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1、商务英语汇总试卷试题商务英语汇总试题 / 商务英语汇总试题1. Perhaps the best way to think about supply chain software is to separate it intosoftware that helps you plan the supply chain and software helps you execute the supply chain steps themselves.或许对待供应链最好的方法是,把它分为能够帮助你规划供应链的软件和帮你执行供应链步骤的软件。2、Arguably the most valuable is

2、demand plan, which determines how much product you will make to satisfy your different customers demand.最有价值的是需求规划,它决定你将必定生产多少产品来满足不同样的客户需求,而这一点是有争议的。3 、 Despite the undisputed importanceof financialservice,electroniccommunications and media industries, the economy stillrevolvesaround themaking, mov

3、ing, buying and selling of“ stuff ”.,但是经济依旧围绕尽管金融服务、电子通信和媒体行业的重要性是无可争议的着 “资料 ”在制造、搬动、购买和销售。4、If selling supply chain systems is difficult on the outside, it isnt much easier inside.若是在外销售供应链系统很难的话,那么向内销售也不会很简单。5、You need a strategy for managing all the resources that go toward meeting customer deman

4、d for your product or service.你需要一种管理全部资源的策略,以使这些资源满足客户对你产品或服务的需求。6、ERP creats a single version of the truth that cannot be questioned because everyone is using the same system.ERP 创立了一个单一真实的说法,不容思疑,由于全部人使用一个系统。7、That is a tall order, building a single software program that serves the needs of peopl

5、e in finance as well as it does the people in human resources and in the warehouse.这是一个苛刻的要求,关于建立一个单一的软件程序,要同时满足财务人员、人力资源人员和库管员的要求。8、Typically, when a customer places an order , that order begin a mostly paper-based journey from in-basket to in-basket around company.一般来说,当客户下订单时,订单就开始从企业内一个文件夹到另一个文件

6、夹的公文旅行。9、the new software could slow you down by simply replacing the old software that everyone knew with new software that no one does.简单地用人们都不懂的新软件代替人们都懂的旧软件,反而会降低你的速度。10、In the race to fix these problems, companies often lose sight of the fact that ERP packages are nothing more than generic repr

7、esentation of the ways a typical company does business.在你追我赶地解决这一问题的时候,企业经常会看不到这样的事实:包只但是是典型企业业务方法的一般代表。ERP 软件11、 Most ERP systerms were designed to be used by discrete manufacturing companies (that make physical things that can be counted ), which immediately left all the process manufacturers (oil

8、, chemical and utility companies that measure their products by flow rather than individual units ) out in the cold.大多数的 ERP 都是为分其他计件企业而设计(他们制造的产品是实体的,能够计数),这就很快使流水线加工企业(如用流量而不是用单个单位来计量产品的石油企业、化工企业及公用事业企业)被撇在一边。12、With ERP, the customer service representatives are no longer just typists entering som

9、eone s name into a computer and hitting the return key.后按回车键的打字员。13、There are decisions that customer service representatives have never had to make before, and the answers affect the customer and every other department in the company.这些决策客户服务代表以前根本不用做,并且他们的答案可能会影响到客户和企业的每个部门。14、Many companies ,for

10、example, will just install all ERP finance or HR module and leave the rest of the functions for another day.比方好多企业,只会安装一个 ERP 财务模块或许人力资源模块,将其他部分的功能就留赐予后把。15、When one departments finishes with the order it is automatically routed via the ERP system to the next department.当一个部门完成了订单后就经过 ERP 系统的路径自动地发往

11、下一个部门。16、Human resource planning is where the human resource management strategy and the organization mission come together in determining the numbers and skill sets needed for the employees.人力资源管理令人力资源管理战略和组织使命在决定员工必备的数量技术方面联系在一起。17、Human resource planning involves the following six-step process in

12、 order to forecast the human resource needs for the organization.为了展望组织所需的人力资源,人力资源计划有以下六步18、Next up is compensation as an organization needs to know how much it can compensate employees before it begins the recruitment process.接下来是补偿作为一个组织需要知道招聘过程开始以前有多少能够填充。19、Job analysis is the systematic study

13、of what is done in a job.职位解析是系统地研究在做什么工作。20、The recruitment strategy should be based upon the human resource planning estimates as to the numbers,types ,and skills sets of employees needed and upon the organizations ability to compensate the employees.招聘战略应依照应依照人力资源计划估计的雇员的数量,种类及技术和组织补偿雇员的能力。21、The

14、 advertisement should be designed such that it attracts employees with the types of background experiences and skills desired for the job and in the numbers needed by the organization.招聘广告应该设计成能够吸引拥有工作所需的背景经验和技术种类的雇员以及组织所需的数量。22、 Human resource management is an area that those with an interest must

15、plan to continue to learn and grow in knowledge and experience in order to stay current.人力资源管理是一个地区,这些利益必定计划连续学习增添了知识和经验,以保持电流。23、Human resource management is a dynamic field filled with changes in laws and rules that must be followed.人力资源管理是一个动向的领域充满了变化规律和必定依照的基本规则24、Performance appraisal or job evaluation may ba defined as the evaluation of record of outcomes produced on specific job or activity du


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