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1、汉英翻译经济术语商品经济 commodity economy市场经济 market economy国有经济 state-owned economy国营经济 state-run economy个体经济 individual economic activity; self-employed business 外向型经济 export-oriented economy集体所有制 collective ownership公有制 public ownership出口创汇型企业 foreign-exchange earning enterprise 外商独资企业 exclusively foreign-f

2、unded enterprise保护关税 protective tariffs互惠关税 reciprocal tariffs报复性关税 retaliatory tariffs自由关税区 tariff-free zone保税仓库 bonded warehouse进口调节税 import regulatory tax工商税 industrial and commercial tax增值税 value added tax营业税 business tax销售税 sales tax补偿贸易 compensation trade 转口贸易 entrepot trade易货贸易 barter现货贸易 spo

3、t transaction赊账贸易 credit transaction违禁贸易 illicit trade非关税壁垒 non-tariff barrier贸易禁运 commercial ( trade) embargo贸易摩擦 trade friction进口配额 import quota外汇管制 foreign exchange control外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve ( enchange cover)银根紧缩政策 tight money policy硬通货 hard currency国库债券 treasury bonds发行公债 issue of bon

4、ds活期存款 current ( demand) deposit定期存款 fixed deposit零存整取 cumulative deposit 留学贷款 education abroad loan主要经济指标 leading economic indicators国内生产总值 GDP ( Gross Domestic Product)人均国民生产总值 per capita GNP ( Gross National Product)工农业生产总值 gross industrial and agricultural output value经营指标 business indicators消费价

5、格指数 CPI ( Consumer Price Index)批发物价指数 wholesale price index股票价格指数 stock price index风险基金 risk funds招商会 business-inviting fair实行价格体系 to practice dual- track price system价格补贴 price subsidies市价、现价 current price议价 negotiated price内部调拨价 internal transfer price实际价格 real price商标所有权 ownership of trade mark最佳

6、专业化 optimum specialization股份制 share holding system; joint- stock system租赁制 rental system意向书 letter of intent保证书 letter of guarantee劳动合同 labor contract财政包干制度 the contract responsibility system of finance国家二级企业 state second- level enterprise进出口许可证制度 import and export license system扭转企业亏损 to eliminate

7、enterprise losses连锁商店经营 chain- store operation搞活国有企业 to invigorate state- owned enterprises扩大企业自主权 to enlarge ( expand) the decision-making power of enterprises企业内部制度改革 institutional reform in enterprises改善经营管理 to improve management and administration优化劳动组合 to optimize labor organization自主经营 to make

8、 ones own managerial decision利税分流 to separate profits and taxes强化指标管理 to tighten management of quotas for解放生产力 to liberate ( unshackle) the productive forces经济模式 economic model经济发展战略 strategy for economic development第四届广州国际汽车交易会 The Fourth Guangzhou International Auto Fair减少进口配额 to reduce import quo

9、tas发挥市场调节作用 to give play to the regulatory role of the market实行宏观控制 to exercise macro-control改革经济环境 to improve economic environment整顿经济秩序 to rectify economic environment劳动(资金,技术)密集型产业 labor- (capital-, technology-) intensive industry建设小康社会 to build a well- off society期货合同 futures contract资产评估 asset

10、appraisal假冒伪劣商品 counterfeit and shoddy commodities骨干企业 backbone ( key) enterprises招标 invitation for bid清除市场准入障碍 to clear up market entry barriers具有法人地位 to have the status of the legal ( judicial) entity ( person)紧缩支出 to curtail financial outlays; retrenchment of expenditure自负盈亏制 the system of responsibility for ones profits and losses高新技术产业化 the use of high technology in


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