About ten years ago, a young and very successful businessman 阅读理解答案

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About ten years ago, a young and very successful businessman 阅读理解答案_第1页
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About ten years ago, a young and very successful businessman 阅读理解答案_第2页
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《About ten years ago, a young and very successful businessman 阅读理解答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《About ten years ago, a young and very successful businessman 阅读理解答案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、About ten years ago, a young and very successful businessman 阅读理解答案 About ten years ago, a young and very successful businessman named Josh was traveling down a Chicago neighborhood street. He was going a bit too fast in his shiny, black, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE, which was only two months old.He was

2、watching for kids rushing out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no child came out, but a brick sailed out andWHUMP! it hit the Jags shiny black side door! Immediately Josh stopped the car, jumped out, seized the kid and pushed him up agains

3、t a parked car. He shouted at the kid, “What was that all about and who are you Thats my new Jag, that brick you threw is gonna cost you a lot of money. Why did you throw it “Please, mister, pleaseIm sorry! I didnt know what else to do! begged the youngster. “I threw the brick because no one else wo

4、uld stop! Tears were streaming down the boys face as he pointed around the parked car. “Its my brother, mister, he said. “He rolled of the curb (路沿) and fell out of his wheelchair and I cant lift him up. Sobbing, the boy asked the businessman, “ Would you please help me get him back into his wheelch

5、air Hes hurt and hes too heavy for me. Moved beyond words, the young businessman tried hard to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. Straining, he lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapers and cuts, checking to see that everything w

6、as going to be OK. He then watched the younger brother push him down the sidewalk toward their home.It was a long walk back to the black, shining 12 cylinder Jaguar XKEa long and slow walk. Josh never did fix the side door of his Jaguar. He kept the dent (凹痕) to remind him not to go through life so

7、fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention. Feel for the bricks of life coming at you.来源:17教育网38How did the driver reflect firstly when he found the boy throwing a brick on his carA. Surprised B. Angry C. Strange D. Sad39The boy threw a brick at the businessmans car because _

8、.A. the businessman drove at a high speedB. he envied the brand-new car very muchC. he wanted to ask for some moneyD. he wanted to get help from the driver40Which of the following is the right order of the storya. The younger brother threw a brick at Joshs car.b. The elder brother fell out of his wh

9、eelchair.c. The younger brother begged Josh for help.d. Josh lifted the elder brother back into his wheelchair.e. Josh shouted at the younger brother.A. b, a, e, c, d B. a, c, d, b, eC. b, a, c, e, d D. a, c, b, e, d41What can we learn from the passageA. Josh would accept the money from the kids.B.

10、The two kids were Joshs neighbors.C. Josh was a kind-hearted man.D. Joshs new car broke down easily.42According to the passage, the last sentence means _.A. trying to get ready for the trouble in your future lifeB. driving fast in a neighborhood street is dangerousC. trying to be more understanding seeing others in troubleD. protecting oneself from being hurt答案解析: 【答案】38.B39.D40.A41.C42.C .


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