高中英语 Unit1 Friendship PartⅠ双基限时练 新人教版必修1

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1、高中英语 Unit1 Friendship Part双基限时练 新人教版必修1.单词拼写1He sent me a _ (系列) of stamps as my birthday gift.答案series2She didnt pass the exam, so she looked very _(心烦意乱)答案upset3I wouldnt go to London with the mere _ (目的) of buying a new tie.答案purpose4He _(不理睬) all the “No Smoking” signs and lit up a cigarette.答案i

2、gnored5The street lights go on at _(傍晚)答案dusk6The sudden_(雷声)frightened the little girl a lot.答案thunder7The snow is very _(疏松) and there is a lot of air in it.答案loose8It is a beautiful day today. Wed better take some exercise _(在户外)答案outdoors9It was ten in the morning but the _(窗帘) were still drawn.

3、答案curtains10He advertised for a _ (搭档) to cooperate with on the project.答案partner.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1The _ (dust) from the car makes the road _.答案dust; dusty2Mans greatness lies in his power of _ (think)答案thoughts/thinking3Although they are twins, they look _ (entire) different.答案entirely4I was _ (igno

4、re) that the teacher should be so strict.答案ignorant5The bad news that he failed in the exam _ him. His mother told him not to be _ and encouraged him to do it better next time. (upset)答案upset; upset6Its the second time that I _ (be) in Beijing. What great changes! Its years since I _ (leave) here la

5、st time.答案与解析have been; left在“Its the first/second time that .”句式中从句谓语动词用现在完成时;在“Its . years since .”句式中从句谓语动词用一般过去时。7I really dont know where it was _I had my money stolen.答案与解析that强调句型的特殊疑问句结构是:特殊疑问词is/wasitthat .,宾语从句中要用陈述语序。8A series of TV play _ (be) on CCTV Channel 1 these days.答案与解析is句意:最近中央一

6、频道正在播放一部电视连续剧。“a series of单数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。9While _ (walk) on the street, she saw a young girl fall over suddenly and _ (lie) still on the ground.答案与解析walking; lying句意:在大街上散步时,她看到一个小姑娘突然倒下,躺在地上一动不动。walk和she是主动关系,用v.ing形式,a young girl和lie是主动关系,用lying。10Is there anything you want from the town?No, th

7、ank you. But I would like to get those letters _ (mail)答案与解析mailedletters和mail之间是被动关系,要用过去分词作宾语补足语,即:get sth. done结构。.介、副词填空1If only you knew how she had gone_ the hard time.答案through2He thought that no one was concerned _ his future.答案about3It is only by accident, not _ purpose.答案on4We waited insid

8、e until things calmed _.答案down5All of the figures add _ to 365.答案up6Its better to talk with our friends face _ face.答案to7How shall I set myself _ in the hotel register?答案down8The street lights e on _ dusk and go off at dawn.答案at9_ the purpose of this study, the three groups have been bined.答案For10I

9、wont tell the student the answer to the math problem until he has been working _ it for more than an hour.答案on.词语知识1The fireworks last year _ the beauty of Changchun over Chinese New Year.A. adds to B. adds upC. adds up to D. added to答案与解析D句意:去年中国春节的烟花表演增添了长春市的美丽。有时间状语last year,故谓语动词用一般过去时,D项正确。add

10、up“加起来;总计”; add up to“总计达”; add to“增加;增添”。2The protesters _ the meeting by singing and shouting.A. ignored B. attendedC. upset D. held答案与解析C句意:抗议人群大唱大喊搅乱了会议。ignore“不理睬”; attend“参加;上课”; upset“搅乱;打乱”; hold“举行;握住”。根据句意, C项正确。3In the face of danger, we need to stay _. Only in this way can we e up with g

11、ood solutions.A. still B. quietC. calm D. silent答案与解析C句意:面临危险时,我们需要保持镇定。只有这样,我们才能想出好的解决办法。stay still强调“不动”; stay quiet强调“无动静;无响声”; stay calm“保持镇定”; stay silent“沉默不语”。C项符合句意。4To be honest, I dont have the _ to make a final decision on whether you can join the League.A. purpose B. powerC. strength D.

12、energy答案与解析B句意:坦率地说,关于你是否可以入团我没有权力做最后的决定。purpose“目的”; power“权力”; strength“力量”,多指体力或长处; energy“能量”。B项符合句意。5You have no idea what Ive had to _ during the last few months.Ae through Bgo throughCcut through Dlook through答案与解析Bgo through“经受(苦难,痛苦)”; e through“通过”; cut through“经历,脱险”; look through“浏览、温习,检

13、查”,因此选B项。6My cousin is fond of _ sports, because he can breathe the fresh air and enjoy the scenery _.Aoutdoor; outdoor Boutdoors; outdoorsCoutdoor; outdoors Doutdoors; outdoor答案与解析C考查outdoors (adv.)与其形容词形式outdoor的用法。outdoor作定语,outdoors作状语,因此选C项。.根据课文内容,完成语法填空Anne made her diary her best friend when

14、 she couldnt understand what she was going _1_ and wanted a friend.Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands _2_ World War . Her family had to hide or they would have been _3_(catch) by the German Nazis because her family was Jewish. They _4_(hide) away for two years, during which time her only true friend was her diary. She didnt want to set _5_ a series of facts in a diary as most people do, _6_ she wanted the diary itself to be her friend. She even ca


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