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1、2022年部编人教版五年级英语上册期中试卷【及答案】 题序一二三四五六七八总分得分(满分:100分 时间:60分钟)一、从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。(10分)1、( )Aclass BstrictCstrong2( )Amusic BartCread3( )Awash BwatchCoften4( )AMonday BFridayCweek5( )Asometimes BfunnyCpolite二、选出下列每组中单词画线部分发音不同的一项。(10分)1、( )Ablack Bplease Ceggplant2( )Alibrary Bblow Cumbrella3( )Asheep Bf

2、ish Cchild4( )AFifth Bbirthday Cthis5( )Afrog Bthing Csong三、选择填空。(20分)1、There _ four boys in the playground. ( )AisBareCam2、Please send an email _ Sarah.( )AfromBtoCfor3、You _ back from China! ( )AamBisCare4、I often plant flowers _ my grandpa. ( )AandBwithCor5、My mother is a teacher. She goes to sch

3、ool _ 7:00 _ the morning.( )Aat; onBat; atCat; in6、We have English Mondays and Wednesdays. ( )AinBofCon7、The boy is short. But the girl is very _. ( )AhelpfulBkindCtall8、Look! John _ basketball in the playground. ( )AplayedBplaysCis playing9、Id like two _. ( )ApatatoBpotatosCpotatoes10、She _ a good

4、time_ the party. ( ) Ahave; inBhas; atChas; in四、 用括号中单词的正确形式补全句子。(10分)1When _ (be) Chinas National Day?2Its on May _ (five) this year.3Thats my _ (mother) birthday.4Chinese noodles _ (be) delicious!5My cat _ (have) two new kittens.五、 按要求改写句子。(10分)1There is a tree in front of my house. (改为复数形式)_2Ther

5、e is a house over there. (改为一般疑问句)_3We can take some photos in the park. (改为否定句)_4Is there a river in the forest? (作否定回答)_六、 用正确的形式写出句子。(10分)1. dancing,class,take,a,on,the,weekend,I,(.)_2. do,usually,you,when,go,shopping,(?)_3. do,what,on,weekend,do,you,the,(?)_4. Sometimes,I,play,sports,with,friend

6、s,my,(.)_5. start,at,oclock,classes,8,(.)_七、 给下列问句找到对应的答句。(10分)AI have dinner at home.BI like fish best.CId like a sandwich.DI have beef noodles.E. Because its healthy.1Whats your favourite food? ( )2What would you like? ( )3What do you have for lunch? ( )4Why do you like it? ( )5Where do you have d

7、inner? ( )八、 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)Its four oclock in the afternoon. School is over. There are three boys and two girls in the playground. Betty is jumping with Marry. The boys are running. Liu Tao is first. Wang Bing is second. Gao Shan is third.1Its Sunday afternoon. ( )2Therere six students. ( )3T

8、he boys are running in the playground. ( )4Wang Bing is running between Gao Shan and Liu Tao. ( )5Betty can jump, but Mary cant. ( )参考答案一、从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。(10分)1、1A2C3C4C5A二、选出下列每组中单词画线部分发音不同的一项。(10分)1、1A2B3C4C5A三、选择填空。(20分)1、B2、B3、C4、B5、C6、C7、C8、C9、C10、B四、 用括号中单词的正确形式补全句子。(10分)1、1is2fifth3mothers4a

9、re5has五、 按要求改写句子。(10分)1、1There are some trees in front of my house.2Is there a house over there?3We cant take any photos in the park.4No, there isnt.六、 用正确的形式写出句子。(10分)1、 1. I take a dancing class on the weekend. 2. When do you usually go shopping? 3. What do you do on the weekend? 4. Sometimes I play sports with my friends. 5. Classes start at 8 oclock.七、 给下列问句找到对应的答句。(10分)1、1B2C3D4E5A八、 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)2、1F2F3T4T5F页码 / 总页数


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