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1、高中英语常用搭配档.txt每个女孩都曾是无泪的天使,当遇到自己喜欢的男孩时,便会流泪一一,于是坠落凡间变为女孩,所以,男孩一定不要辜负女孩,因为女孩为你放弃整个天堂。朋友,别哭,今夜我如昙花绽放在最美的瞬间凋谢,你的泪水也无法挽回我的枯萎高中英语常用动词搭配五十组1. agreeagree to do sth.同意做某事agree with sb.同意某人的意见agree to sth.同意agree on sth.就达成一致2. askask for sth.请求ask sb. for sth.向某人请求得到ask sb. for help向某人求助ask leave请假ask sb. fo

2、r a days leave向某人请一天假ask for trouble自找麻烦ask sb. to do要求某人做某事ask to do请求做某事3. breakbreak down出毛病,不运转break out爆发,突然发生break in插嘴,打断说话break into闯入break away from脱离,打破break off打断break up打碎break with与断绝关系break through突破,冲跨break the law犯法4. bringbring about导致bring back带回,想起bring down降低,减少,使倒下bring forward提

3、出bring on使前进bring in引来,引进bring to使苏醒bring out取出,显示bring up养育,培养bring through使度过困难,救活,穿越bring sth. into being使产生bring sth to an end使结束bring around说服,使改变主意bring sth under制服,镇压bring together使团结,使和解5. callcall for请求,要求,为而喊出,接,叫某人call on/ upon号召,拜访call out召集,大声叫call up召唤,召集,想起,打电话call sb in 叫进来call by顺道访

4、问6. carrycarry out进行,开展,执行carry on继续,开展carry back运回,拿回carry away运走,冲走carry off夺走,获得carry forward推进,发扬carry sth in ones arms抱着carry sth about随身携带carry all/ everything before one势如破竹carry sth too far把某事做得过分7. catchcatch up很快拾起,跟上,赶上catch the cold着凉,伤风catch at试图抓住catch on抓住,理解catch up with赶上,超过8. comec

5、ome about发生,实现,产生come back回来,想起来come down落下来come from出生于,来自come in进入,进来come on跟我来,加油come out出来,出版come along快点,来吧come to来到,达到,结果是come up走过来,走近,发芽,从土中长出come across走过,偶然遇到come after跟着,跟随come over过来,胜过come by走过,经过come forth出现,显现come round苏醒come through安然度过come up to来到跟前9. drivedrive off赶走drive sb mad使某人

6、发狂drive back赶回,开回drive out开出,消除,驱逐drive down压低drive in开进,努力地灌输drive in a taxi搭出租车drive at猛击,朝努力drive sb home把送回家drive away驱车离开,赶走,驱散drive on继续行驶10. dodo well in 在方面做得好do some cleaning搞卫生,大扫除do some cooking做饭do some shopping买东西do some washing洗衣服do ones best尽力do a good deed做好事do right做得对do wrong做坏事,犯罪

7、do business做买卖do experiments做实验do sb a favour帮助某一个忙do sb wrong使某人受委屈do with处理do up梳理do the bed铺床do the room收拾房间do the dishes洗碗碟do ones hair做头发have sth to do with与有关what to do怎么办How do you do?你好!11. findfind out查明,发现,了解find oneself自我感觉find support得到支持find a mistake发现错误find the answer to找到的答案find ones

8、 way找到路径find sb in/ out发现某人(不)在家12. fightfight against为反对而战斗fight with同战斗fight for为而战fight up勇敢战斗fight back回击fight on继续战斗fight it out决一雌雄13. getget on/along with与相处get away逃离get back返回get down降下,下车get in进入,收割get in ones way妨碍某人,挡住去路get off下车,脱下get on上车get up起床get into进入,陷入get together聚集,联欢会get to kn

9、ow认识get about走动,传播get over爬过,克服get around消息传开get married结婚get close to接近get down to doing开始做某事get in touch with与取得联系,与接触get home/here/there到家/这里/那里14. gogo away离开go back回去go by经过,过去go on继续,发生go on doing继续做(相同的)事go on to do 继续做(不同的)事go on with sth继续做某事go out熄灭,出去go in for参加,从事go over检查,复习14. gogo dow

10、n下去,下沉go home回家go to bed上床,睡觉go for a walk去散步go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming去钓鱼/买东西/溜冰/游泳go bad变坏,坏掉go off走开go head用吧,向前(表鼓励)go into进入,参加go against反对,不利于go all out拼命干,尽最大努力15. givegive back归还,送还give up放弃give out分发,用完,耗尽give off发出give in屈服,让步,投降give a concert举行音乐会give away赠送give a lesson上课give a

11、 talk演讲,做报告give ones life献身give sb advice给某人一些建议give an example举例give sb a hand帮助give a loud laugh大笑一声give orders发出命令16. handhand in交上,交进hand out分发,施舍hand on传下去hand over移交,让与hand back交还,归还Hands up!举起手来!Hands off!不许碰!17. havehave to不得不,必须have sth on穿着,带着have sth done让人做某事have a headache头痛have a talk

12、with sb与某人谈话have a word with sb与某人谈话have a few words with与某人谈几句话have words with sb与某吵架have a high fever发高烧have a seat坐下have a test参加考试have a day off休一天假have a good time玩得愉快have sth for supper晚饭吃have sth in mind牢记18. hearhear from收到的来信hear about/ of听说hear sb say听人说起hear a case审理案件wont hear of不允许19. k

13、eepkeep back保留,阻止keep up坚持,维持keep up with跟上,不落在后面keep on doing继续做某事keepout of不让进入keep in touch with与保持联系keep order维持秩序keep off让开keep a record作记录keep from忍住,阻止keep the secret保守秘密keep fit保持身体健康Keep of the grass!勿踏草地keep out不让进入20. knockknock at 敲门、窗等knock into撞在某人身上knock down打掉,省掉knock off打掉,磕去21. leadlead to导致,导向,影响lead a life过生活lead into引入,导入22. learnlearn from向学习,从中吸取教训learn of听到learn sth well学好learn sth by heart背下learn how to do sth学习做某事23. leaveleave for到去leave off中断,不再做,脱掉leave out遗漏,排除,忽视leave alone不理会,不管,更不用说leave about乱扔,乱放leave sb with使某人留下leave a message留话leave sth


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