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1、早餐菜牌 Breakfast Buffet menu果汁和牛奶 Juice and milk 橙汁 Orange juice 菠萝汁 Pineapple juice 苹果汁 Apple juice 西柚汁 Grapefruit juice 蕃茄汁 Tomato juice 芒果汁 Mango juice热牛奶 Hot Milk冻牛奶 Cold milk 低脂牛奶 Skin milk 豆浆 Soya-bean milk酸奶 Yoghurt 原味酸奶 Plain Yoghurt 各式果味酸奶 Individual flavoured yoghurt咖啡 Coffee红茶 English tea沙拉

2、 Salad球生菜 iceberg 混和生菜 Mix lettuce 樱桃蕃茄 Cherry tomato 混和甜椒 Mix capsicum 甜玉米 Sweet corn 洋葱 Onion 胡萝卜条 Carrot stick 黄瓜条 Cucumber stick 西芹条 Celery stick 青椒 green pepper红椒 red pepper沙拉汁酱 Salad Dressing 法汁 French dressing 意大利汁 Italian dressing 千岛汁 Thousand island dressing 日式芝麻沙拉汁 Sesame soy dressing 芥末汁

3、mustard dressing蛋黄酱 mayonnaise油醋汁 vinaigrette宾尼士汁 barnaise sauce沙拉配料:salad condiments酸瓜 Pickled cucumber 水榄 olives水瓜柳 capers鸡尾洋葱 pickled onions各式谷物 cereals 粟米片 corn flakes 卜卜米 Rice crispy 可可米 Coco pops 低热量麦维 All bran 全麦维 Special K 提子麦维 Raisin Square 果脆圈 Fruit Loops 麦丝卷 Mini-Wheats 干果 Dried fruit and

4、 nuts葡萄干 Raisins 核桃仁 Walnut 芒果干 Dried mango 香蕉干 Dried banana 各式面包 bread牛角包 Croissant 早餐包 Soft roll 原味土司 Plain toast 全麦面包 Whole meal bread 法棍 French bread 农夫包 Farmer bread 黑麦包 Rye bread 丹麦包 Danish 小硬包 Plain hard roll 腌肉洋葱包 Bacon onion roll 蔬菜包 Vegetable roll 香蕉包 Banana bread 切片面包Slice up Bread (配 果酱

5、黄油 花生酱)(jam butter peanut paste )水果 Fruit 西瓜 Water Melon 柚子 shaddock石榴 pomegranate杨桃 star fruit猕猴桃 kiwifruit 木瓜 papaya枣子 date 芒果 mango 哈密瓜 Honey Melon 橙 Orange 桃 peach 菠萝 pineapple 荔枝 lychee 梨 pear 混和水果 mix fruit compo冻肉盘 Assorted cold cuts 熏牛肉 beef 蘑菇冷切肠 mushroom cold cuts 烟薰火腿 smoked ham 鸡肉冷切肠 chi

6、cken cold cuts 胡椒里昂肠 pepper lyoner cold cuts 其他凉菜 Other cold dishes 火腿片 Ham芝士拼盘 Cheese platter川式凉菜 Cold dishes Sichuan style咸菜 pickles什锦酱菜 Mix marinade vegetable韩式辣泡菜 Marinated cabbage腐乳 Preserved bean curd 咸鸭蛋 Salted duck Egg 皮蛋 Preserved Egg寿司 Sushi热菜hot dishes腌肉 bacon 火腿片 ham早餐肠 sausage茄汁焗豆 baked

7、 bean with tomato sauce 时蔬 seasonal vegetable清炒时蔬 Sauted seasonal vegetable奶汁娃娃菜 Chinese cabbage花菜cauliflower里昂炒土豆 potato土豆饼 Hash brown potato迷你牛肉饼 Mini beef burger炸春卷 Deep-fried spring roll西多士 French toast克戟 pan-cake养生老南瓜 pumpkin茶叶蛋煮鸡蛋 boiled egg in tea / boiled egg海鲜蒸蛋 steamed egg with mixed seafo

8、od炒蛋 scrambled egg面包布丁 bread pudding黄金糕golden cake糯米糕glutinous rice cake小笼包 steamed meat bun奶黄包 butter and cream bun叉烧包 BBQ bun馒头 Chinese bread 花卷 steamed twisted roll窝窝头Steamed corn bun水晶饺子 pyramiddumplings杂粮 Multigrain 紫薯 sweet potato花生 peanut芋头 taro生扒番茄 Grilled tomato炒米粉 fried vermicelli炒河粉 fried

9、 rice noodle炒乌冬 fried U-don noodle炒饭 fried Rice粥congee白粥 plain congee玉米粥 corn congee 南瓜粥 pumpkin congee 海鲜粥 seafood congee蟹肉粥crabcongee瘦肉粥 pork congee牛肉粥beefcongee鸡肉粥 chicken congee鱼片粥 fish congee绿豆粥green beancongee皮蛋瘦肉粥 preserved egg and pork congee现场制作/Live Cooking(明档)煎鸡蛋 fried egg奄列omeletWhole eggs 鸡蛋Scrambled egg mixture 鸡蛋液Mixed capsicum 杂椒叮 Sliced mushroom 蘑菇片Slice onion 洋葱丝Shredded cheese 芝士碎Fresh tomato



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