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1、初代吸血鬼最经典的话【篇一:初代吸血鬼最经典的话】s1.01elijah:over the course of my long life, i have come to believethat we re boundforever to those with whom we share blood.and while we may not choose ourfamily, that bound can be ourgreatest strength, or our deepest true regret. thisunfortunatetruth has haunted me for as

2、long as i can recall.以利亚:在我漫长的生命中,我一直相信:我们的命运与血亲相连。虽然我们无法选择家人,但这份血缘会成为我们强大的力量,或是我们最真切的悔恨,印象中我一生都在被这个不争的事实困扰着。elijah:since then, all that you have ever wanted, all that wehave ever wanted was afamily.以利亚:你想要的一切、我们想要的一切 ,就是一个家。elijah:fa mily is power. love, loyalty, it s power. 以利亚:家族就是力量。爱、忠诚,是力量的源泉。

3、elijah:we remain together always and forever.以利亚:我们会一直并且永远在一起。elijah:i will help you and i will stand by you. i will be yourbrother. we will builda home here together. 以利亚:我会帮你,做你的后盾、做你的兄长。我们可以在这里建一个家园。macel:my home, my family, my rules.马塞尔:我的家园、我的家族、我的规矩。elijah:for now, accept the deal. the girl an

4、d her child remainunharmed, or klausewill kill you all and i will help him. 以利亚:现在,接受交易吧。那女孩和孩子要安然无恙,否则克劳斯会把你们都杀死而且我会帮他一起下手。elijah:i will not let you go. i will never let go. even if i have tospend eternitysaving you from your own stubborn, petulant,vile self if i have to beat you asfather used to b

5、eat you toremind you of your own humanity to care aboutanything.以利亚:我不会放开你的,绝对不会!即使我永世都得拯救你让你摆脱固执、任性、卑鄙的自己。如果我只能像父亲过去那样殴打你来提醒你的人性、提醒你去关心一切。elijah:because i failed you. because the first time our fatherlaid a hand on you, ishould ve struck him dead and i made apromise to you always, forever familyabo

6、ve all. 以利亚:因为我让你失望了,引文父亲第一次对你动手时我就该直接打死他,我还向你保证过:家人永远高于一切。elijah:the bond of family blesses us with an immeasurablepower. but we also mustaccept what comes with it. it gives usa responsibility to love withoutcondition, without apology. wecan never waiver from the power of that bond, evenwhen it ist

7、ested. the bond nourishes us, gives us strength. withoutthatpower, we have nothing.以利亚:血缘赐予我们无尽的力量,但是我们也必须接受随之而来 的一切。它给了我们去爱的责任:不讲条件、不需道歉。我们永远都不能放弃这种血缘的力量,即使它受到考验。这种血缘滋养着我们、给予我们力量,没有这种力量, 我们就义务所有。klause:this town was my home once, and in my absence macelhas got everything i everwanted, power, loyalt

8、y, family. i madehim in my image, and he has bettered me.i want what he has, iwant it back. i want to be king.克劳斯:这座小镇曾是我的家,在我不在的时候马塞尔得到了我想要的一切:力量、忠诚、家庭。我按照我想要的样子塑造了他,他却背叛了我。我想要他所有的一切,我要夺回来,我要成为王者。 elijah:i think this child could you offer the one thing thatyouve never believed youhad the unconditio

9、nal love of family. 以利亚:我觉得这个孩子能够给你一样你一直不相信自己能拥有的东西:家人的无条件之爱。elijah:i will always protect you. you have my word on that.以利亚:我会一直保护你,我向你保证。klause:there is no power in love. mercy makes you weak.family makes you weak. if i mever going to win this war, i haveto do it alone. 克劳斯:爱无法给人力量,仁慈让人软弱、家人让人软弱。我想要赢得这场战争,我必须孤身奋战。【篇三:初代吸血鬼最经典的话】初代吸血鬼简介:



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