【Pep版】小学英语三年级上册:Unit 5同步习题全集Unit 5同步试题含听力材料和答案

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【Pep版】小学英语三年级上册:Unit 5同步习题全集Unit 5同步试题含听力材料和答案_第1页
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《【Pep版】小学英语三年级上册:Unit 5同步习题全集Unit 5同步试题含听力材料和答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【Pep版】小学英语三年级上册:Unit 5同步习题全集Unit 5同步试题含听力材料和答案(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 精品资料Listening Part 听力部分I. Listen and choose. 听一段调查,根据听到的内容选出阿拉丁喜欢的食物,并在正确答案后面的方框内打“”。Aladdins favorite foodII. Listen and judge. 听录音,你能判断出这些图片是否符合录音信息吗?符合的在括号内打“”,不符合的打“”。III. Listen and circle. 阿拉丁在玩字母链接游戏,听一听圈出阿拉丁所链接的字母吧。IV. Listen, choose and write. 阿拉丁的书写很漂亮,让我们和他赛一赛,从括号内选择所听到的单词把句子补充完整,每空一词。(j

2、uiceeggsricemilkcakewaterfishbread )V. Listen and choose. 阿拉丁遇到几个小麻烦,你能帮他解决吗?根据所听到的问句,选择合适的答语,将其编号写在括号内。()1. A. Id like some eggs.B. Thank you.C. Here you are.()2. A. No, thanks.B. Youre welcome.C. Can I have some milk? ()3. A. Its milk.B. Id like some milk.C. Sure.()4. A. No, thanks.B. Sure. Here y

3、ou are.C. Have some bread.()5. A. No, thank you.B. Very well.C. Youre welcome.VI. Listen and tick. 阿拉丁的朋友们中午吃什么呢?听对话,在相应的空格中打“”。Language Practice 语言运用VII. Read and order. 阿拉丁的字母玩具排乱了,让我们帮助阿拉丁将这些字母按字母表的顺序排列,并写在四线三格中吧。OtJKLdqRyuVIII. Read and tick. 阿拉丁在和他的精灵对话,你能将他们的对话内容补充完整吗?读一读,将正确选项填在横线上。IX. Read a

4、nd sequence. 阿拉丁想和你玩对话接龙游戏,你接得上吗?仔细观察图片,用大写字母将所给句子排成一段完整的话。 X. Read and do. 阿拉丁的朋友们在Sarah家举行大食会Party,认真阅读对话内容,完成下面的两项任务吧!Aladdins friends come to Sarahs home and have a food party together. They have a good time. What food do they eat? Sarah: John, what would you like?John: Id like some juice and ri

5、ce.Mike: Im hungry. I want some eggs and milk. Wu Yifan: Can I have some water or cake, please? Sarah: Sure. Here you are. Wu Yifan: Thank you very much.Sarah: Youre welcome. ErWhat about you, Chen Jie? Chen Jie: Id like some fish and bread. Have some milk, Sarah.Sarah: No, thanks. Id like some juic

6、e and cake. Everybody, help yourself!(请大家随便吃吧!)A. Read and sort. 阅读对话,将文中所出现的食物单词分类。B. Read and judge. 阅读对话,判断下列句子的正误,正确的在括号内写“T”, 错误的写“F”。()1. Sarah wants some cake and milk.()2. Chen Jie would like some bread and fish.()3. Wu Yifan would like some water and cake.()4. Mike would like some juice and

7、 eggs.()5. John would like some rice and juice.听力材料I. Listen and choose. 听一段调查,根据听到的内容选出阿拉丁喜欢的食物,并在正确答案后面的方框内打“”。Woman: Good morning, Aladdin! Im the reporter from Dongguan TV station. Nice to meet you!Aladdin: Morning! Nice to meet you, too!Woman: Today I want to make a survey. What food do you lik

8、e?Aladdin: Ha! I like cake, juice, fish and hamburgers.Woman: Wow! So many! Cake, juice, fish and hamburgers. OK.Aladdin: Drink some milk, please.Woman: Thank you.Aladdin: I like milk, too.Woman: Rice is good. Do you like rice?Aladdin: Yeah, I like rice, too.Woman: Oh! Its 6:00 p.m. Its time for din

9、ner. What would you like?Aladdin: Id like an egg, some bread, fish and juice. Id like some orange juice.Woman: Wow! What a big dinner! An egg, some bread, fish and orange juice. That sounds great.Aladdin: Yes.Woman: OK. Thats all today. Thank you so much.Aladdin: Youre welcome.II. Listen and judge.

10、听录音,你能判断出这些图片是否符合录音信息吗?符合的在括号内打“”,不符合的打“”。1. Have some juice, please. Thank you.2. Id like some water, please.3. Id like some eggs.4. Drink some milk.5. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.6. What would you like? Id like some cake.7. Mum, can I have some milk? Sure, here you are.8. Cut the cake.

11、9. Have some bread.10. Eat some fish.III. Listen and circle. 阿拉丁在玩字母链接游戏,听一听圈出阿拉丁所链接的字母吧。1. o2. r3. q4. p5. t6. s7. k8. c9. f10. nIV. Listen, choose and write. 阿拉丁的书写很漂亮,让我们和他赛一赛,从括号内选择所听到的单词把句子补充完整,每空一词。1. Can I have some rice?2. Id like some eggs and water.3. Have some milk and bread.4. I like cak

12、e very much.5. Drink some juice and eat some fish, please.V. Listen and choose. 阿拉丁遇到几个小麻烦,你能帮他解决吗?根据所听到的问句,选择合适的答语,将其编号写在括号内。 Aladdin: Boys and girls, I have some problems. I cant find the answers. Can you help me and choose their answers?Question1: Here you are.Question 2: Have some milk.Question

13、3: What would you like?Question 4: Can I have some cake?Question 5: Thank you.VI. Listen and tick. 阿拉丁的朋友们中午吃什么呢?听对话,在相应的空格中打“”。Its 12 oclock. Its time for lunch. Aladdins friends-Zoom, Zip, John, Sarah and Mike go to a restaurant for lunch. What do they want to eat? Now, lets listen.Waiter: Hello,

14、Zoom! What would you like?(服务员做点餐记录)Zoom: Im hungry. Id like some cake and juice.Waiter: OK! What do you want, Zip?Zip: I want some rice and fish.Waiter: OK! Rice and fish. What about you, John?John: Can I have some bread, please?Waiter: Sure! Sarah, what would you like?Sarah: Id like some cake and

15、water.Waiter: OK! Cake and water. Mike, what do you want?Mike: Can I have some juice and bread, please?Waiter: Sure! Wait a minute! Here you are!Zoom, Zip, John, Sarah, Mike: Thank you!Waiter: Youre welcome! Enjoy your lunch!答案I. 1. A2. B3. C4. A5. B6. C7. A8. B9. A10. BII. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. III. 1. o


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