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1、Unit 4 A Spring OutingPart A浦城县光明中心小学 张飘一 教学目标语言知识目标:1. 学习词汇:spring outing, climb, mountain, water, thirsty, camera等。2. 学习句型:What are you going to take with you? Im going to take . with me.3. 学唱歌曲:Flowers Are Blooming.4. 功能:谈论春游。语言技能目标:1. 能运用be going to do sth的句式来谈论春游时准备开展的活动。2. 能运用be going to do st

2、h的句式来谈论春游前准备带的东西和准备穿的衣物。3. 能根据不同场合或者不同活动,来制定出相应的出游计划。情感态度目标:学会做计划,培养合理安排事情的能力。二 教学重点 对词汇spring outing, climb, mountain, water, thirsty, camera的学习与记忆。 对What are you going to take with you?这一句型的理解,运用与表达。三 教学难点 What are you going to take with you? -Im going to take . with me. 能联系实际,学会对以上这一句型进行灵活的实际运用。四

3、 教具准备1. 本课新单词,词组及各种食物卡片。2. 希沃白板课件及课文教学视频动画。五 教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1. Greeting.2. Free talk:T:There are four different seasons in a year. Whats your favorite season?S1: .S2: .T: Can you guess my favorite season? Lets enjoy a song, maybe you will find the answer. (自然导入歌曲,让学生从歌曲中找出答案,不仅调动了学生的学习热情,而且活跃了

4、课堂氛围)3. Enjoy a song: Flowers Are Blooming. T: So my favorite season is .S1: Its spring.T: Wonderful ! (单词卡片复习单词spring)Look ! In spring the flowers are blooming. The trees are green. The birds are singing. What a beautiful season ! So what can we do in spring? (课件呈现春天的美景,最后提出问题, 导入标题)S1: .S2: .T: Gr

5、eat! Spring is a good time for a spring outing. (出示单词卡片outing, 教学outing和 a spring outing, 告诉学生outing 表示短途旅行)4. 揭示并板书课题:Unit 4 A Spring Outing Part AStep 2 Presentation(一) 学习单词climb和mountain, 学习句子 Were going to climb a mountain.1. 教师出示 Miss Gao, Wang Tao和Sally在教室聊天的情景,问学生 What does Miss Gao say? 引出句子

6、We are going for a spring outing. 教学并操练这一句子后提出问题“What are they going to do ?”请学生带着问题观看课文视频动画。2. 教师出示爬山的图片,引导学生回答:They are going to climb a mountain.( 运用白板的蒙尘功能,由爬山的图片擦出词组climb a mountain, 由此帮助学生加深对这一词组的理解与记忆)运用自然拼读法教学单词 climb 和 mountain, 向学生强调climb中的字母b是不发音的。接着操练词组climb a mountain, 和句子 We are going

7、to climb a mountain.(二) 学习单词water, thirsty, 和camera并学习句子What are you going to take with you? -Im going to take . with me.1. T: We are going for a spring outing. We are going to climb a mountain. We will hungry, you can take some food with you. (课件呈现许多美味的食物,告诉学生take.with即“随身携带”的意思。)2. T:Here comes a

8、question. What are you going to take with you?课件呈现句子 What are you going to take with you? 接着出示各种食物图片,引导学生用Im going to take . with me.来尝试回答。(创设情境,告诉学生我们要去春游了,提出问题,你们会带些什么东西去呢?引导学生进行free talk,帮助学生进一步理解句子What are you going to take with you?)3. Q2: What is Wang Tao going to take with him? Q3: What is Sa

9、lly going to take with her?教师再次播放课文视频动画,让学生找出答案。(让学生带着问题去找答案,更能加深学生对文本的学习与理解)(1)教学单词water, 告诉学生water 是不可数名词,因此some water 中的water后面不能加s. (2)教学并操练句子Im going to take some water with me. T:Why?(由why 引出单词 thirsty和句子 Well be thirsty. 的教学。)在教学单词thirsty的同时,可通过单词thirty 来辅助学习单词thirsty的发音。(3) 教学单词camera并操练句子Im

10、 going to take a camera with me. I want to take some photos.(4) 拓展活动Listen and Match来巩固本课所学新知。(三) 熟读课文 Listen and Follow. (小组朗读与男女生分角色朗读相结合)(四) PracticeActivity1: Look and say.Activity2: Lets chant. (运用打节拍的方式进一步巩固句型,以帮助学生更快的理解与掌握新知)Activity3: Choose and say.(五) Pair work -What are you going to take

11、with you?-Im going to take . with me.(T: Please ask and answer with your partner, I will give you one minute. Lets begin.)Step 3 Extension1. Make a May Day outing plan.T: May Day is coming. This is my May Day outing plan. Im going to fly a kite. Im going to take some juice, some candy and a camera w

12、ith me. Im going to wear a T-shirt. I will be happy.How about you? Lets make a May Day outing plan, then I will invite some of you to share with us. (告诉学生五一将至,课件呈现教师自己的五一出游计划,让学生拿出纸和笔,尝试制定一份专属于自己的五一出游计划。 最后运用希沃授课助手,将个别学生的五一出游计划拍照上传至大屏幕中, 邀请学生上台和我们一起分享他们的出游计划)2. Emotional education.T: Boys and girls,

13、 wherever you go, please remember you should be polite and be careful. Dont leave anything !Step 4 SummaryStep 5 Homework1. Listen and imitate the passage.2. Make a spring outing plan for your family.六 板书设计 Unit 4 A Spring OutingPart Aclimb What are you going to take with you?water Im going to take . with me. thirsty camera


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