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1、形容词的等级英语里形容词有三个比较等级,即原级、比较级和最高级。一般来说, 表示“和一样时用原级。f She is as tall as her sister.她和她的姐姐一样高。表示两者比更时用比较级。女口:She is taller than her siste匚她比她的姐姐高。表示“最”时用最高级,女口:She is the tallest in her family她是她家个子最高的。当形容词由原级变为比较级或者最高级时,词形上会发生变化。这种 变化可分成规则变化和不规则变化。1形容词比较级的规则变化。大多数形容词是按照规则来变化的,形容词比较级和最高级的规则变化如F表:构词法原级比较

2、级最咼级1.单音节词末家-er和-esttallshorttallershortertallestshortest2.单音节词以-e结尾,只finefinerfinest加和-stlatelaterlatest3.闭首节单首节词如末bigbiggerBiggest尾只有一个辅音字母,必 须先双写这个辅音字母, 再加-er或-estfatfatterfattest4.少数以-y -er -ow -blehappyhappierhappiest结尾的双首节词,词尾加cleverclevercleverest-er和-est (以-y结尾的narrownarrowernarrowest词,如-y前是

3、辅音字母. 则变y为i,再加-er和, -est;以-e结尾的词仍只加 -r 和-st)ableablerablest5.其他多音节和多音节 词在形容词前面加more 和 mostbeautifulmorebeautifulmostbeautiful*注意:有些单音节词的比较级和最高级也常在形容词前加mow和most,如 glad、fond、shy、sly (狡猾的;淘气的;暗中的)。当like作形容词或副 词用时,比较级和最高级用mow like和most likeo2.形容词比较级的不规则变化英语里有一些形容词的比较级和最高级的变化是不规则的。如:原级比较级最咼级goodbetterbes

4、twellbadworseworstillmanymoremostmuchlittlelessleastfewfarfartherfarthestfurtherfurthestoldolderoldesteldereldestlatelaterlatestlatterlast木注意:英语里有一些形容词由于其词义而没有比较级和最高级形式。女口: excellent (卓越的,极好的),wrong (错误的),perfect (完美的), wooden (木制的),final(最 终的),possible(可能的),whole(所有的)等。 练习:一、Write out the comparati

5、ves and superlatives (写出下列词的形容词的比较 级和最咼级)原级比较级最高级long clever niceablehappyeasyhotbigfatcareful interesting important goodwellbadillnarrow finemany much old far little 形容词等级的用法形容词有三个比较等级,以下为其基本用法:1、形容词原级的用法。原级常用于as+M容词原级+as结构,解释为“和一样”。女口:She is as tall as I.她和我一样高。(口语中I常用me代替)This building is as old

6、as that one.这座建筑和那座一样古老。否定的原级notasas或not so.as,基本解释为“没有环如”两者一般无区别。如:f Its not as cold in China as Russia.中国没有俄罗斯冷。It is not so dark inside as outside.屋里不如屋外黑。2、形容词比较级的用法。比较级常用于“形容词比较级结构,解释为“比更”。 如:-She is taUer thanI她比我高。(口语中I 一般用me代替) He looks younger than his younger brother.他看上去比他 的弟弟 年轻。 f The c

7、ar is more expensive than the van.这辆汽车比这辆面包车贵。比较级前可以用much修饰,强调程度,意为”得多”。女口:f Mrs. Li is much older than Mrs. Wang.李太太比王太太老多 了。否定比较与否定原级一样,可用 not as (so ).as.结构。另外也可用 less.than 结构。女口:She is not as tall as her elder sister.她没有她的姐姐高。f The bicycle is less expensive than the motorcycle.这辆自彳亍车没有这辆 摩托车贵。(这

8、句话也可写成The bicycle is cheaper than the motorcycle.这辆自行车比 这辆摩托车便宜。)3、形容词最高级的用法最高级常用于“the+形容词最高级十比较范围“结构。解释为最%女口:This is the best picture in the hall.这是大厅里最好的一张画。f This is the tallest building in this area.这栋大楼是这个地区最高的建筑物。He was the most intelligent policeman in our police station. 他过去是我们警察局最有智慧的警察。形容词

9、的否定最高级可用not+the4最高级H比较范围,也可用the least.+ 比较范围。如:The doll isnt the most expensive in the toy shop.这个洋娃娃并非是玩具店里最贵的。He wants to buy the car with the least money 他想花最少的钱买这辆车。I dont mind in the least我根本就不在意。练习:一、给出下面形容词的比较级和最高级:原级比较级最高级1. bright 2. fat 3. lazy 4. safe 5. heavy 6. wide 7. high 8. close 9.

10、long 10. dirty 11. sad 12. brave 13. silly 14. beautiful二、选择正确答案,并填入括号内。1 () Tom is asas Jack.A. tall B. tallest C. taller D. the tallest2 () My uncle is asas my aunt.A. old B. older C. elder D. oldest3 () My pencil is not asas yours.A. cheaper B. cheapest C. cheap D. more cheap4 () Ydut toy car ist

11、han mine.A. expensive B. expensiver C. more expensive D. the most expensive5 () Which is, this one or that one?A. good B. better C. the best D. more good6 () Who is, Tom or Jack?A. tall B. taller C. the tallest D. more tall7 () This book isinteresting than that one.A. much more B. many more C. much

12、most D. many most三、填入所给形容词的适当形式:1. She is two yearthan me. Shes thegirl in our class, (young)2. Bill isthan Tom. He s theof the three children, (old)3. John is theboy in the class, (clever)4. Cairo is thecity in Egypt, (big)5. Her bicycle isthan mine, (good)6. My cold istoday than it was yesterday (

13、bad)7. Tokyo isfrom Beijing than from Shanghai, (far)8. This question isthan the other one. (simple 简单的)9. This street is than Beijing Road. It5actually thestreet in the whole city (narrow 窄的)10. It isin Hong Kong than in Kunming, (hot)副词的等级英语里副词有三个比较等级,即原级、比较级和最高级。一般来说,表示和一样时用原级。女口:f I run as fast

14、as my elder brother.我跑得和我哥一样快。表示两者比更时用比较级。女口:I run faster than my elder brother.跑得 比我哥哥快。表示最时用最高级。女口: I ran fastest in this competition.这次竞赛我跑得最快。1、副词的变化规则当副词由原级变为比较级或者最高级时,词形上会发生变化。这种变化可 分成规则变化和不规则变化。(1) 规则变化副词的比较级和最高级的变化形式与形容词大致相同,但以后缀-ly结尾 的副词须用more和most。如:原级比较级最高级hardharderhardestfastfasterfastestquickly more quickly most quicklycarefully more carefullymost carefully注意early未尾的-ly并非后缀,所以比较等级不用more和most,应是earlier , earliesto另外有些



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