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1、Interview Questions for QA Tester (Software Tester)These questio ns and an swers are totally based on the in terview I atte nded duri ng my 6 years of work ing experie nee as a QA Tester. In some sectio ns, I have started in cludi ng the in terview questi ons that were asked by compa nies to some of

2、 the can didates who visited this website and wan ted to share.If you are atte nding an in terview, you have to know these questi ons and an swers by heart must be very flue nt in an sweri ng these questions. Practice in front of the mirror, loud and clear (talk to yourself). Most of the time, whe n

3、 we read the questi ons, we feel good and feel comfortable, but the reality is, at the time of the in terview, eve n though we feel we have the kno wledge, cant express it well. It may sound a little rough, but this is my experie nee. Whe n we come out the door, we regret.HERE ARE THE QUESTIONS:1 Ca

4、n you tell me about yourself?An swer: In my QA career, I have bee n worki ng on various system platforms and operati ng systems like Win dows 95, Win dows 2000, Win dows XP and UNIX. I have tested applicati ons developed in Java, C+, Visual Basic and so on. I have tested Web-based applicatio ns a we

5、ll as clie nt server applicati ons.ofAs a QA pers on, I have writte n Test Pla ns, Test Cases, atte nded walkthrough meet ings with the Bus in ess An alysts, Project Man agers, Bus in ess Man agers and QA Leads. I have atte nded requireme nt review meet ings and provided feedback to the Bus in ess A

6、n alysts. I have worked in differe nt databases like Oracle and DB2, wrote SQL queries to retrieve data from the database. As far as differe nt types test ing are con cer ned, I have performed Smoke Test ing, Fun cti onal Test ing, Backe nd Testi ng, Black Box Test ing, In tegrati on Test ing, Regre

7、ssi on Test ing and UAT (User Accepta nee Testi ng) Testi ng. I have participated in Load Testi ng and Stress Test ing.I have writte n defects as they are found using ClearQuest and TestDirector. Once the defects were fixed, retested them and if the passed, closed them. If the defects were not fixed

8、, the n reope ned them. I have also atte nded the defect assessme nt meeti ngs as necessary.In the mea ntime, a con ti nu ous in teracti on with developers was necessary.This is pretty much what I have bee n doing as a QA pers on.2 What did you do in your last project?An swer: In my last project, th

9、e applicati on was a web-based applicati on developed in Java platform. As a QA Pers on, I wrote Test Pla ns from the requireme nt docume nts and Use Cases. I performed Smoke Testi ng, Fun cti onal Testi ng, Backe nd Test ing, Black Box Testi ng, In tegrati on Testi ng, Regressi on Test ing and UAT

10、(User Accepta nce Testi ng). I have participated in Load Testi ng and Stress Test ing. I atte nded several walkthrough meet ings for requireme nt reviews and provided feedback to the Bus in ess An alysts. Mostly, in the backe nd testi ng, which required writ ing SQL queries directl the database.Besi

11、des these, I wrote defects using ClearQuest. Once the defects were fixed, retested them and if the passed, closed them. If the defects were not fixed, the n reope ned them.3 Have you written Test Plan? What is a Test Plan? What does it include?An swer: Yes.What is a Test Plan?An swer: A Test Pla n i

12、s a docume nt that describes the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended testing activities. It identifies test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks and who will do each task (roles and resp on sibilities) and any risks and its solutio ns. See how the Test Pla n looks lik

13、e.What does it include?An swer: A Test Pla n in cludes Headi ng, Revisio n History, Table of Conten ts, In troducti on, Scope, Approach, Overview, differe nt types of test ing that will be carried out, what software and hardware will be required, issues, risks, assumptions and sign off section.4 Hav

14、e you written Test Cases?An swer: Yes.What is a Test Case? What does it include?An swer: A Test Case is a docume nt that describes step-by-step process how to test the applicati on. A Test Case in cludes Test Case ID, Steps Descripti on, Expected Output, Actual Output, Pass/Fail, and Remarks. (Remem

15、ber, this is NOT a part of Test Pla n. It is a separate docume nt writte n using Excel. In some compa ni es, they use Rati ona TestMa nager or TestDirector. But for compa ni es, who do not have these tools, use Excel sheet. In t he example below, it is in the Excel sheet)Did you use any tools to wri

16、te Test Cases?An swer: Yes. I have used TestDirector (now called QualityCe nter) and Rati onal TestMa nager to write Test Cases. However, i n most of the compa ni es, I used Excel sheet. See a sample Test Case.How many Test Cases did you write in your last project?An swer: I wrote about 1100 Test Cases in my last project. (The reas on able num ber of Test Cases varies from 500 to thousa nds. The num ber 1100 test cases can be comple


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