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1、 高中英语选修七 Unit 1词组短语 1. mental disability 智力障碍,心智不健全2. sit around 闲坐着3. overcome the difficulties 克服困难4. break a record 破纪录5. Paralympic Games 残疾人奥运会.6. university entrance exams 高考7. play a major part in. 扮演主角8. disabled people 残疾人9. be beneficial to. 对.有益10. in other words 换句话说11. in addition 此外12.

2、 adapt to (doing) sth. 适应13. at a time 一次14. cut out . 切去,剪下15. out of breath 上气不接下气,气喘吁吁16 . in the absence of. 由于缺乏17. be absent from 缺席18. fellow students 同学19. make sb. annoyed 使.生气20. be annoyed about. 对.感到恼火21. all in all 总而言之22 in particular 特别, 尤其23. as well as 也; 和24. in many ways 在很多方面25.

3、make fun of sb. 取笑,嘲笑26. abolish slavery 废除奴隶制度27 .the entrance to the cinema 电影院的入口28 .meet with ones approval 得到某人的同意29 .make profits 获利30.used to do 过去常常31. at least 至少 32. get annoyed 恼火 33. live a normal life 过着正常的生活 34. depend on 依靠 35.all the best 一切顺利36.resign from 辞去职务37. adapt sb./oneself

4、to doing sth. / sth. 使某人/自己适应于 38. be accessible to 能接近 39. have a word with sb. 与某人谈话 40.have words with sb. 与某人吵架41. be to do sth. 准备做某事 42. be about to do when 正要做这时43.Word came that 有消息传来说。 Unit 2词组短语1. science fiction 科幻小说2. desire to do sth. / have a desire for sth. 渴望做某事3. a household robot 家

5、用机器人4. test sth. out / sth. be tested out 考验,测验5 be absent for three weeks 离家三周6. feel alarmed 感到吃惊7. facial expression 面部表情8. wear an apron 戴围裙9. need help dressing 需要帮忙穿衣打扮10. feel embarrassed 感到不好意思11. offer sb. sympathy 表示同情 feel sympathy for sb. 同情某人12. social position 社会地位13. do sb. a favour 帮

6、某人一个忙14. with wonder 好奇地15. reach for his hand 伸手摸他的手16. accompany sb. to the shops 陪某人去商店17. a list of items ( = a shopping list) 购物清单18. be rude to sb. 对某人粗鲁19. ring sb. up 打电话给某人20. turn around 转过身去,回转21. the amused and surprised look 有趣而惊奇的神色22. have an affair with sb. 有暧昧关系23. weep with anger 气

7、得直哭24. fall off the ladder 从梯子掉下来25. hold sb. firmly in his arms 紧紧搂在怀里26. fold ones arms 弯曲胳膊27. sb. be impressed by sth. 对.印象深刻 /sth. impress sb. /impress sb. with sb. / impress sth. on sb. / make an impression on sb. 28. let alone 不管, 别惹; 让一个人待着29. not have sb. doing sth. = not allow sb. to do st

8、h. 不允许某人做某事30. a digital camera 数码相机31. set aside 节省,保留(钱等) Unit 3词组短语1. at the beginning of the 20th century 二十世纪初2. annual migration 一年一度的迁徙3. at the whaling station 在捕鲸站4. hear of 听说过5. witness sth. With ones own eyes 亲眼所见6. sort out my accommodation 找住所7. run down to the shore 赶到海边8. on the oppo

9、site side of the street 街的对面9. call out to sb. 高声叫某人10. yell out 大喊11. be about to do sth. 即将,将要12. ahead of在 前面 ahead of time 提前13. race after sb. 跟在后面跑14. head out into the bay 朝海湾驶去15. show sb. the way 带路16. draw closer 走近17. a pack of 一群,一伙18. flee out to sea 逃往海里19. aim at 瞄准20. let go 扔21. within a moment or two 过了片刻22. drag dow



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