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1、论文发表专家一l书面表达别出心裁关键词:书面表达;出彩;词汇;句式;连接词在高考试卷上写出别出心裁、独具匠心的文章,博得阅卷教 师的好感,获得理想的分数,这不仅是学生思考的问题,也是高三 老师们讨论的重要内容。高考书面表达旨在考查考生根据题示运用 书面语进行交际的能力。考生应能:准确使用语法和词汇;使 用一定的句型、词汇,清楚,连贯地表达自己的意思。书面表达对 学生语言生成能力要求较高,考生要获得高分,应深刻理解书面表 达评分标准第五档的给分范围和要求,在打好句子表达基本功的基 础上采取一些相应的策略。一、尽量选用高级词汇、短语从评分标准可以看出,高考书面表达提倡与鼓励考生使用高级词 汇,因此

2、考生在考场书面表达中要尽可能使用一些高级表达方式以 提高文章的表达效果,提升文章的表达档次。例 1 一般表达:because it rained heavily, the sports meet ing was delayed.高级表达:it rained dogs and cats, as a con seque nee, the sports meeti ng had to be put off.例 2 一般表达: whe n he was young, he wan ted to lear n everythi ng.高级表达: as a young man, he had a stro

3、ng appetite foreverythi ng.二、句式表达力求灵活多变1. 使用分词(短语)、with复合结构,使句子简单明了,严密紧例 1 一般表达:our school lies at the foot of a mountain, there is a river flowing in front of it.高级表达: at the foot of mountain lies our school, witha river flowing in front of it.例 2 一般表达: when he walked out of the park, the old men h

4、appe ned to see the road accide nt.高级表达: whenwalking out of the park, the old manhappened to wit ness the road accide nt.2. 使用被动句式,突出表达中的重点例 1 一般表达:the local government should take measures to solve the problem.高级表达: effective measures should be take n by the local gover nment to solve the problem.例

5、 2 一般表达: we should do something to protect the en vir onment.高级表达:somethi ng should be done to protect the en vir onment.3. 使用倒装句,打破单一的“主+谓”或“主+系+表”结构,使 句序活泼、生动。例 1 一般表达: we can achieve our goal in this way.层次提升: on ly in this way can we achieve our goal.例 2 一般表达: as soon as we arrived, we began to

6、set up our tent.层次提升: no sooner had we arrived tha n we bega n to set up our tent.4. 使用强调句式,突出重点例 1 一般表达:his great efforts helped him out of the trouble.层次提升:it was his great efforts that helped him out ofthe trouble.例 2 一般表达:the other part of the student think they are ofte n disturbed by the no is

7、es in the classroom.层次提升:the other part of the students think it is thenoises in the classroom that often disturb them.5. 使用主从复合句,避免过多的简短句式,使句式复杂、多变、灵活。例 1 一般表达:to our surprised, the little girl knows so many things.层次提升: what surprised us most is that the little girl knows so many things.例 2 一般表达:i

8、t was quite an experienee for us both will n ever forget it for the rest of my life.层次提升:it was quite an experienee forus both, which i ll n ever forget for the rest of my life.6. 使用无生命主句,使句子更具生命力、感染力。例 1 一般表达:the 29th olympie gameswas successfullyheldin beiji ng in 2008.层次提升:the year 2008 saw the s

9、uccess of the 29th olympie games held in beiji ng.例 2 一般表达:in 2008 a destructive earthquake shook wen chua n.层次提升: wen chua n wit nessed a destructive earthquake in2008.7. 恰当运用成语、谚语,使语言更显魅力。女口 every coins has its two sides.(事物都具有两面性) where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者事竟成) all work andno play

10、 makes john a dull boy.(只学习不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻)等谚语。三、巧妙运用过渡性成份匸交发表专家一m国学朮发叢网过渡性词汇的准确而贴切使用,文章将显得更通顺,行文更流畅, 逻辑更严密。例 1 一般表达:the product is of good quality and the priceis low.层次提升:the product is of good quality ,besides,the priceis low.例 2 一般表达:it began to rain , and at that time we gotlost.层次提升:it began to rain,worse still/ what was worse ,we got lost at the time.此类过渡性词汇很多,考生应注意多积累。四、规范书写清晰流畅的英文书写显然能给阅卷老师一个良好的印象。网上阅卷都是将考生试卷扫描上去,纸质卷面是什么样,电脑就显示什么样。字迹不清、涂涂改改可能影响得分。书面表达是英语学习中的重点和难点,正所谓“冰冻三尺非一日之寒”。要得高分,并非一朝一夕能办到的事情。只有在平时的写作练习中时时刻刻运用这些策略,方能决胜高考。


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