广东省人教版英语学案B5 U35 writing

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1、 精品资料 Unit 3 Life in the future (Period 5 Basic Writing-introduce a place)Group_Learning aims: Name_1. To master the important expressions and sentence structures to describe a place.2. To learn some practical ways to combine sentences.Important and difficult point: To use the important expressions

2、and sentence structures flexibly.【使用说明及学法指导】预习案Previewing CaseTask 1 Suppose you are a guide to describe a place to tourists, what subjects(主题)will you introduce ?_Task2. 范文填空并赏析_(locate) in the smallest continentOceania, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. It covers a total area of

3、7,686,850square kilometers _ a population of about 20 million. It is a mainly dry country and only a few coastal areas have plenty of rainfall. Whats more , it is made up of 6 states, in _ Melbourne and Sydney are the largest cities. _ it is famous for its bright sunshine, countless sheep and cattle

4、 and its unique wildlife, the tourists from all over the world come to enjoy its scenery.小结:文中出现的整合句子常用手段有:_、_、_、_。我的疑惑:探究案Exploring Case 探究一:地点写作的常用表达1.介绍地理位置(Location)be located in be situated in lie in stretches itself lazily alongstands at the foot of/ on the top of 坐落于脚下/顶部 (1) 日本在中国的东方。_ (2) 这

5、房子朝南。 _ (3) 新教学坐落在学校的中央。_2. 介绍人口(Population)has a population of with a population of (1)北京拥有1200多万人口。_(2)北京是一个有1200多万人口的大城市。_3.介绍面积(Area)has/covers an area ofsquare kilometers with an area ofsquare kilometers take up the size of our city is (1)我们学校占地63000平方公里。_(2)这是一个面积100平方公里的小镇。_4.介绍历史(History) ha

6、s / with a (long )history of has witnessed too much . coming and going in history with a history of它是一个具有悠久历史的现代化城市。_5.Places of interest (名胜) 1)The places around our city are rich in natural resources.2)The city, known as, attracts millions of visitors from all over the world.3)The city is well-kno

7、wn / famous for its/as4)The city is home to 5) is a must-see for tourists, as承德是全国24个历史文化名城之一,也是44个风景名胜之一。_6.气候特征:(1).There is a variety of climate ( warm, dry, humid, cold, sunny, stomy, rainy) (2).The average temperature of .is about . . The rainy season is between May and July.位于太平洋东部,墨西哥气候湿润。_ 探

8、究二:整合句子的常用手段1. 分词短语或者同位语结构汕尾位于广东东部,是一个有很长历史的沿海城市。(1) _(分词短语)(2) _(同位语结构)2. 介词短语和with结构(1)汕尾总面积5271平方千米,总人口360万人。_(2) 汕尾东临汕头,西接惠州市、深圳、东莞市、广州市,素有“粤东桥梁”之称。_3. 从句和there be句型汕尾市著名的旅游胜地如凤山祖庙(Fengshan Temple)旅游景区红海湾(Red Bay)旅游景区等,每年都吸引大量游客。_探究三 使用过渡词连句成篇汕尾市位于广东省东部,是一个有很长历史的沿海城市。总面积5271平方千米,总人口359.23万人。东临汕头,西接惠州市、深圳、东莞市、广州市,素有“粤东桥梁”之称。汕尾自然资源如矿产、森林、农产品等非常丰富,气候宜人,冬不寒冷,夏不酷热。汕尾市著名的旅游胜地如凤山祖庙Fengshan Temple旅游景区红海湾旅游景区等,每年都吸引大量游客。_训练案:西山镇依山傍水。过去,这里的人们生活极其贫困。解放后人们的生活在各方面都发生了很大的变化。人口约10万面积约126平方公里地理概况坐落在粤北一山脚下,面临一条大河,新建有许多工厂商店、医院学校教育状况解放前只有一所学校且只有富家子弟可以上学,现在有10所学校,每个孩子都可以上学;生活状况人们工作之余,可以逛商店、看电影、跳舞、参加体育活动等


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