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1、题型综合练(七)(限时65分钟). 阅读理解AThere have been some claims made by scientists that whether a child might commit the crime in the future or not can be predicted through analyzing his behavior. I totally disagree with this idea and I believe that measures can be taken to avoid children growing to be offenders

2、. On the one hand, since human nature changes through the time along with the development of people awareness, wrong doings are not caused by ones personality. For example, a naughty child could show unacceptable behavior in his childhood but with guidance and education from family and school, he ca

3、n become a paragon of virtue and a law-obeying citizen. Consequently, it is impossible for scientists to make accurate assumption. What is more, living conditions and environmental factors play a major role in deciding ones characters and how children may grow up. There is a correlation between crim

4、e and poverty. A child from poor family with constant exposure to violence is likely to conduct illegal acts. On the other hand, it is possible to stop this problem. This can firstly be done by encouraging parents to spend more time with their children, and pay more attention to take care of their c

5、hildren properly. For example, parents can teach their children to distinguish between good and evil. Secondly, schools should make crime education compulsive. Crime prevention should be added to regular lessons. Therefore, children will be aware of the bad consequences of misdoings and avoid them a

6、t all cost. Another solution is posing stricter punishments. As a result, children would give up any intention of illegal acts when being conscious of severe punishments. To conclude, I believe that crime is not by nature so scientists cannot jump to any conclusion when studying childrens behavior a

7、nd action can be taken to prevent children from growing into a criminal. 【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文, 有科学家说通过观察儿童的行为就可以预测将来他会不会犯罪, 作者不同意这种说法, 并列举了自己的观点。1. What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “paragon” in Paragraph 2? A. Model. B. Student. C. Destroyer. D. Victim. 【解析】选A。 词义猜测题。一个小时候顽皮的孩子, 经过学校以及家

8、庭的教育和引导可以成为一个道德的模范和行为端正的公民。比较选项可知, 此处应为褒义, 不是道德的破坏者(destroyer), 受害者(victim), 也不是道德的学生(student), 故选A。2. Why is a child from a poor family more likely to commit a crime? A. Because he is short of money. B. Because he is born with an evil nature. C. Because he may be misled by bad environment. D. Becau

9、se he has no ability to resist temptation. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中最后一句“A child from poor family with constant exposure to violence is likely to conduct illegal acts”可知, 穷人家的孩子经常接触到暴力, 他们很可能做出违法行为。故选C。3. What should parents do to educate their children? A. Use necessary punishments. B. Do as the school d

10、oes. C. Accompany their children at school. D. Teach them to tell right from wrong. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第三段中“parents can teach their children to distinguish between good and evil. ”可知, 家长要教会孩子辨别是非。故选D。BAccording to a new study, the Mediterranean diet could prevent 20, 000 deaths resulting from heart atta

11、ck and stroke in the UK population. Mediterranean diet is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, herbs, nuts, some fish, dairy and proper red wine. The Cambridge University researchers gathered data of about 24, 000 people from Norfolk, UK for a period over 20 years. The team tracked the

12、 effect of the diet on the groups heart health. They found that 12. 5% of the deaths caused by cardiovascular(心血管的) issues could be avoided by following the Mediterranean diet. With heart attack and stroke responsible for around 160, 000 death in the UK every year, eating healthy foods could be help

13、ful in preventing some 20, 000 deaths, the study suggests. Dr Nita Forouhi, the lead study author from the University of Cambridge, stressed that following the Mediterranean style of eating is one important part of the overall approach. Not smoking and being able to keep your weight, cholesterol(胆固醇

14、)levels and blood pressure within a healthy range are other important factors that help reduce the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This work highlights the importance of a well-balanced diet, which means including something from a wide range of healthy foods available to us and not just sup

15、er foods often claimed for their all-inclusive health benefits. Restricting the intake of sugar, salt and fats also keep your heart fit and healthy. The UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) already recommends a Mediterranean way of eating for people who have had cardiovascular

16、 events in the past. This study shows that this diet may be beneficial for all, in terms of lowering their risk factors for heart attack and stroke. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文, 研究表明, 地中海式的饮食含有大量蔬菜, 水果等, 对减少心血管疾病有很大好处。4. How is the study conducted? A. By doing comparative experiments. B. By evaluating survey information. C. By analyzing previous data. D. By tracking participants fo


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