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1、Section Reading and Thinking课后训练提升一、单词拼写1.I know he is a j who works for a local news agency.答案journalist2.At last,I a Susans advice and finished my homework at first.答案adopted3.If you s repeatedly,maybe it is a sign of catching a cold.答案sneeze4.The objects around you are v because they interact wit

2、h light.答案visible5.Each of the suitcases has a l on them.Which one is yours?答案label6.In 1897,the state of Michigan passed a law p the killing of passenger pigeons.答案prohibiting7.I cant a you to the cinema because I will take part in a voluntary activity.答案accompany8.He said he didnt want the job any

3、way,but thats just s grapes.答案sour二、单句语法填空1.Jack never wanted to stay in one place for very long,so they were always the move.答案on2.Stephen Smith was accepted into the family like an (adopt) brother.答案adopted3.He was banned driving for three years because of the accident he caused.答案from4.He accompa

4、nied his father the hospital to see whats wrong with his stomach.答案to5.She set out (do) her housework the moment she reached home.答案to do6.In order to live a garden,you practically have to live in it.答案off/on7.From my study window I have a pleasant outlook over mountains and (valley).答案valleys8.She

5、began cleaning the wound with a piece cloth.答案of三、完成句子1.他们动身踏上最后一段行程。They on the last stage of their journey.答案set out2.警察花了将近一个小时才使车辆又开起来。It took the police nearly an hour to get the traffic again.答案on the move3.那位著名的歌唱家的老师用钢琴为他伴奏。The well-known singer the piano by his school teacher.答案was accompan

6、ied on4.我不喜欢吃蔬菜,虽然我知道它们对我有好处。I dont like vegetables I know they are good for me.答案even though/if5.我以前总是和妈妈一起熬夜看电影。I with my mum and watch movies.答案used to stay up late四、阅读理解Camping with kidsThe protected lands of the National Parks are some of the most amazing destinations(目的地) to view nature.Here a

7、re some of the best national parks for kids.Grand Canyon National Park Grand Canyon National Park is a true must-see destination.During the summer months both the South and North Rim are open.The South Rim is busier,but the lodges(小屋) along this side are worth the time to explore.The North Rim offer

8、s some great backcountry(偏远地区) activities.Mesa Verde National ParkMesa Verde National Park is a great spot to enjoy some of Colorados amazing archaeological(考古的) sites.This park celebrates the history of the Pueblo people in the southwestern United States.Visitors will find over 4,000 archaeological

9、 sites at Mesa Verde,including 600 cliff dwellings(悬崖屋).Grand Teton National ParkGrand Teton National Park is open all year round and offers a wide variety of activities for the whole family as well as summer classes for children.During the winter visitors can enjoy skiing and snowshoeing.In additio

10、n,for the most adventurous visitors,Grand Teton National Park has amazing backcountry camping and rock climbing.Yosemite National ParkYosemite National Park is an amazing destination for travel enthusiasts,especially rock climbers,and families alike.If you are looking for a less visited spot,Hetch H

11、etchy is a perfect destination.1.What do we know about the South Rim?A.It is closed in summer.B.It is worthwhile to visit its lodges.C.It attracts fewer visitors than the North Rim.D.It offers more activities than the North rim.答案B解析细节理解题。根据Grand Canyon National Park中的“The South Rim is busier,but th

12、e lodges along this side are worth the time to explore.”可知在The South Rim,沿边的小屋是很值得探索的。故选B项。2.Which is the best destination for history-lovers?A.Grand Canyon National Park.B.Grand Teton National Park.C.Mesa Verde National Park.D.Yosemite National Park.答案C解析推理判断题。根据Mesa Verde National Park中的“This park

13、 celebrates the history of the Pueblo people.including 600 cliff dwellings.”可知Mesa Verde National Park庆祝美国西南部Pueblo人的历史。游客将在这里发现超过4000处考古遗址,其中包括600处悬崖屋。由此推知这里是历史爱好者的好去处。故选C项。3.What do Grand Teton National Park and Yosemite National Park have in common?A.They have few activities in summer.B.They are

14、both crowded places.C.They are suitable places for rock climbing.D.They provide kids with summer classes.答案C解析推理判断题。根据Grand Teton National Park中的“In addition,for the most adventurous visitors,Grand Teton National Park has amazing backcountry camping and rock climbing.”与Yosemite National Park中的“Yosemite National Park is an amazing destination for travel enthusiasts,especially rock climbers,and families alike.”可知,这两处的共同点是它们都是攀岩的好地方。故选C项。1


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