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1、Any hard copy in your possession should be considered not up-to-date. See relevant web site for up-to-date document.您所持有的硬拷贝均应视为非最新版本。请登陆相关网址查询最新文件。Any hard copy in your possession should be considered not up-to-date. See relevant web site for up-to-date document.您所持有的硬拷贝均应视为非最新版本。请登陆相关网址查询最新文件。All

2、rights reserved. This standard must not be reproduced or in any way utilized by other parties without the written consent of IVECO.版权所有 未经IVECO的书面许可,严禁第三方翻录或以任何方式使用本标准。In case of dispute the only valid reference is the original italian edition.若文中出现矛盾之处,应以原意大利文版本为准。“As supplied” condition and releva

3、nt designations 1st digit 第一数位2D library details:2D库细节2nd digit 第二数位3rd, 4th and 5th digits 第三、四、五数位4-ball device 四球装置Absorbent 中和剂ABS防抱死系统Accelerated aging in sunlight 阳光下加速老化Accelerated weather 加速风化Acceptance inspections 验收检验access:访问Accuracy level:精度等级Acetalic 乙缩醛acrylic plastic 丙烯酸塑料Acrylonitril

4、e 丙烯腈Additional designations: 附加名称Additives 添加剂Adhesion 黏合Adhesive bead 粘合压条Adhesives 粘合剂Advanced Material 高级材料AGE-HARDENING:时效硬化Ageing:老化Agglomerates 附聚物Aggressive substance 腐蚀性物质Agreeableness index 舒适指数Air nozzle 喷气嘴Alkali:碱Alleged infringer:声称的侵权人Alloy castings 合金铸件Alloyed pig iron 合金生铁Alloyed st

5、eel 合金钢AlMg alloy:铝镁合金Alphanumeric fields:字母数字字段Alternative supply 交替供给Aluminium alloy 铝合金Aluminize 镀铝Ambient temperature:环境温度Amide plastic 酰胺塑料Amine catalyst胺催化剂Amine contamination resistance 抗胺污染Amine 胺Aminic termination:Amitel:Amplitude modulation调幅Anechoic chamber隔音室Angular bounce 角反弹Anisotropic

6、 各向异性的Anisotropy 各向异性Anneal 退火Annealed 退火ANNEALING:退火Appearance and finish 表面和饰面Appearance 外观APPLICATION CRITERIA 应用标准 Application guidelines 应用准则Application 应用Aqueous alcohol:含水酒精Aqueous solution 水溶液Archive:存档Arithmetical mean 算术平均值ARTIFICIAL OR ACCELERATED AGE-HARDENING:人为或加速时效硬化Asbestos 石棉Ascerta

7、in:确定ASR防滑控制系统assembly SCENES:装配场景ATMOSPHERIC AGEING OF TEST MATERIALS 试验材料的大气老化AUSTENITE: 奥氏体Austenitic grain 奥氏体晶粒austenitic steel 奥氏体钢austenitizing heating:奥氏体化加热AUSTENITZING:马氏体B.U. Medium BAINITE:贝氏体BAINITIC HARDENINGS:贝氏体硬化Ball bearings 滚珠轴承Bare steel:裸钢Barely perceptible 不易察觉的Base oil 原油BEARI

8、NG Washer:轴承垫圈Belleville washer system 贝氏垫圈系统Bench test 台架试验Bend test 弯曲试验Bending strength 弯曲强度Biaxial impact resistance 双轴冲击阻力Bibliography:参考文献Binder 活页封面Bituminous sound insulation 沥青隔音材料BLACK ANNEALING:初退火Blast 鼓风Block copolymer:块状共聚物blow hole 气孔BLUE ANNEALING:软化退火Bold line 粗线Boldface:黑体字Bore pol

9、ishing 钻抛光Bracket plane 托板Brake caliper 制动钳Brake circuit parts 制动回路部件Braking simulation制动仿真Brass sheet 黄铜板Brass 黄铜Brazing 铜焊break through strength 穿透强度Breakage area断裂区域Breakage energy 断裂能BRIGHT ANNEALING:光亮退火Brightness temperature:亮度温度Brinell hardness test 布氏硬度试验Brinell hardness:布尔硬度Brittle explosiv

10、e爆炸性易碎Brittle with propagation 塑性易碎Brittle with tear 破损性易碎Bronze 青铜browser interface:浏览器界面Brush rotation selector电刷旋转选择器Brush tester电刷测试仪Build Level 制造水准Bundle 线束Burner 喷燃头BURNING:氧化burr 毛边cabin buttonCalcinations residual:燃烧残余物Calibrated spring 已校弹簧CANCantilever notched 带槽口悬臂Caprolactame Aminoundec

11、anoic acid Lauril lactame Caprolactame氨基十一酸己内酰胺Carbon atom 碳原子Carbon steel 碳钢CARBONITRIDING:碳氮共渗Carboxylic acid 羧酸Carboxylic compound:羧酸混合物CARBURIZING OR CASEHARDENING:渗碳或表面硬化cardan joint万向节Carrier 载体Cast iron 铸铁CASTING STEELS:铸钢Casting:铸件Catalogue browser: 目录浏览器Catalyst 催化剂Cataphoresis:电泳Catia work

12、 method: Catia操作方法CCTV 闭路电视CD-ROM 光驱Cellular foam slab 蜂窝状泡沫塑料板cellular polyurethanes微孔聚氨酯Cellular rubber:海绵橡胶Cellulose 纤维素CEMENTITE:渗碳体Certificate of quality and conformance of the product 产品质量与一致性证书CHARACTER HEIGHT:字符高度CHARACTERISTICS:特性Charpy method 却贝法Check analysis 检验分析Chemical agent 化学试剂Chemic

13、al composition 化学成分Chip resistance test 耐碎片试验Chipping rating system 碎片配给系统Chlorofluorocarbon 氟氯烃CHROMATIC COORDINATE 色彩坐标Chromaticity coordinate:色度坐标Chromaticity 色度chromium-free coating: 无铬涂层CHROMIZING: 渗铬Chronometer 记时计Clad sheet 包层薄板Clamp appratus 夹具Clamping ring夹环Classification and characteristic

14、s to be checked 待检分类和特性Classification:分类Cloth trimmed 装饰布Coagulant 凝结剂Coat 涂层Coated steel 镀层钢板Coating resin 涂面树脂COATING: 涂层Coatings free from hexavalent chrome: 无六价铬的涂层cobalt base alloy 钴基合金Code of qualified supplier: 合格供应商代码Coding rules 编号规则Coefficient expansion:系数增加Coil 线圈Coixil door trim panels C

15、oixil 车门饰板Cold bending 冷弯Cold dies 冷模Cold formability 冷塑性Cold formed 冷成型Cold roll 冷轧Cold rolled 冷轧cold shut 冷隔COLDROLLED PLATES:冷轧钢板Collaboration:协作Collar 卡箍Comb 梳刀Combustion chamber 燃烧室Combustion resistance:抗燃性COMPONENT INFLUENCING SIGNIF. OF TEST 试验组件影响显著性Component Type 组件类型Component: 组件Composite material 合成材料Composites 复合材料Compression dynamometer 压缩测力计Compressi



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