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1、Mantis缺陷管理系统搭建手册2009年1月hjjlearning一、 软件准备:1、系统:Windows XP SP22、软件:xampp-win32-1.7.0-installer.exeMysqlcc(0.9.4)Mantis(1.1.6)JpGraph(2.3.3)二、 安装xampp:1、 下载完xampp后,进行安装,安装目录自定,如安装在c:xampp2、 安装一路next就可以了。3、 注意一点,默认apache端口为80,mysql为3306,如果端口被占用了,需要设置端口,一般IIS会占用apache的80端口,最好把IIS服务停掉。4、 安装完成后,出现如下图:apac

2、he和mysql启动就可以了。5、 点击上图Apache那行的Admin按钮,弹出一页面,选中中文。6、 点击左边“安全”。出现下图页面7、 点击图中http:/localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php链接,设置mysql中root的密码。三、 安装:Mysqlcc1、 一路next后,安装完成,打开。2、 如下图,3、 在name中填root,在hostname中填localhost,在Password中输入刚刚设置的root密码。填完后,点ADD按钮。4、 在左边选中DATABASE点右键,选择新建数据库,新建一个mantis数据库5、 新建完mantis数

3、据库后,在下面的User Adminstration右键新增加一个用户,用户名和密码最好都为mantis,并且为该用户指定数据库Mantis与权限All Privileges,点击Add。四、 安装:Mantis1、 解压Mantis到某盘根目录下,如c:mantis。2、 设置mantis目录权限,打开C:xamppapacheconfhttpd.conf文件,在文件最后添加如下内容:Alias /mantis c:/mantis/ Options IndexesAllowOverride NoneOrder allow,denyAllow from all 注意:c:/mantis/目录中

4、的/是反斜杠。3、 打开IE输入http:/localhost/mantis,会自动跳到mantis安装页面4、 Database输入为Mantis,点击后出现下图。注意:installing Database没有插入成功。把SQL拷贝出来。5、 打开http:/localhost/xampp/页面,点击工具下的phpMyAdmin,进入页面输入mysql的用户名和密码。6、 选中mantis数据库,然后点击右边的SQL,出现下面页面7、 把刚刚拷贝的SQL复制上去,注意去掉第一行:8、 执行成功后打开http:/localhost/mantis,就进入到登陆页面了。默认用户名为adminis

5、trator,密码为root。五、 设置:Mantis为中文修改Mantis中的默认配置文件config_defaults_inc.php,找到如下内容,对照修改.如果把以下内容拷到config_inc.php中也可以.配置文件加载顺序:先加载config_defaults_inc.php,后加载config_inc.php。config_inc.php中的值会覆盖config_defaults_inc.php.# Mantis Language Settings# - language settings -# If the language is set to auto, the actua

6、l# language is determined by the user agent (web browser)# language preference.$g_default_language = chinese_simplified_gb2312;# list the choices that the users are allowed to choose$g_language_choices_arr = array( auto, bulgarian, catalan, chinese_simplified_gb2312, chinese_traditional, croatian, c

7、zech, danish, dutch, english, estonian, finnish, french, german, hebrew, hungarian, icelandic, italian, japanese, korean, latvian, lithuanian, norwegian, polish, portuguese_brazil, portuguese_standard, romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovene, spanish, swedish, turkish, ukrainian);# Browser langu

8、age mapping for auto language selection$g_language_auto_map = array( bg = bulgarian, ca = catalan,zh-cn, zh-sg, zh = chinese_simplified_gb2312, zh-hk, zh-tw = chinese_traditional, cs = czech, da = danish, nl-be, nl = dutch, en-us, en-gb, en-au, en = english, et = estonian, fi = finnish, fr-ca, fr-be

9、, fr-ch, fr = french, de-de, de-at, de-ch, de = german, he = hebrew, hu = hungarian, hr = croatian, is = icelandic, it-ch, it = italian, ja = japanese, ko = korean, lt = lithuanian, lv = latvian, no = norwegian, pl = polish, pt-br = portugese_brazil, pt = portugese_standard, ro-mo, ro = romanian, ru

10、-mo, ru-ru, ru-ua, ru = russian, sr = serbian, sk = slovak, sl = slovene, es-mx, es-co, es-ar, es-cl, es-pr, es = spanish, sv-fi, sv = swedish, tr = turkish, uk = ukrainian);# Fallback for automatic language selection$g_fallback_language = english;六、 Mantis中邮件配置以下内容可以在config_defaults_inc.php中找到。建议把该

11、内容拷到config_inc.php中.# Mantis Email Settings# - email variables -$g_administrator_email = ;$g_webmaster_email = ;# the From: field in emails$g_from_email = ;# the return address for bounced mail$g_return_path_email = ;# allow email notification# note that if this is disabled, sign-up and password res

12、et messages will# not be sent.$g_enable_email_notification = ON;# select the method to mail by:# 0 - mail()# 1 - sendmail# 2 - SMTP$g_phpMailer_method = 2; #以smtp发送邮件# This option allows you to use a remote SMTP host. Must use the phpMailer scrpt# Name of smtp host, needed for phpMailer, taken from

13、php.ini$g_smtp_host = :25; #加上端口号25# These options allow you to use SMTP Authentication when you use a remote# SMTP host with phpMailer. If smtp_username is not then the username# and password will be used when logging in to the SMTP server.$g_smtp_username = xxxxx;$g_smtp_password = xxxxx;邮件系统的配置建议用smtp方式。一般公司都有自己的邮件服务器,让管理员给你开一个mantis的



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