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1、 (7A) Unit 1 期中复习一、重点句型分析:1、介绍自己:我是Simon. _ /_2、介绍别人:妈妈,这是我数学老师。 _3、询问别人的名字 _ 回答:Im. / My name is. 或者Are you Mr Green? Yes I am. / Sorry. Im Mr Brown.4、 _很高兴做某事 Im nice / glad _you. 很高兴见到你。eg: My mother is ready _ (help) me with my homework .5、 _让某人做某事 eg: 让我想一想。 _ 让他进来吧。_. Let your deskmate _ (fini

2、sh) this work together .6、她长着长发。She _ _ _. = _ _ _ long.7、提问外貌: What _ he _? / What _ he _ _? 提问人的品质个性:_?8、谈论国籍: Where _ you from? / Where _ you come from? I am from / come from China. = I am _ _. He is from _ . = He _ from _. = He is _. (他是英国人) She _ _ _.=She _ _ _.=She _ _ _ (她来自美国。)9、谈论出生地 be bor

3、n-Where _ you born? I _ in Nanjing.10、谈论爱好:(1) like / love / enjoy _ sth(2) My hobby is _ sth.(3) be good at _ sth = do well in _ stheg: She is good at _. = She _ _ _ _. = She _ _.= She is a _ _.(她擅长于跳舞。)注意 do well in 的否定句 例如:他不擅长跳舞。He _.拓展:Mike does homework every day .(否定) Mike _ _ homework every

4、day .11、_ 每个人,大家 =everybody ,其后用谓语动词的_ 形式。eg: 我们班每个人都喜欢听音乐。Everyone in our class _ _ _ _. 我们中的每一个人_ _ _ _ 或者_ _ _ One of them _(be) from the USA .12、all(指_)/ both(指_)注意其位置均放_或_之前_之后eg: (1) _ of my parents work in a hospital. (2) My friends and I _ want to go traveling.拓展:each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;ever

5、y是指许多人或事物的“全体”eg:There are many shops on _ side of the street .13、How to look after your e-dog?怎样照料你的电子狗 look after“照顾,照料”,相当于_eg: (a)Look! Millie _ _ _ _ _. 看!米莉正在照顾她的妈妈。 (b)Could you _ _ _ _ _ _ _? 你能帮我照料一下我的小鸟吗? 与how to do sth,类似的有:what to do, where to goeg: I dont know_ _ _. 我不知道说什么。 He wants to

6、 know_ _ _ _ _ . 他想知道去哪里度假。14、He wears glasses.他戴着眼镜。glass 可以指“玻璃”(不可数名词)、“玻璃杯”(可数名词)、“眼镜”(常用作复数glasses)。eg: (a) There are _on the table.桌上有四只玻璃杯 (b)Look out!There _ lots of glass on the ground . 小心!地上有许多玻璃片。 (c) My cousin always _ _ _ _ _ .我堂兄总是戴着一副眼镜。15.、I talk to my classmates at lunchtime. 我在午餐时

7、间和同学们交谈。和某人讲话_ 谈论某事_eg: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 我想和你谈一谈这次作业。16、Does Amy walk home after school? 埃米放学后走回家吗?(1) after school 意思是“放学后”,类似的还有:_下课后,_晚饭后(2)表示步行还可以用_ _ , 因此上面的句子也可以这样说:_? 艾米放学后步行回家吗?walk home =_ _ _ _(步行回家) (3)类似:乘公交车去学校 _ _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _ _= _ _ _ _ _ _eg: He goes to work by bus. = He _ _ _ to

8、 _.骑自行车去学校 _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _开车回家 _ _ = _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _eg: My father goes to work by car every day .(同义句) My father goes to work _ _ _ every day .(4)walk 除用做动词外还可以作为名词,意思是“散步,步行”,常用于以下句型_ _散步_ _ _ _ _外出散步_ _ _ _ _ 带他去散步 take my dog for a dog = _ _ _ 遛狗17、 Kitty , with her parent

9、s , _ (enjoy) moon cakes very much .18、 I like vegetables _ meat in it .( ) A. of B. with C. to D. at二、用be动词正确形式填空 1. I _ a Chinese girl. My English name _ Laura. 2. A: _Miss Green your Maths teacher?B: No, she _. She _ my Chinese teacher.3.A: _ you Daniel?B: Yes, I _.A: _ your cousin Lily?B: Yes, s

10、he _.A: _your parents workers?B: No, they _ workers. They are doctors. 4. _ David and Millie from English ? 5. This pair of glasses _ mine . 6. _ there any people in the classroom ? 7. Dont _ late for school . 8. I want to _ good friends with you . 9. Lets _ friends .三、选用所给词的适当形式填空 be play not be li

11、sten watch 1. Andy likes _TV. 2. He _ to music every evening.3. Simon and I _ good at football. We like basketball.4. Im good at computer games.5. -_ (be) your cousin Nick? -No.四、句型转换 1. Our English teacher is Mr Li. (改为否定句)Our English teacher _ Mr Li. 2. My classroom is very big. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ _ classroom very big? No, it


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