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1、一、记一记短语归纳期末复习教学案Unit 1Can you play the guitar?101. Play the guitar弹吉他2. what to do sth想做 某事3. join the music club 加入俱乐部4. speak English说英语5. match-with与- 匹配6. play chess下棋7. the swimming club游泳俱乐部8. what club什么俱乐部9. a sports club一个体育俱乐部10. be good at telling stories 擅长讲故事11. the story telling club讲故

2、事俱乐部12. like to do/doing喜欢做某事13. lets join让我们加入14. sounds good听起来好15. students wanted for School Show学校表演招聘学生16. talk to /with 跟某人谈话17.after school放学后18. do kung fu表演功夫19. show sb sth=show sth to sb把某物展示某人23. have fun doing做事情很有趣20. play games with people 和人们做游戏24. on the weekend 在周末21. be in the sc

3、hool music club 学校音乐俱乐部25. call sb at给某人打电话22. need sb to do sth需要某人做某事26. help+sb +v帮助某人27. help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事28. English-speaking students说英语的学生29. play the piano弹钢琴30. tell sth stories 给某人讲故事31. it +adj +for sb to sth32. be good with和某人相处好33. help for old people对老人的帮助34. make friends with 和

4、某人交朋友35. in July / on the morning of36. be free / be busy37. the Students Sports center学生的运动中38. teach sb to do sth教某人做某事39. need help to teach music 需要帮助来做某事40. the teacher do what he can to helpstudents 老师做他能做的事来帮助学生典句必背Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.What club do you want to join?I want to

5、 join the chess club. You can join the English club.Sounds good.I can speak English and I can also play soccer. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721.用法集萃play +棋类/球类下棋,打球play the +西洋乐器弹/拉乐器be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事be good with sb. 善于与某人相处need sb. To do sth.需要某人做某事can + 动词原形能/会

6、做某事a little +不可数名词一点儿join theclu加b入俱乐部like to do sth. =love to do sth.喜欢/喜爱做某事二、想一想 .情态动词概念:情态动词表示说话人对所说动作的 。如: 需要、可能、意愿、怀疑等。特点:形式上没有 和的变化,有的没有 变化;不能单独作 语,因为情态动词本身词义 ;必须和不带“ ”的 连用。意义: 情态动词一般有 个意义。否定式:情态动词的否定式一般为在其后加 。一般疑问式:一般疑问句通常将其提到 。. 情态动词 can的用法:A. 意 义 1. 表示 。如: He can speak English very well他.英

7、语说得很好。2. 表示 。如:You can play the violin after school every day. 每天下课后你可以拉小提琴。3. 表示 。如:Can you tell me an English story?你能给我讲个英语故事吗?Could you help me with my English?你能帮我学英语吗?温馨提示:上句中的 could 是 can 的过去式,用在一般现在时的句子中,表示比can更客气的请求。4. cant 表示 。如:Is that Mr.Smith?那是史密斯先生吗?That cant be him.He is in New York

8、now.那不可能是他。他现在在纽约呢。B. 句型变化:肯定句:He can play the_drums否.定句:He play the drums.一般疑问句: he the drums?两种回答:Yes, he对画线部分提问: he play?三、练一练. 单项选择 /No, he ()1.Can Amy play drums? Yes. And she can play chess, too.A. a; theB. the; theC. the; 不填D. a;不填()2. Li Jing often helps me my geography.A. atB. inC. ofD. wit

9、h ()3.Mike, whats your favorite subject, math science? Math.A. andB. orC. butD. so()4. My cousin very well. Look! Here are some of his pictures.A. singsB. dancesC. swimsD. draws ()5. Mom, I need you me a pencil box.A. buyB. buyingC. to buyD. to buying()6. Helen likes the Where are we going, Dad? ver

10、y much.A. showB. testC. tripD. festival()7. Lindas brother cant “apple” , but he “banana” easily.A. spell; spellsB. spell; spellC. spells; spellsD. spells; spell()8.Can you sing this song? . Its difficult for me.A. Yes, I doB. No, I dontC. Yes, I canD. No, I cant ()9. ? He can do kung fu.A. What doe

11、s Eric likeB. Can Eric do kung fuC. What can Eric doD. Does Eric like kung fu()10. Peter will join the art club. ?Ill join the English club.A. How are youB. What about youC. Can I help youD. Hows your day.根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。11. She can make vegetable salad.(改为一般疑问句 ) make vegetable salad?12.

12、 Can you and Paul play computer games? (补全肯定答语 )Yes, .13. Lisa can swim and sing. 改(为否定句 )Lisa swim sing.14. David can play the violin, too.(改为同义句 )David play the violin.15. The boy can dance.(对划线部分提问 ) can the boy ? .根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。16. 我很高兴和你们交朋友。Im very happy to with you.17. 戴尔擅长打排球。 Dale is pl

13、aying volleyball.18. 戴夫每天晚上给他妹妹讲故事。Dave to his sister every evening.19. 我现在很忙。课后我会跟你说的。Im very busy now. Ill you after class.20. 弗兰克会做什么运动? 期末复习教学案二can Frank play?一、记一记短语归纳Unit 2What time do you go to school?1. go to school 去上学2. get up 起床3. get dressed 穿衣服4. brush teeth 刷牙5. eat breakfast 吃早饭6. tak

14、e a shower 洗澡7. what time什么时间8. at six thirty在六点半9. an interesting job 一个有趣的工作10. at the radio station 在广播电视台11. always /usually/ often/ sometimes/ never 12. your radio show 你的广播节目13. from -to从哪里到哪里14. at night 在夜晚15. a funny time 一个有趣的时间6. take exercise 锻炼17. be late for迟到18. at about ten twenty 在大约十点二十19. on weekends 在周末20. on school days 在上学日21. half past six六点半22. a quarter past three三点过一刻23. a quarter to seven 七点差一刻24. do homework做家庭作业25. take a walk散步26. have much time 有许多时间27. half an hour半个小时28. get home到达家29. either-or或者-或者30. eat a good break


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