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1、 A 级 必备知识基础练.单句语法填空1.My brother(play)football quite well,but he _(not play)it since last year.2.Hurry up,Peter!The taxi(wait)for us at the gate of the hotel.3.This is the first time I(come)to Chengdu and I am deeply impressed with its delicious food.4.He is going to visit his grandparents as soon as

2、 he(arrive)in Beijing.5.The teacher told us that light(travel)faster than sound.playshasnt playedis waitinghave comearrivestravels 6.We(go)to the cinema last night.The film(be)very good.7.I thought I had reminded you to take out the rubbish.Oh,I forgot.I(do)it right now.8.This song sounds very pleas

3、ant.Lets go upstairs and see who _(sing).9.This is the third time that he(win)the English speech contest.10.The ship(leave)the port at 8 oclock tomorrow morning.wentwaswill dois singinghas wonleaves .单句写作1.当我进来的时候,学生们正忙着做作业。When I came in,the students _ _ _ their homework.2.答案范围从8到20。Answers _ _ eig

4、ht to twenty.3.我迫不及待地告诉她她被北京大学录取的好消息。I _ _ _ _ her the good news that she has been admitted to Beijing University.were busy withranged fromcant wait to tell 4.与大金字塔有关的探险现场直播引起了许多人对考古学的兴趣。The live broadcast of the exploration,which _ _ _ the Great Pyramid,aroused lots of peoples interest in archaeolo

5、gy.5.一个小时后,我突然醒来,脑海里有清楚的解决方案。An hour later,I woke up suddenly with _ _ _ _ _.6.这项活动旨在提高学生在公共场合演讲的能力。This activity _ _ improving students ability of speaking in public.was related tothe solution clearlyin mindaims at 7.当我从他房子旁经过时,我看到他正在院子里玩。When I passed by his house,I _ _ _ in the yard.8.哈利因上学迟到向老师道

6、歉。Harry _ _ _ _ _ coming to school late.9.他们使用计算机来保持交通顺畅。They use computers to _ _ _ _ smoothly.observed him playingapologised to his teacher forkeep the traffic running10.这一天最初庆祝于1970年,现在包括190多个国家和地区的活动。First _ _ _,the day now includes events in more than 190 countries and regions.celebrated in 197

7、0 B 级 能力素养提升练.完形填空(2023云南丽江高一期末)Once upon a time,there was a man who worked very hard just to keep food on the table for his family.A few days before Christmas,he 1 his five year-old daughter after 2 that she had used up the familys only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper.As money was tight,he be

8、came even angrier when on Christmas Eve he saw that she had used all of the gold paper to 3 one shoebox.He was also concerned about where she had gotten 4 to buy what was in the shoebox.The next morning the little girl,5 excitement,brought the gift box to her father and said,“This is for you,Daddy!”

9、Holding the box,the father was embarrassed by his earlier behavior,6 what he had done to her.But when he 7 the shoebox,he found there was nothing.“Dont you know,young lady,”he said 8,“when you give someone a 9,theres supposed to be something inside the package!”The little girl 10 him with sad tears

10、rolling from her eyes and whispered,“Daddy,its not empty.I blew kisses into it until it was 11.”He fell on his knees and put his arms around the girl and begged her to 12 him for his unnecessary anger.An accident took the girls life only a short time later.It is said that the father 13 this little g

11、old box by his bed for all his life.Whenever he was 14 or faced difficult problems,he would open the box,take out an imaginary kiss,and 15 his daughters love.1.A.praisedB.encouragedC.thankedD.punished2.A.promising B.learningC.admittingD.agreeing3.A.decorateB.drawC.buyD.measure4.A.timeB.adviceC.space

12、D.money5.A.filled withB.ready forC.different fromD.related to 6.A.thinkingB.forgettingC.ensuringD.regretting7.A.closedB.openedC.acceptedD.found8.A.happilyB.anxiouslyC.angrilyD.shyly9.A.handB.lectureC.solutionD.present10.A.looked up atB.caught up withC.lived up toD.made up for 11.A.emptyB.brokenC.ful

13、lD.colorful12.A.loveB.hateC.forgiveD.defend13.A.keptB.observedC.usedD.searched14.A.interestedB.discouragedC.surprisedD.terrified15.A.shareB.refuseC.rememberD.remove 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个父亲在圣诞节前几天,因为错怪了5岁的女儿而后悔的故事。1.D根据前文“who worked very hard just to keep food on the table for his family”和后文“she had

14、 used up the familys only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper.”可知,家境并不富裕的父亲因为女儿使用了家里的贵重的东西而惩罚女儿。故选D项。2.B根据语境和下文“she had used up the familys only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper”可知,父亲因为知道了女儿使用了家里的贵重的东西而惩罚女儿。故选B项。3.A根据语境以及前文“she had used all of the gold paper”可知,女孩用金纸装饰一个鞋盒。故选A项。4.D根据后文“buy wh

15、at was in the shoebox”可知,此处指弄到“钱”来买东西。故选D项。5.A根据语境以及后文“brought the gift box to her father”和“This is for you,Daddy!”可知,圣诞节,女儿要送给父亲礼物,所以她是“满怀兴奋”的。故选A项。6.D根据语境以及前文“brought the gift box to her father”可知,当父亲知道女儿要送给自己礼物时,后悔原来对女儿的做法。故选D项。7.B根据后文“he found there was nothing”可知,父亲打开鞋盒,发现什么也没有。故选B项。8.C根据前文“whe

16、n he the shoebox,he found there was nothing”以及后文“when you give someone a,theres supposed to be something inside the package!”可知,父亲很生气。故选C项。9.D根据前文“The next morning the little girl,excitement,brought the gift box to her father”可知,父亲说的是给人礼物时,盒子不应该是空的。故选D项。10.A根据常识和后文“whispered”以及“He fell on his knees”可知,5岁的小女孩抬头看着高大的父亲对父亲说话。故选A项。11.C根据前文“its not empty”以及“I blew kisses into it”可知,小女孩认为自己用吻把盒子装满了。故选C项。12.C根据前文“Daddy,its not empty.I blew kisses into it until it was.”可知,父亲听到女儿的话之后,知道自己错怪了女儿,所以恳请女儿的原谅。



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