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1、 深圳八年级下册英语Unit18总复习(词汇和语法)Unit1 Helping those in need一、单项选择1.Linder offers her pocket money to the Hope Project. A.makes B.gets C,gives D.puts2.I will continue playing the game after finishing the homework. A.go on B.go in C.go out D.go up3.Her face is full of joy . Is there any good news? A.lonelin

2、ess B.happiness C.sadness D.goodness4.I have a lovely doll called Mary. A.asked B.named C.said D.made5.There are lots of fish in the lake. A.a little B.a few C.much D.many6.-Why do you say this is your schoolbag? -It is easy. Cant you see _”s” on the corner of _schoolbag?A.a; a B.a; the C.an; a D.an

3、; the7.-We couldnt finish our work so early_your help. Thanks a lot. -Thats all right. A.without B.with C.for D.by8.-Lily is a good daughter. -yeah. She _most of her spare time with her parents.A.spends B.costs C.takes D.affords9.-I have great_in finishing the work by myself. Could you help me? -No

4、problem.A.fun B.success C.advice D.difficlty10.-Linder decided_for a walk in the forest. -Oh, its dangerous to go alone. A.go B.to go C.going D.goes11.-The earth is home to_animals. -Right. A.million B.millions C.million of D.millions of12.-Mary is _at home these days. -But she doesnt feel _for she

5、has many things to do.A.alone; lonely B.lonely; alone C.alone alone D.lonely; lonely13.-Mr Wang asks the students_in the river. -Yes, because it is too dangerous.A.swim B.to swim C.not to swim D.to not swim14.-Would you like some tea? -Yes , and I prefer tea _some sugar. A.to B.for C.with D.from15.-

6、What are you doing? -We are _money for charity. A.putting B.giving C.raising D.rising16.-Tim used to _sports until he hurt his legs in an accident. -Poor Tim. A.loved B.loving C.love D.loves17.-Im new here. -Dont worry. Ill do what I can _you. A.help B.to help C.invite D.to invite18.-Why dont you wa

7、nt Lily to go with us? -Because she is not strong enough_walking up mountain.A.to go B.going C.go D.went19.-_English well, Jack gets up early to practise speaking English. -Practise makes perfect.A.To speak B.Speaking C.Spoken D.Speak20.-Who did he talk with? -His brother. He asked his brother _with

8、 his classmates.A.how is he getting on B.how he is getting on C.how he was getting on D.how was he getting on二、根据句意,用括号里所给的单词的适当形式填空1. Jack will continue to do _(volunteer)work in the future.2. Could you teach me _(sing) the song?3. I dont know how to _(expression)my thanks.4. Mary is the _(fifteen)

9、 student who passed the test.5. Tom cant go to school because of his_(ill).6. Will you take part in the English_(compete)?7. Lily and Tim are Mr Whites _(child).8. I want to help disabled children . They have _(difficult)working or moving.9. Have you seen a book _(call) The moon on the desk?10. Mona

10、 Lisa is a famous_(paint) around the world.Unit 2 Body Languange一、单项选择 1.Our teacher reminded us that we would have an English test tomorrow.A. felt sorry B. was angry C. helped us forget D. made us remember 2.He is working hard to improve his oral English.A. practice B. change C. makeworse D. makeb

11、etter3.A well-dressed lady entered the travel agency and wanted to know some information about traveling.A. A lady who is beautiful B. A lady who is wearing nice clothing C. A lady who has sweet smile D. A lady who is serious4. I wont let you down.A. makehappy B. makedisappointed C. makeangry D. mak

12、eexcited5. I wont go to the BBQ, but my sister will go instead of me.A. in front of B. in place of C. in danger of D. in need of 6. John decided to cook for his mum on Mothers Day.A. wanted to B. in order to C. made a decision to D. make up his mind to 7. A lady entered the office and walked over to

13、 Debbie.A. took out B. went out C. made up D. went into 8. You have a good chance to go abroad. A. opportunity B. way C. study D. school9. You should tell me that news at once. A. necessary B. important C. hard D. immediately10. - She gave a good impression his parents. - Good for her. A. on B. to C

14、. at D. in 11.-Rose always makes a good impression _the customers. -That is _the boss often praises her.A. on; why B. to; how C. on; how D. with; why12.-What do you mean by “_”, Mr Smith? -It means_ you express with your arms or your head.A. appearance; what B. gesture; what C. appearance; how D. gesture;


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