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1、申明,本人也是渣渣一个,翻译有错误什么的很正常 不能全信 学霸请右上点叉。希望对你们有帮助。Naming Inorganic CompoundsIntroduction(引言):1.10 million known chemical substances.Need to establish a set of rules leading to informative, systematic name for each substance(10000000种已知的化学物质。需要建立一套规则,导致信息,对各种物质的系统名称。)2.Nomenclature: basic rules for namin

2、g simple compounds (organic compounds,inorganic compounds)(命名:命名的基本规则简单化合物(有机化合物,无机化合物))Contents of current section(目前的部分内容):1.Preparatory materials(names of common elements in the periodic table)(准备材料(在周期表中的常见元素的名称));2.Ionic compounds (cations, anions,compounds)((阳离子,阴离子的离子化合物,化合物));3.Acids(酸);4.Mo

3、lecular compounds(分子化合物)Common Elements(常见的元素):Ac-Actinium锕, Ag-Silver, Al-Aluminum, Ar-Argon, As-Arsenic, Au-Gold, B-Boron, Ba-Barium, Be-Beryllium, Bi-Bismuth, Br-Bromine, C-Carbon, Ca-Calcium, Cd-Cadmium, Ce-Cerium铈, Cl-Chlorine, Co-Cobalt, Cr-Chromium, Cs-Cesium铯, Cu-Copper, F-Fluorine, Fe-Iron,

4、Ga-Gallium镓, Ge-Germanium锗, H-Hydrogen, He-Helium, Hg-Mercury, I-Iodine, In-Indium, Ir-Iridium铱, K-Potassium, Kr-Krypton, La-Lanthanum镧, Li-Lithium, Mg-Magnesium, Mn-Manganese, Mo-Molybdenum钼, N-Nitrogen, Na-Sodium, Nb-Niobium铌, Nd-Neodymium钕, Ne-Neon, Ni-Nickel, O-Oxygen, Os-Osmium锇, P-Phosphorus,

5、Pb- Lead, Pd-Palladium钯, Po-Polonium钋,Pt-Platinum, Pu-Plutonium钚, Ra-Radium, Rb-Rubidium铷, Re-Rhenium铼, Rn-Radon氡, Ru-Ruthenium钌, S-Sulfur, Sb-Antimony锑, Sc-Scandium钪, Se-Selenium硒, Si-Silicon, Sm-Samarium钐, Sn-Tin,Sr-Strontium锶, Ta-Tantalum钽, Te-Tellurium, Ti-Titanium, Tl-Thallium, U-Uranium, V-Van

6、adium钒,W-Tungsten, Xe-Xenon, Y-Yttrium钇, Zn-Zinc, Zr-Zirconium锆Ionic compounds(离子化合物)General rule :The names of ionic compounds are based on the names of the ions of which they are composed. The positive ion (cation) is always named first and listed first in writing the formula for the compound. The

7、 negative ion (anion) is named and written last.(一般规则:离子化合物的名字是基于它的离子,它们组成的名字。正离子(阳离子)总是叫第一上市首先在写作的复合配方。负离子(阴离子)命名和书面上。)Eg.:NaCl (sodium chloride)Naming cations(命名阳离子)Monatomic ions (take the name of the element itself)(单原子离子(带元素本身的名称)Zn2+ (zinc ion), Al3+ (aluminum ion)Note: for an element (especia

8、lly transition metals) with more than 1 positive ion, the positive charge of the ion is indicated by a Roman numeral in parentheses following the name of the metal:(注:对于一个元素(特别是过渡金属)超过1的正离子,离子的正电荷表示括号中的罗马数字以下的金属的名字:)Fe2+ - iron (II) ion, Cu+ -copper (I) ionIf unsure, use the Roman numeral designatio

9、n of charges as part of the name.(这句我翻译不出来。)Naming cations(命名阳离子)Note: A widely used older method to distinguish between two differently charged ions of a metal is to apply the ending ous for the lower charged ions or -ic for the higher charged ions, respectively. They are added to the root of the L

10、atin name of the element(.注:一种广泛使用的老方法来区分两个不同的电荷的金属离子,以-ous结束的为低带电离子,以IC结束的为高电荷态离子。)(应该是这个意思。)Eg.:Fe2+ (ferrous ion), Cu+ (cuprous ion) Fe3+ (ferric ions), Cu2+ (cupric ion)Naming cationsPolyatomic cations: Groups of atoms with a positive charge.(多原子离子:带正电荷的原子组的。)NH4+ - ammonium ion Hg22+ -mercury (

11、I) ion or mercurous ionNote: Hg2+ -mercury (II) ion, or mercuric ionCommon ions:(常见离子)Cations(阳离子): ammonium(铵), cesium(铯), copper(I) or cuprous(铜一和铜二);, hydrogen(氢), lithium(锂), potassium(钾), silver(银),sodium(钠).(+1 ions); barium(钡), cadmium(钙), calcium(镉), cobalt(II) or cobaltous(钴), copper(II) or

12、 cupric(铜),iron(II) or ferrous(铁), lead(II) or plumbous(铅),magnesium(镁), manganese(II) or manganous(锰),mercury(I) or mercurous(汞一和汞), mercury(II) or mercuric(汞二和汞), nickel(镍), strontium(锶), tin(II) or stannous(锡), zinc.(2+ ions)(锌); aluminum(铝), chromium(III) or chromic(铬), iron(III) or ferric.(3+ i

13、ons)(铁三)Naming anions(命名阴离子) Monatomic anions (named by dropping the ending of the name of the element and adding the ending -ide ):(单阴离子(删除元素名的结尾和添加后缀IDE命名):(不懂 可以看图 ,图解就不多说了)Naming anionsPolyatomic anionsNote: only a few polyatomic anions end in -ide:OH- hydroxide ion, CN- cyanide ion O22- peroxid

14、e ion, N3- azide ion(多原子阴离子注意:只有很少的多原子阴离子端有IDE:氢氧根离子,-氢离子,CN-离子,过氧化根离子,3 -叠氮离子)Naming anionsOxyanions (polyatomic and oxygen-containing):when an element forms two oxyanions, the name of the one containing more oxygen ends in-ate; the name of the one with less oxygen ends in -ite:Eg.:NO2- nitrite ion

15、, SO32- sulfite ion ,NO3- nitrate ion, SO42- sulfate ion(含氧阴离子(原子和氧):当一个元件形成两个含氧阴离子,含有更多的氧的离子以后缀-ate结尾;含氧少的以后缀-ite结尾。:不懂就看看例子。如:NO2 -亚硝酸根离子,SO32-的亚硫酸根离子,硝酸根离子NO3-,SO42-的硫酸根离子)Naming anionsNote: when the series of anions of a given element extends to three or four members,prefixes are also employed.

16、The prefix hypo-indicates less oxygen, and per- more oxygen:(翻译不出来,大概意思是在上一个原则下加入了前缀原则。看图应该能比较好懂吧)Eg: ClO- hypochlorite ion, ClO2- chlorite ion ClO3- chlorate ion, ClO4- perchlorate ion chlor-root of chlorineNaming anionsPractice: selenate ion (?); selenite ion (?) perbromate (?) , hypobromite (?)Note: exceptions to rules(特殊例子): permanganate ion is MnO4-, manganate ion is MnO


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