2022高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 2 Healthy eating(含解析)新人教版必修3

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《2022高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 2 Healthy eating(含解析)新人教版必修3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 2 Healthy eating(含解析)新人教版必修3(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 2 Healthy eating(含解析)新人教版必修3【短文语法填空】China to Promote Traditional Opera in SchoolsChinas central government has pledged(正式承诺) to promote traditional opera in schools.Primary schools, secondary schools, colleges 1. universities have given students the opportunity 2. (watch) trad

2、itional opera free of charge in 2017, according to a guideline jointly 3. (issue) by the publicity department of the munist Party of China and the ministries of culture, education and finance. By 2018, students in all schools and colleges nationwide can watch 4. opera free of charge every year.The c

3、ampaign for traditional opera to reach students 5. (be) mon in all schools in 2020, according to the guideline. The guideline also urges schools to strengthen the creation of opera interest groups. 6. called on the joint effort of the government, education, society and individuals to support the cam

4、paign. The guideline also encourages 7. (invest) from enterprises, social organizations and individuals. There are hundreds of forms of local opera in China, 8. Peking Opera the most famous. Peking Opera and Kunqu Opera 9. (list) by UNESCO as an intangible 10. (culture) heritage.【解题导语】本文告诉我们将来会有更多的学

5、校推广京剧。1and解析:考查连词。多个名词一起作主语时,应该在最后两个名词之间用and连接。文中Primary schools, secondary schools, colleges, universities这四个名词作并列的主语。2to watch解析:考查非谓语动词。opportunity后常接不定式作定语,表示“做的机会”。3issued解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处为非谓语动词作定语;issue与a guideline是被动关系,所以用issue的过去分词形式作定语。4an 解析:考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处表示泛指;又因为opera以元音音素开头,故填an。5wi

6、ll be解析:考查时态。根据本句中的时间状语“in 2020”可知,空处应用一般将来时。6It解析:考查代词。此处应用It指代the guideline。7investment解析:考查名词。分析句子结构可知,此处用名词作encourages的宾语。8with解析:考查with复合结构。根据语境并分析句子结构可知,此处为with复合结构,其中the most famous作宾语补足语。9are listed解析:考查动词时态和语态。根据语境可知,京剧和昆剧被联合国教科文组织列为非物质文化遗产,所以空处用被动语态,又因为此处描述的是客观事实,故用一般现在时。10cultural解析:考查形容词

7、。此处应用形容词修饰名词,故填cultural。一高考单词识记思考运用1核心词汇lie n. 谎话;谎言 vi.说谎consult vt.咨询;请教;商量bine vt.&vi.使联合;使结合digest vt.&vi.消化n.摘要;概要glare vi.怒目而视;闪耀n.怒视;炫目的光spy vt.&vi.窥探;秘密监视n.间谍;侦探sigh vi. 叹息;叹气n.叹息;叹息声balance vt. 平衡;权衡n.天平;平衡 balanced adj.均衡的benefit n利益;好处vt.&vi.有益于;有助于;受益 beneficial adj.有益的limit vt.限制;限定 n界限

8、;限度 limited adj.有限的limitation n范围;限制2常考词汇diet n. 日常饮食vi. 节食weakness n. 缺点;虚弱;弱点protective adj. 给予保护的;保护的customer n. 顾客;消费者cooperation n. 合作;协作strength n. 强项;长处;力量strengthen vt. 加强curiosity n. 好奇心curious adj. 好奇的curiously adv. 好奇地用所给单词的适当形式填空1Everyone enjoys the lifesaving benefits (benefit) vaccines

9、 (疫苗) provide, but theyll exist only as long as everyone shares in the risks.(2017北京卷)2Why is TOKNOW a special magazine?It bines (bine) fun with plex concepts.(2017北京卷)3I consulted (consult) with a physician (内科医生),I hired a fitness coach, and I began to eat small and healthy meals.(2017天津卷)4Every m

10、onth the magazine introduces a fresh new topic with articles, experiments and creative things to makethe magazine also explores philosophy and wellbeing to make sure young readers have a balanced ( balance) take on life.(2017北京卷)5The team discovered that some synapses seem to_be_protected (protect)

11、and stayed the same size.(2017北京卷)6Seeing the videos, memories of the past came flooding back,which further strengthen (strength) a firm bond to our school.(2017北京卷)7While I was exploring my curiosity(curious),my disease got worse.(2016北京卷)8It is always crowded with customers (customer) at meal time

12、s.(2016全国卷)9We should overe our weaknesses (weak) and fears with courage and determination.(2016天津卷)10People are used to the limited (limit) choice of apples such as Golden Delicious and Royal Gala.(2016全国卷)“看,观察”动词家族look (at) 强调看的动作see 强调看到的结果watch 观看(精力集中)witness 亲眼看见,目击observe 仔细观察glare (at) 生气地看

13、glance (at) 瞥一眼stare (at) 凝视后缀-ed 必备形容词集锦balanced 平衡的limited 有限的plicated 复杂的experienced 有经验的learned 博学的skilled 熟练的related 相关的united 联合的,统一的后缀-ness 必备名词荟萃sadness 悲伤darkness 黑暗awareness 意识consciousness 知觉carelessness 粗心大意happiness 高兴;幸福kindness 仁慈;好意weakness 虚弱;弱点un-前缀的高频形容词荟萃uncertain 不确定的unmon 不常有的u

14、nlikely 不可能的unfriendly 不友好的unaware 不知道的unfortunate 不幸的unconscious 失去知觉的unable 不能的,不会的unimportant 不重要的 unequal 不平等的unreasonable 不合理的unwilling 不愿意的unbelievable 难以置信的unlike 不像的unfair 不公平的unusual 不寻常的unhappy 不幸福的【完形填空】I remember that it was a few years ago that an old woman stepped into my video store,a

15、long with her daughter.The _1_ was displaying a serious state of impatience,_2_ her watch every few seconds.If the daughter had possessed a leash(绳子),her mother would have been _3_ to it as a means of pulling her along to _4_ the rush of other shoppers.Walking over,I asked _5_ I could help her.The woman smiled at me and showed me a _6_ on a piece of paper._7_ rushing off to find the DVD for the


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