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1、 常用英语口语对话下载:电话停机与关机对不起,您拨打的电话已停机。还能这样说:Sorry, your mobile phone was shut down.Your mobile phone had no service.应用解析:at sb.”s service 为某人效劳,随时供应效劳;be in sb.”s service 在某人家里当佣人;be of service to 对有用;bring into service 交付使用;come into service 投入使用2. My telephone charge is overdue.我的手机欠费了。还能这样说:My telepho

2、ne charge is in debt.My telephone charge is out of credit.应用解析:give sb. charge of 托付某人照管,授权某人治理;give sb. in charge to 把某人送交警察,把某人交警观察押;have (the) charge of 负责 主管3. I haven”t paid my phone bill yet.我手机停机了。还能这样说:My phone gets no credit.My phone is parking.应用解析:fill the bill 适合于;head the bill 清单或节目单上最主

3、要的节目或角色;bill and coo 接吻4. I have no money to pay the phone bill.我没钱交话费了。还能这样说:I am lack of payment capacity for my cell phone.I could not indeed afford my phone bill.谚语:Money breeds money.钱生钱,利滚利。5. Because I forgot to electricize my mobile telephone yesterday, when I woke up it closed.我昨天遗忘给手机充电了,今

4、早醒来发觉手机关机了。还能这样说:My phone had run out of power for I forgot to charge up the battery.My battery was dead when I roused up from sleep.应用解析:forget oneself in 沉醉于forget to 忘了要forget flagrantly 公然无视;forget wantonly 不负责任地忽视6. His phone is powered off.他的电话关机了。还能这样说:His phone turns off automatically.His ph

5、one goes dead now.应用解析:be beyond one”s powers 不能胜任,力所不及;come to power 掌权,上台;do all in one”s power 尽力,竭尽全力7. The subscriber I just dialed is power off.我刚刚拨打的电话关机了。还能这样说:The phone I just dialed has logged off.The phone I called a moment ago shuts down.应用解析:ten percent off 九折;drink off 喝完;leave off wor

6、k 停顿工作;pay off 付清;get off 脱衣,下马;fall off 从掉下来;look off 掉转视线8. Could I use your phone? Mine is power off.我能用一下你的手机吗?我的没电了。还能这样说:Would you mind me using your cell phone?Are you so kind to lend your phone to me?谚语:Use is a second nature.习惯成自然。9. I made an international phone for more than two hours to

7、my girlfriend yesterday.我昨天给我的女朋友打了两个多小时的国际长途。还能这样说:I called my girlfriend who lives abroad for more than two hours yesterday.Yesterday I made a two-hour international phone call to my girlfriend.应用解析:international law 国际法;international trade 国际贸易;international waters 公海;the international date line

8、国际日期变更线,日界限10. I have to make up my phone charge online.我需要上网把话费补齐。还能这样说:I need to pay my bill on internet.I am reminded to pay my phone fee online.谚语:The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。11. Please log off before you go home.在你回家之前请关机。还能这样说:Turn off your phone bef

9、ore you return home.Shut down your cell phone before you get home.应用解析:sleep like a log 睡得像死人;log for a living 以伐木为生;as easy as rolling off a log 极其简洁简单12. Turn your cell phone to vibrate mode or turn it off when the speech begins.当演讲开头时,请将您的手机调成振动模式,或将其关机。还能这样说:Turn your cell phone to beep or shut

10、it down when the speech gives a start.At the beginning of the speech, please make your phone off or turn it to beep.应用解析:speech of welcome 欢送辞;address a speech to sb. 给某人做报告;wander in speech 演说时东拉西扯13. You had better keep your cell phone off when you go to bed.你睡觉时把手机关了。还能这样说:I suggest turning your

11、phone off when you sleep.You should make your phone off while you have a sleep.谚语:Don”t keep all your eggs in one basket.勿孤注一掷。14. I forgot to pay my phone yesterday.我昨天忘了给手机交话费了。还能这样说:I omitted paying my phone bill yesterday.I neglected to pay my phone yesterday.谚语:Elephants never forget.象不忘事。15. Y

12、our phone bill is due.该交话费了。还能这样说:You have got a phone due to make.You should hand over your phone fee.应用解析:due from 应收;due to 由于、起因于,归功于;become due 到期,满期16. My cell phone is broken.我的手机坏了。还能这样说:My cell phone doesn”t work.My mobile phone is out of order.应用解析:have a break 休息一会儿;break from the past 和过去决裂;break down 失败毁掉,撤除



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