such a sm

10、all car命题意图:考查学生对冠词不放在第一位的固定结构的掌握,属于四星级题目。知识依托:不定冠词放在too+形容词之后。错解分析:C迷惑性较大,学生都学过too+adj./adv. +to结构,但对于too+adj.+n.+to结构不熟悉。解题方法与技巧:名词前修饰语一般正常语序为:不定冠词+形容词+名词。但有些固定结构需注意,如too+adj. +a/an+n.。答案:B2.Exercise is_as any other to lose unwanted weight.A.so useful a way B.as a useful wayC.as useful a way D.suc

11、h a useful way命题意图:考查学生对冠词不放在第一位的固定结构的掌握,属五星级题目。知识依托:不定冠词放在as+形容词之后。错解分析:A、B迷惑性较大,soas结构常用于否定句和疑问句,故不能选A、B。解题方法与技巧:名词前修饰语正常语序为:不定冠词+形容词+名词,但有些固定结构需注意,如:as+adj. +a/an+n.答案:C锦囊妙计1.不定冠词用在quite,rather,many,half,what,much等词之后。例如:He is rather a fool.What did you think of the concert?Oh,it was quite a succ

12、ess.2.不定冠词用在so(as,too,how)+形容词之后。例如:She is as clever a girl as you can wish to meet.Its too difficult a book for us to read.注意:以元音音素开头的名词前加不定冠词时用“an”。例如:an apple。即使单词拼写以辅音字母开头,但该词的读音是元音音素开头,加不定冠词时也要用“an”,例如:an hour,an honest boy;反之,拼写以元音字母开头,但读音是辅音,加不定冠词时要用“a”,例如:a university。3.sothat与suchthat:sotha

13、t和suchthat都作“如此以致”解,that引导结果状语从句。常见句型如下:sosuchthat和sothat有时可以换用,条件是such所修饰的名词必须是一个单数可数名词,且该名词还带有表性质的形容词。转变公式如下:such a/an+形容词+名词so+形容词+a/an+名词。例如:He is such a good student that we all like him.He is so good a student that we all like him。但是,如果是不可数名词或复数可数名词,则只能用such,不能用so修饰。例如:It was such bad weather

14、that he had to stay at home。如果复数名词前有many,few,不可数名词前有much,little等表示量的形容词时,应该用so而不用such。如:Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all over.Mr White got so little money a month that he could hardly keep body and soul together(维持生活)。但little不表示数量而表示“小”的意思时,仍用such。例如:They are such little children that they cannot clean the house by thems


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