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1、热处理设备TUS及SAT鉴定规程Procedure For TUS & SAT OfHeat Treatment Furnace文件编号:ZH/Q3-31Document No. ZH/Q3-31编制(Prepared):桑驰东校对(Checked by):曹建俊批准(Approved by):戚振华版次:A/0Rev. A/0TMB会签 TMB Combi ned sig nature:GE 批准 GE Approved by:本程序参考AMS2750编制This Procedure is prepared with refere nee to AMS2750E.热处理设备TUS及SAT鉴定

2、规程Procedure For TUS & SAT Of Heat Treatment Furnace1. 本程序适用于江阴振宏重型锻造有限公司对GE产品热处理的炉子进行温度均匀性检测及系统精度检验。This document specifies the procedure of SAT (System Accuracy Test) and TUS (Temperature Uni formity Survey) to the furn aces for heat-treati ng GE productsin ZENKUNG.2炉子级别及装置类型:1) .高温炉:级别:5级;装置类型:淬火:

3、D类;回火:D类2) .中温炉:级别:5级;装置类型:回火:D类Class and In strume ntatio n type of the Heat treatme nt Furn aces:High-temperature furn ace: Class: 5,In strume ntati on type: Quen chi ng: Type D;Temperi ng: Type D.Middle-temperature furn ace: Class: 5,In strume ntati on type: Temperi ng: Type D.2.1符合炉子级别、装置类型的热处理设

4、备引用该规程进行鉴定时,应明确设备编号、炉膛 尺寸、TUE及SAT检测热电偶的分布。3. TUS鉴定程序3.1 热电偶 Thermocouplea. 检测热电偶可以是贱金属或 B R、S贵金属。b. 检测热电偶精度要求+/-4 T( +-22 C)或+/-0.75% (以大者为准)。系统精度检测精度要求:贱金属 +/-2 T( +/-1.1 C)或+/-0.4% ;贵金属+/-1.0 T (+/-0.6 C)或 +/-0.10% (R、S型),+/-0.25% (B型)。c. 校验周期为B、R、S型6个月,J、N型3个月。a. TUS and SAT thermocouples may be

5、base metal or B 、R、S precious metal.b. Permitted error for TUS is 4 F (2.2 C) or 0.75%, whichever is greater.Permitted error for SATis: base metal +/-2 F( +/-1.1 C) or +/-0.4%; precious metal +/-1.0 T( +/-0.6 C) or +/-0.10% (Type R, S), +/-0.25% (Type B)c. Calibrati onshall be performed every 6 mon

6、ths for Type B, R, & S and 3 mon ths-Type J & N.3.2 仪表 Instrument检测仪表为便携式测试仪。精度为+/-1 T( +/-0.6 C)或读数在T的+/-0.1%。 校验周期为3个月。Portable in strume nt shall be used for the test.The accuracy is +/-1F( +/-0.6 C) or +/-0.1% of reading in T .Calibrati on shall be carried out every 3 mon ths.3.3 检测电偶的数量和放置 Numb

7、er and location of TUS thermocouplesa)检测电偶的数量最少有15个TUS传感器。Number of TUS thermocouple : At least 15 TUS sensors;b)检测电偶的位置 在检测指导书中明确。3.4测试环境Test en vir onment检测时炉子的状态应与热处理生产时的状态一致。The test to the furnace shall be carried out in the condition consistent with that duri ng heat treatme nt process.3.5 测试方

8、法Test method传感器插入的时间在炉子未经加热或者在炉温低于检测温度时插入TUS传感器。Time of TUS sen sor in serti onTUS Sensors can be inserted into the furnace when the furnace is not heated or at a temperature below the survey temperature.装载情况TUS检测时炉子内以最大设计装载量放置产品或报废钢铁部件。在TUS初始阶段确定的检测方法应该持续到检测结束。如果改变方法,应重新进行初始的TUS以证实修订的方法。Load Condit

9、ion: TUS test shall be carried out with a maximum planned load withparts or scrapped steel material. Survey method established at initial stage of the test shall continue till the end of the test. In case any change is made to the established method, an initial TUS shall be performed to validate the

10、 revised method.炉子在进行炉温均匀性检查时的装载量见附录1,Refer Appe ndix 1for the furn ace load at TUS test.检测温度及精度要求检测温度应是批准的操作温度范围的最低和最高点,精度符合要求。Test shall be performed at the highest and lowest operati on temperatures and accuracy requirements shall be satisfied.炉子在进行炉温均匀性检测时的检测温度及精度要求见附录1。Refer Appe ndix 1,for tem

11、perature and accuracy requireme nts for TUS test.数据的收集:TUS data collecti on:数据的收集应在第一个TUS专感器到达每个设定温度的下限公差之前开始,以便能清楚 地发现任何超过温度均匀性公差上限TUS传感器。如果炉子先处于稳定状态,数据的收集应从测试装载或支架装入炉子时开始。Data collectio n shall beg in before the first TUS sen sor reaches the lower tolera nee limit of each test temperature so that

12、any TUS sen sor exceed ing theupper temperature un iformity tolera nee is clearly detected. If the furn ace is pre-stabilized, data collecti on shall begi n as soon as the test load or rack is loaded in the furn ace.一旦开始数据收集,来自于TUS专感器的温度数据应在检测期间至少以每两分钟一次的 频次进行读取。来自于炉子的传感器的数据,根据适当的装置类型确定,应按如下记录 (作为超温

13、报警的传感器,可以不记录):Once data collectio n beg ins, temperature data shall be recorded from all TUS sen sors at a freque ncy of at least one set of all read ings every two minu tes for the duratio n of the survey. Data from furn ace sen sors required by the applicable instrumentation type shall be recorded

14、 as follows: (Sensors whose function is only over temperature protecti on do not n eed to be recorded.) 在任何情况下,用于测试、控制或记录的传感器都不应该超过温度均匀性公差上限。炉 温达到检测温度后要保温直到所有检测传感器都进入稳定状态。稳定之后,数据收集应 至少再持续30分钟,温度数据应至少以每两分钟一次的频次进行读取。所有的检测热 电偶都必须在预期的温度范围之内,不能超出最高或最低温度限止。At no time shall any test, con trol or record ing

15、 sen sor exceed the upper temperature un iformity tolera nee. The furn ace shall be held at the test temperature until all test sensors have stabilized. After stabilization, data collection shall continue for a minimum of 30 additional minutes, temperature data shall be read out at a freque ncy of at least every two minu tes. All survey thermocouples must be with in the desired temperature range and must not be cha nging such that they may drift above or below the maximum or minimum temper


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