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1、高二年级英语导学案 学生姓名: 班级:Module 1 Small Talk编制人:邓大军 寇琳 审核人:张定华2013年2月22日Learning goals1.Learn the words and expressions 2.Learn how to communicate with the people of different cultural background Important points:1Key words and phrases.2Learn how to communicate with different peopleDifficult points:.Maste

2、r “didnt need to do” and “neednt have done”Words 预习案一 掌握单词。1.非正式的adj._ 2.严肃的adj_ 3 自信地adv._ 4. 缺乏,缺少v._5. 预先的,在前的adj._ 6. 叹气,叹息v._7.对神经紧张/害怕/ 胆怯/ 焦虑不安(be ) nervous _8.把目光从.移开look away _9.除此之外,另外_addition10.social rules _Period 1 Introduction and Reading and Vocabulary课前预习案Introduction Discussion1. L

3、ight conversation: polite conversation about matters of little importance, especially between people who do not know each other well 2. Small talk is pleasant conversation about common interests.3. Polite conversation about trivial or uncontroversial matters.4. Casual or trivial conversation.5. Ligh

4、t informal conversation for social occasions Introduction:small talk (from Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary): conversation about unimportant things, often between people who do not know each other well:How to make small talk ?Small talk can be a big challenge, but a little preparation and conf

5、idence is all you need. Tips:1. Be yourself. Keep in mind that confidence and humor are superb substitutes for comedic genius or wit. 2. Remember, you never have to do it alone. 3. Keep a few exit lines in mind too. For example, “Thanks for the wonderful chat, but I must make believe Im interested i

6、n everybody else.” FamousDictionaries:_.Read the dictionary definitions of small talk and answer the questions.1 Which definitions make small talk sound like a positive thing?2 Which definitions refer to places where small talk might take place?3 Why is it a problem if someone has no small talk?4 Wh

7、at do you think is the Chinese for “small talk”?Read the words.careers cars examinations film stars food music politics sport travel weatherVocabulary And Reading1. lack vt. 缺乏, 短少,不足. lack the confidence 缺乏自信He is good at his job but he seems to _ _. (缺乏信心) They _the money to send him to university

8、. 他们没钱送他上大学.be lacking in sth 不足; 不够He _ _ _courage. (缺乏)n. 缺乏, 无,不足(a) lack ofThe plant died for _(缺乏)water. 2. advance adj. 预先的,在前的 n. 前进,增长 vt. & vi. 提升,促进,提前Plane tickets are booked in advance. _=ahead of timeAdvanced adj 先进的;高等的_workers _English8. avoid (doing) sth._9. encourage sb to do sth._1

9、0. have a conversation with sb. 与谈话.hold/ make a conversation with sb._.in conversation with sb. _11. develop your listening skills _12._一个双向过程13. . keep good eye contact _14. look away from 把目光从移开She _ the tragic scene. 她掉过头去,不忍看那一幕惨象。链接: look down on/ upon _ look into _look on _ look through _look

10、 up _ look for _look out_ look after_have a look(at)_ take on a new look_15. in addition = besides 另外,加之in addition to = besides = apart from 加之; 除.之外When Diane fell, she hurt her arm and, _, broke her glasses._an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil. In addition to _, she pursues various exercises

11、on TV. 节食以外她还随电视做体操。 16leave out vt. 省去, 忽略掉 剩下She _ _the date on the cheque. 支票上她漏写了日期。This word is wrongly spelt; youve left out a letter. _.链接: leave for _ leave off _ leave over _17. in agreement (with sth)(P3) (作状语)表示同意,(作表语)持相同意见老师同意地点点头。The teacher nodded_ _.我们同意他们的决定。We are_ _ _their decisio

12、n.达成协议come to an agreement=_/_an agreement18. take the lead (in doing sth) vt. 领先; 负责;带头,做榜样 be in the lead 处于领先地位 lead sb to do_The United States took the lead in trying to make a deal at the peace talks.(翻译为中文)_.lead to( sb. / ones doing) 导致;通向Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in


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