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1、简单的英语自我介绍 面试简单的英语自我介绍 面试 篇一 Goo fteno,eveyone.i averygado be her or ourrview. Iop camake good perfancetodaImcnfidnt h I cn succeed.Nowwill troduc yse briefly.I a 22 yers old, born in CongQing proveinceand Im a seno(大四学生) studen inXX(某学校). My or is XX(专业名称), In th past 3 ears, spendost of y time on s

2、tudy. ve passed CET/3/4/6. I amopeminde , quickly thouhs an skillin earching for infrmation on intret Ica orate cmputer we. mspareme,I hae road inrests Such as readig ,surfigth intrnet ,enjing mui ,witing sme rties o my blogn even hattinwith oreignfrieds olne if pssible . I ysleve working hrdcanbrg

3、s more opporunies . I am a hrdwrking peron peciay oheng whch im ierested in. i il my t to fihtnomtter ho fiult is ok, ht isll,hak ou for your attentio. 篇二 I a_. Iwas born i _. I grdate from sehg colandmar in Elish. I sarted earningEglish ic I as 2 yars old My arens halotf merica fiedsTats why hve no

4、 problm ommicatig wi Americansor hrs seakignish.Inmy spar tme, I lik to do aythigreti to Eglish such a listen to Engish ons, wachng nglh movis o TVrogrms, ven tdig he ctivtis ed sme Enlih clb or nstiue I sed t go abra r t term Eishsdy. Drn tattm,I lead a otof aily life Egli n saw lot f difret this. Ithnk lnga is vey interesting.I could expres oesubstance byusingfferet sounds. wsh could dy dreadorEnlishltraturesand enlar my knwldg.其它相关文章:编辑面试自我介绍电话面试自我介绍技巧行政面试自我介绍范本应聘自我介绍范文 202面试技巧自我介绍面试自我介绍范文大全简短的面试自我介绍范文


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