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1、 学校 班级 姓名 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 五年级英语上册期中考试卷题号一二三四五六七总分得分一、选出不同类的一项。(10)( ) 1. A. knife B. fork C. chopsticks D. beef( ) 2. A. tea B. coffee C. hamburger D. milk( ) 3. A. Chinese B. the USA C. Australia D. the UK( ) 4. A. sweep B. clothes C. play D. clean( ) 5. A. rice B. noodles C. dumplings D. fruit二、补全

2、单词。(10)( )1.lte A.e B.a C.o( ) 2.clck A.e B.a C.o( ) 3.dwn A.a B.u C.o( ) 4.wll A.a B.u C.o( ) 5.ml A.ae B.ea C.ia( ) 6.tble A.a B.e C.u( ) 7.fler A.ou B.uo C.ow( ) 8.drnk A.i B.u C.e( ) 9.knfe A.a B.i C.o( ) 10.fk A.or B.ro C.ur三、英汉互译。(20)1.浇花 2.擦窗户 3.做饭 4.给你5.扫地 6.make the bed7.do the dishes 8.pla

3、y computer games9.you are late 10.Chinese food is nice四、做选择,我最棒。(20分) ( )1.Look the clock on the wall. A. for B. to C. at D. In ( )2. What your favorite food? A. be B. am C. is D. are ( )3. What Liu Yang do after school? A. are B. is C. do D.dose ( )4.- Who meals in your home? A. cooksB. cookC. cook

4、es ( )5.-Can you help me the table? A. cleaningB. to clean C. clean ( )6. They are having dinner . A. happy B. happily C.happyly ( )7. I cant use chopsticks .A. good B.well C.better ( )8. -A woman buy some hamburgers.A. want B. wants for C. wants to ( )9. Please pass a knife.A. I B. my C. me ( )10.

5、Use the fork your left hand.得分阅卷人A.to B. withC.of五、用所给单词的适当形式填空 (10分)1、Who (sweep)the floor ?2、Let (he) help you . 3、What (are)your favorite food ?4.Colin uses it(good)5、He likes _(hamburger)very much.六、给下列问句选择适当的答句。(10)( )1.What time do you get up? ( )2.What can I do for you?( )3.Can you help me,Li

6、nda?( )4.May I come in?( )5.What do you like best?A.SureB.At six thirty.C.Help me water the flowers, please.D.I like noodles best.E.Come in, please. 七、按要求完成各题。(10)1.I go to school at seven twenty.(对划线部分提问)_ _ do you go to school?2.我不会洗衣服,但我愿意试一试(汉译英)I wash the clothes,but let me !3.Can you water the

7、 flowers,Li Shan?(做肯定回答) ,I .4. Chocolate is my favorite. (对划线部分提问) _ _ favorite food?5. Alice, give, would you please, some chocolate (?) (连词成句) _八、阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F).(10) This is Johns family. The family are getting together. Look, his grandpa is drinking tea, tea is his favourite. His grandma is rea

8、ding books, she is a teacher. His father and mother are watching TV. His father likes coffee best, but his mother doesnt like it. Where is John? He is on the sofa, he is eating grapes, and grapes are his favourite.( )1.This family are having lunch.( )2.His grandpa likes tea.( )3.Johns mother likes c

9、offee.( )4.Johns grandpa is reading books.( )5.Grapes are Johns favourite fruit.亲爱的读者:春去燕归来,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。1、三人行,必有我师。20.7.317.31.202005:3305:33:46Jul-2005:332、书是人类进步的阶梯。二二年七月三十一日2020年7月31日星期五3、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。05:337.31.202005:337.31.202005:3305:33:467.31.202005:3

10、37.31.20204、纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。7.31.20207.31.202005:3305:3305:33:4605:33:465、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。Friday, July 31, 2020July 20Friday, July 31, 20207/31/20206、路遥知马力日久见人心。5时33分5时33分31-Jul-207.31.20207、山不在高,有仙则灵。20.7.3120.7.3120.7.31。2020年7月31日星期五二二年七月三十一日8、有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。05:3305:33:467.31.2020Friday, July 31, 2020


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