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1、8B Unit 8 A green world第一课时Comic &Welcome to the unit (新授课)主备人:邵珍美 审核人: 审批人: 班级: 姓名: 【教学目标】1. 能准确运用有关如何保护环境的表达2. 能救环保的话题展开讨论3. 培养学生保护环境的意【学习过程】一、课堂学习研讨 1.dig “挖,掘,翻土”现在分词digging,过去分词和过去式分别为 dug : dugBe sure to _the whole garden _ before winter.在冬季来领钱要把园子好好的翻一下They _ _ _ _ _ but still _ _.他们越挖越深确认然一无

2、所获。The farmer is busy _(挖) a hole in the garden. He will plant a pear tree.2.serious adj. 认真的,严肃的There was a _ _ _on the bridge.桥上发生了一起严重的车祸。I hope youre _ _我希望你不是认真的。_ _ _ passed over his face。他脸上显出一副严肃的神色。Mr Li is _(serious) ill and has to stay in hospital.3.wise adj 明智的,充满智慧的wise wiser, wisest I

3、_ think that _ _ _ decision.我认为那不是一个明智的决定4.Be good /bad for “对-有好处、坏处”Eating more _ _ _ _ your health.多吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处。Watching TV too much _ _ _ your eyes.电视看得太多对你的眼睛有害。Be good at 意为“擅长.”,后接名词,代词或Ving形式Im _ _ _ chess.我擅长下象棋。Be good to 意为对友好 其意思同为be kind/nice to My friend _ _ _ when I was ill.我生病时我朋友对我关

4、怀备至。( )I think drinking milk is good _ our health.A: for B: to C: with D: at 5.save v 节约 save water /time/money I _ _ _ _ in order that he _ _ _.我把我的自行车借给他,以便他能节省一些时间挽救 save ones life 拯救某人的性命The doctor came _ _ to _ _ _.医生及时来抢救他的生命6.turn on 意为把水源,煤气,电源等,打开,反义词turn off 关掉turn down 意为把收音机的音量,灯,关小,调低,反

5、义词 turn up 调高The boy_ _ _ _ _ the TV when he got home. 那个男孩一到家就迫不及待的打开电视机。Do you mind _ _ _ _ the light? 我把灯关掉你不反对吗?The radio is very loud. Can you _ _ _ a little, please? 收音机声音太大,你能调小一点吗?She sat down and _ _ the radio. 她坐了下来,把收音机调大点声。7.cause vt 导致,造成_ _ the _ _?什么引发了交通事故?二、课堂检测一、 根据汉语提示,完成所缺单词1.Why

6、 are you_(挖) a hole in the garden?2.My English teacher is very_(严肃的) but kind.3.we should know how to_(减少 降低)pollution4.It is very important for us_(回收利用) water5.The carelessness may_(导致) lost of troubles6.Many people came to the_明智的)old man for advice二、 用所给的适当形式填空1.How to deal with things_(wise)is

7、very important 2.Dont worry .This work_(finish)in two days3.The little kid likes_(dig) the small garden 4.We can improve our English by_(listen)to the garden5.What should we do_(live)a green life?三、 句型转换,每空一词1.we should go to school by bike to live a green life (对划线部分提问) _ _we do to live a green lif

8、e?2.The naughty boy caused troubles to the teachers(改为同义句)The naughty boy _ _ _ _ .3.we can solve the problems by asking the teacher for help.(对划线部分提问) _ _you solve the problems?4.I am going to plant trees (对划线部分提问)_ _you going to _?5.We will shorts meeting in tow weeks (改为被动语态) The sports meeting_

9、_ _in two weeks.四、完成句子 根据句义和汉语提示完成下列句子。1.大量阅读对我们有好处_ a lot _ _ _ us.2.我们可以回收利用物品去减少污染We can _ _ to _ _.3.现在孩子们骑自行车上学而不是坐地铁Now the children _ _to school instead of _ _ _.4.记住关灯节约用电。_ to _ _ the lights to _ _.5.人们可以通过保护环境过绿色生活。People can _ _ _ _ by _ _ _.三、作业布置一、把下面助动态的句子变为被动语态,每空一词1.A car knocked him

10、 down yesterday.He _ _down _ a car yesterday 2.Two doctors and the nurses make up medical team The medical team _ _ _ of two doctors and ten nurses3.Well put on the play next SundayThe play will_ _ _next Sunday 4.We should protect the earth. The earth should _ _.5.We will finish all the work soon. A

11、ll the work_ _ _soon8B Unit 8 A green world第二课时Reading1 (新授课)主备人:邵珍美 审核人: 审批人: 班级: 姓名: 【教学目标】1.通过图片、标题和上下文猜测课文大意。2.了解瑞士的环保措施。3.增强学生保护环境的意识。【学习过程】一、课堂学习研讨 Step I 导入教师展示瑞士的图片,问:What do you know about this country?引导学生根据图片回答:Switzerland is a beautiful country with high mountains and clean blue lakes.Step II呈现教师问:Whens World Environment Day?World Environment Day is 5 June1.完成B12.完成B23.完成B34.完成B4播放课文第一段的录音回答以下问题1.What is Switzerland like?_2.What do people there try to do?_



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