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1、Unit one Page2-51. enjoyablean weekend/expensive令人愉快的周末/经历very /highly /really enjoyable非常令人愉快*enjoyably (adv.)愉快地The evening passed enjoyably.这个晚上过得很愉快。*enjoyment(noun.)A.愉快,快乐,有趣 B.乐事。令人愉快的事e.g.(1).The rules are to ensure everyones safety and enjoyment.这些规定是为了保证每个人的安全和快乐。 (2).Children seem to have

2、 lost their enjoyment of reading.孩子们似乎已失去了阅读的兴趣。 (3)I get lots of enjoyment from my daughter.我从女儿那儿得到了很多快乐。 Enjoyment of sth.享受,享有 (equal rights)2. experience 经验不可数,经历可数an unusual experience一次不平凡的经历have no experience in doing/be inexperienced in没有的经验experienced有经验的,熟练的,经验丰富的an experienced teacher/tr

3、aveler 经验丰富的老师/旅行者 experiment试验3. assembly集会/会议 attend assembly/a meeting参加集会、会议4. headmaster校长 master (vt)精通5. respect (v&n)6. (v.)respect sb.for sth. (n).earn respect fromsb.赢得的尊敬 赢得的尊敬 earn respect from=earn ones respect 尊敬某人 show respect for sb.7.devote (vt.)致力于,献身devote oneself to (doing) sth.=

4、give most of your time /energy /attention to sth.evote ones life to (doing) sth.devote ones time to (doing) sthdevoted (adj.) 挚爱的,忠诚的,全心全意的be devoted to sth./be devoted to doing sth.致力于做某事eg. He is devoted to his daughter.他深爱自己的女儿。devotion 挚爱,深爱8.average !)一般的,普通的=ordinary/not special above average高

5、于一般 below average 低于一般 2)平均的 on average 平均 an average price平均价格at an average speed of 100 miles per hour.以平均每小时100英里的速度9.struggle v.(1)奋斗,努力;挣扎struggle for independence为独立而奋斗struggle against反对struggle with sb for sth.与某人争夺.而搏斗=struggle against sb.for sth.n.难事;斗争;努力struggle to do sth.努力做某事struggle to

6、 ones feet 针扎着站起来its a struggle sor sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事是个难事。Its a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names at once.10.challenging (adj.)具有挑战性的a challenging job. challenge (n)full of challengesThe job is full of challenges11.encouragement 鼓励 encourage encourage sb to.do sth.12.cooking n.做饭;烹饪,烹调 cook n厨师,做饭的人,炊事员 v做饭;烹饪 13.for free=free of charge免费14.extra 额外的 extra income 15.dessert 甜点 desert沙漠16.look back on =think back to 17.satisfaction满意 to ones satisfaction 令人满意的satisfysatisfy ones need满足某人的需要be satisfied with/be pleased with /be happy with/be content with对.满意


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