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1、英语语句否定形式总结作者: admin来源: 网络文章时间: 2018-10-07肯定与否定是两个完全对立的概念,容不得半点含糊。然而,英语的否定形式相当繁杂,稍有不慎,就会出错。所以现在我们就来归纳一下英语对否定概念的表达方式作。英语否定概念的表达形式大致可分为两类:显形否定与隐形否定。显形否定一般借助否定词或含否定意义的句型表达,其否定含义较为直观,故有明否定之称;隐形否定无明显否定词,其否定含义往往要靠上下文或语境来推定,比较难以把握,故有暗否定或间接否定之称。一、显形否定常用否定词no,not,never,none,nobody,nothing,nowhere,neither, nor

2、,neither.nor,but,without,unless,but for,but that,in the absence of,regardless of, instead of,exclusive of,short of,rather than,anything but,any more than,out of the question,would no more.than由a-,dis-,il-,im-,ir-,un-,non-,anti-,mal-,under-等前缀及-less,-free,-proof等后缀合成的否定词hardly,scarcely,barely,little,

3、few,seldom等半否定词avoid,ban,call off,cancel,deny,deprive,exclude,escape,evade,forbid,free.from,free from/of,fail,hate,ignore,lack,lose,miss,naught,neglect, prohibit,quit, refuse,rid,rule out,stop以及above,against,beneath,beyond,far from,off,out of,past和absent,bad,bare, empty, last, poor,vaccant等可用于表达否定概念

4、的词。1) 这类否定句要注意如下三个问题:否定程度的强弱,说话者的态度以及否定句式表肯定概念He is not richer than I. 他不比我富。He is no richer than I. 他和我一样,也不富。He is not a statesman. 他不是政治家。He is no statesman. 他绝非政治家。(弦外音:他不懂政治)No less than fifty people were killed in the accident. 事故中多达五十人死亡(够多的,as many as,多达)。Write a short passage of not less th

5、an 200 words.写一段短文字数不少于二百(多则不限)。We have not learned more than 1,000 English words.我们学了不超过一千个英语单词(顶多一千个,可能比这还少)。We have learned no more than 1,000 English words.我们学了一千个英语单词(不够多)。I could not feel better.我感觉再好不过了。I can not agree more.我完全同意。You cant be too careful when driving.开车时愈小心愈好(或尽可能小心)。There is

6、no smallest wind today.今天一点风也没有。There is no small wind today.今天的风可真不小。It leaves nothing to be desired. 这已完美无缺。2)错位否定It doesnt seem to be logical. 这似乎不合逻辑。I dont think you are right.我认为你不对。He didnt go there by bus. 他不是乘公共汽车去的。I dont teach because teaching is easy for me. 我之所以教书,并不是因为教书容易。In no circum

7、stances should we be conceited.我们绝不应该骄傲自满。但有些否定词的位置不同,含义也不同。I havent decided to go there. 我没决定去不去那儿。I have decided not to go there.我已决定不去那儿。这类词还有 advise,tell,ask,require,request,pretend 等。3)部分否定(或不完全否定)当all,both,every,everything,everybody,everywhere,always,often,completely, wholly,entirely,necessari

8、ly 与not 连用时,也表示部分否定:I do not remember all those names.我记不得所有的名称。He does not often come here. 他不是老来这儿。 Dont always ask for help.不要老让人帮忙。另外,遇到beyond等介词,要注意其搭配关系。如:Its quite beyond me (above me, past me, beyond my depth). 这个我理解不了。beyond: expectation(出乎意料), debate / controversy(无可争议,无疑的), dispute(无可辩驳),

9、 description(无法描述), cure(不可救药), control (无法控制), belief(难以置信), all comparison(不能相提并论,不能相比)out of: sight(看不见), humour(不高兴), breath (喘不过气来), cash(没有钱), mind(不去想), bounds(不准进入), date / style / fashion(过时,不时髦), work(失业), danger(脱离危险)beneath criticism(不值得批评);past repair(无法修补),past all belief(不可思议);off one

10、s mind (不放在心上),off colour(精神不好,身体不舒服)常用否定句型1)too.to.,too.for.He is too young to go to school.(=He is not old enough to go to school.)他还不够上学的年龄。Thats too much for me.这我可受不了啦。但下列句中无否定含义:He is too ready to speak.(He is talkative.)他太爱讲话了。Im only too glad to help you. 能为您效劳,我高兴极了。2)stop (prevent,keep,hin

11、der,protect,save,prohibit,dissuade.).from.Intact skin can protect the body from being invaded by germs.未受损的皮肤可以保护身体不受细菌侵害。3)利用虚拟语气表否定You should (ought to) have done it better.你本应做得更好。(还不够好)I could have come earlier.我本来能早点来的。(实际上没有早来) I wish he were here now.我希望他现在能在这儿。(实际上他不在)If only he had asked fo

12、r my advice!他当初要能征求我的意见就好了!(实际上没有)They would rather die than surrender.他们宁死不降。4)用before引导的从句表“来不及,不等,未先,以防”等否定含义The bell rang before I could look over my answers.我还没来得及看一下答案铃就响了。Put on more clothes before you catch cold.多穿点衣服以防感冒。5)预先安排的事未办到或计划落空I had hoped to save some more money to buy a new car.我

13、本希望多攒点钱买辆新车。6)用比较级句型表否定He knows more than he lets on.这件事他了解得很多,但不肯承认。I know better than to believe him.我才不相信他那一套呢。Hes more brave than resourceful.他勇敢有余,谋略不足(有勇无谋)。7)其它含否定概念的句型God knows how high the mountain is.谁知道这山究竟有多高。Whats the use of complaining?抱怨有什么用?Mind your own business!莫管闲事!How is it possi

14、ble?哪有这种可能 ?二、隐形否定此类否定既无特定句型,又无否定词,其否定含义多为习惯用语或引申义,颇为费解,也最易出错,切不可望文“生译”,如:Ill buy it .我答不上来(或不晓得)。Catch me making the same error again.我决不再犯同样的错误。I dare him to jump.我量他也不敢跳。You are telling me!(=Tell me about it!)这事还用你说?Keep it dark!这事不可泄露出去。She bears her age well. 她一点不显老。For all I care!这事我才不管呢。(我才不在

15、乎呢!)Its anyones guess. 这事谁也不清楚。三、英汉否定互译技巧从上述例句不难看出,有否定词的句子,未必是否定,没有否定词的未必是肯定,这与语法上所称之否定句、肯定句并不完全一致。汉语的否定词少得多,常用的词有:不、未、无、非、别、莫、勿、毋、休、没、没有、失、免、缺、禁、忌、戒、防等,其中以副词居多,只有个别形容词或少数动词。而英语的否定词几乎应有尽有,包括名、代、动、形、副、介、连七种词性。在这以繁对简的转换过程中,其困难可想而知。1、对应法:此法为最基本的译法,直陈式的句子多采用此法翻译,即肯定译肯定,否定译否定,双重否定仍译双重否定。There is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪。It is unlikely but not impossible.这事可能性不大,但也不是不可能。2、转移法:多用于错位否定的句子。At no time and in no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.任何时候,任何情况下,中国决不首先使用核武器。Neither of t



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